Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2913: Galaxy crisis

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In an instant, the Immortal Chemical Institute has been born for decades.

During this period, many forces are paying close attention.

Every time the Immortal Creation Institute opens, it represents the advent of a prosperous age and of course the arrival of a cruel era.

Everyone knows that it is good for so many Tianjiao to enter the Institute of Immortality and Chemical Engineering and finally get 10% out.

And there is no doubt that this part will eventually become the top strong of Taikoo Chaos.

Therefore, even if there are more sacrifices, it is necessary to send the tribe to the Immortal Chemical Institute.

Since the birth of the Institute of Immortality, the undercurrent of the ancient Chaos has fallen into a short period of peace.

All forces, large and small, are operating in an orderly manner.

However, the ancient chaos alone is somewhat uneven.

On the edge of the distant chaotic world, there are two chaotic voids, namely the ancient holy chaos and the blackpool chaos.

Since the last time Fang Chen returned, with strong power to suppress the powers of Kurosawa Chaos, Kurosawa Chaos has become a vassal power of the Ancient Holy Chaos.

There are Taoze beasts sitting in town, and Kurosawa's chaos can hardly turn over.

Ancient Chaos,

Big black sky, Shura Jianzong headquarters.

In the garden of a luxurious mansion, two men walked around, very anxious.

"What should I do? Uncle Qinghou went to Baiyun Palace for a meeting. What should we do?" The man in white said impatiently.

"I have sent a message to Uncle Qinghou, he should be able to know." Blue Man said.

These two men, in Xiuluo Jianzong, are in a distinguished position.

In addition to Qinghou, the two of them have the highest prestige, just because they are the sons of Fang Chen, the originator of Xiuluo Jianzong.

After many years, Fang Yun and Fang Han have grown up.

With the accumulation of strong resources of Shura Jianzong, the two's cultivation practices are also rising.

Today, the realm of the two of them has reached the level of the Profound God.

In the chaos of the ancient saints, countless nobles wanted to introduce the pearl in the clan to the two sons, but they were rejected by them.

"Invite the two sons and the elder Qingluo Tianxiu to seek advice." Suddenly, the servant ran quickly to inform.

"Please come in soon." Fang Yun said.

Venerable Hei Chi was very helpful to each other, and both brothers knew that he was very kind to Venerable Hei Chi.

"Two sons."

After a while, Venerable Hei Chi came to the garden.

Today's Hei Chi Venerable has a stronger atmosphere, and has reached the level of Heavenly Venerable, further is the ancient god.

In the ancient Holy Chaos, Hei Chi Venerable can be regarded as a true overlord.

Under the leadership of his family and his family, Xiu Xiu has been climbing up, and he is about to catch up with the three big clans.

"Sovereign Hei Chi, why are you free to come to me?"

"The elder Qinghou told me to let me help the two sons." Hei Chi said.

It is said that Fang Yun and Fang Han looked at each other.


The reason why Fang Yun and Fang Han are anxious is that there is a great crisis in the Shura universe and the galaxy universe.

Shenxi Palace desperately spread the news to Shura Jianzong, and they were waiting for Qinghou's decision.

And it happened that Qinghou had a very important meeting, and went to Baiyun Palace with the members of the human elders' home.

With the help of Venerable Hei Chi, the three immediately set off for the Asura universe.

The first destination is the Shura universe.

"What the **** happened, please ask the two sons to explain in detail." On the way, Hei Chi asked.

"Since his father went to Taikoo Chaos, Shigong has been sitting in the Shura universe and is in charge of the rules of order. But not long ago, a large number of mysterious powers suddenly appeared in the galaxy universe to suppress the galaxy universe by extremely powerful means. Shigong found that he could not contact him, so he guessed that Shigong also had problems. "Fang Yun said.

The teacher in their mouth is the ancestor.

"We first go to the Shura universe, find the teacher, and then go to the galaxy universe."

The two universes, one is the father's miniature universe, and the other is the father's birthplace.

Nothing can be destroyed by anyone.

In the vast dark void, three silhouettes came from the sky.

In front of them, there is a huge universe, this is the Shura universe.

"Go in.


The three easily entered the Shura universe, swept across the mind, and instantly discovered the guzu's breath.

"Gu Zu is there."

Venerable Hei Chi took his two brothers to a certain Jedi in God Realm, and suddenly saw that the Guzu was trapped in a golden ball.

"Master Gong." Fang Yun and Fang Han shouted loudly.


Guzu attacked with all his strength, constantly hitting the golden ball, but no matter how he attacked, he could not break it.

"What the **** happened?" Hei Chi Venerable asked.

At the same time, he shook his sleeve robe and clicked, the golden yellow ball shattered, and Guzu came out of his trap.


With a sigh of relief, Shen Sheng said: "A mysterious group with evil spirits on their bodies. They are designed to trap me here. The real purpose is the Galaxy Universe."

Outside the Jedi, the two walking dead black shadows saw the golden yellow ball shattered.

"Go and tell, Guzu is out of trouble."

One of the shadows shouted loudly.

As soon as the other shadow wanted to transmit the sound, he was penetrated by a ray of light that appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground with no breath.


The rest of the black shadow appeared, his face was horrified, and he was about to escape. A big hand appeared in the sky to suppress it.

"Huh? What ethnic group is this?"

Venerable Hei Chi appeared, his face dignified.

He had never seen the breath inside the shadow, nor was it clear what race they were.

"Magic energy, corpse gas interspersed, what kind of race is this?"

Venerable Hei Chi wanted to push the question, but Hei Ying took the lead in exploding and dying.

"They are prepared, we are going to the galaxy universe."


In the galaxy universe, blood flows into rivers.

At the top of God Realm, a magic shadow stands, behind him, there are many powerful shadows.

"Adults, the most threatened ancestors, have been trapped in the Shura universe by our design. At present, no one in the Galaxy universe is an opponent of our corpse demons."

"My lord, the galaxy universe is already in the hands of our corpse demons, why don't the lords destroy them all?"

Asked a few men in doubt.

Mo Ying stood up, his voice hoarsely said: "We haven't determined the specific location of that thing, we can't act rashly. These stupid humans in the Galaxy universe, and the value of use. Let them dig the ground three feet per command. I looked carefully in one corner. "

"Relax, sir."

"grown ups……"

One of them was hesitant.

"Huh?" Mo Ying asked: "What's the matter?"

"Sir, I have heard some news. The strongest force in the Galaxy universe is the Palace of Gods, which is said to be the ruling of Daitian. Their grandfather, who is said to be a strong man in the world, also broke the name of the ancient Holy Chaos. "

"What about that?" Mo Ying said: "The ancient Saint Chaos is controlled by my family's" Emperor ". They have no time to take care of the galaxy universe. As long as we find that thing, the ancient Saint Chaos will be in my clan's pocket. Thing. "

"Since this Shenxi Palace is known as the Daitian ruling, then let them take the lead and help my family find it." Mo Ying Road said.

"Yes, sir."


When the four Hei Chi Venerable left the Shura universe, all corpse demons lurking in this universe were exterminated.

However, just when they were about to reach the Galaxy Universe, a very important news came from Qinghou.


His face changed abruptly, and he stopped.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zu asked.

"We just heard from the elder Qinghou that it was the zombie that attacked the universe of the galaxy. Behind this matter, the pattern change of the ancient holy chaos was involved, and it also involved the war between the human race and the zombie." His Holiness said: "He made us hide in secret and never let the grass startle, otherwise the zombie will explode in full."

"Moreover, the elder Qinghou was informed that the corpse demons in the Galaxy universe seemed to be looking for something important. We must destroy their plans anyway."

"Corp Demon Race? What race is this? Why is it that the elders are so shy?" Fang Yun puzzled.

"Yeah, the human race is in control of the ancient holy chaos, and will be afraid of the corpse demons?" Fang Han also said.

Venerable Hei Chi shook his head, "The two sons, this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. If it can be suppressed by force, the elders will already act."


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