Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3191: Brutal battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The once prosperous Boundary City is now transformed into the Shura battlefield, **** breath, pervading the Boundary City.

The miserable screams kept coming.

From time to time, warriors fell in the pool of blood, the scene was too cruel.

However, Xin Shenzong devoted all his power to the shot, and the purpose of this battle was to kill Fang Chen.

Whoever blocks it, destroys it.

The five kings of Boundary City teamed up with super attack power, but were blocked by the deputy patriarch alone.


On the deputy patriarch's body, the terrifying power of the mind spreads all over the body, and a powerful force emerges.

I saw that he had a heart knife in his hand and his attack power soared to the extreme.

With a split, the boundary city splits.

In this scene, the five kings of Boundary City are also cracking their teeth.


The Lord of the Boundary City roared angrily, his body quickly soared, and then turned into a black eagle.


The loud sound of tweets resounded through the sky.

"The master of the majestic city is actually a beast."

In anger, the Lord of the Boundary City was transformed into a body. He spread his wings, his huge body, suspended in mid-air, and his claws were extremely sharp, grabbing toward the heart knife.


The claws of the Lord of the Boundary City suddenly held the heart knife.

"court death."

The heart knife and the power of the mind and spirit are the inherited treasures of the mind and spirit sect and the final killer.

This time the deputy patriarch brought it to fight against the five kings of the boundary city.

Now, his goal has been achieved. The Lord of the Boundary City has been forced to turn into a body. The other four kings can't resist the sharpness of the heart knife.


The five kings of Jiecheng battled with the deputy suzerain.

In the distant sky, countless warriors hide in the dark to watch the battle.

Their hearts were terribly trembling, especially when they saw the Lord of the Boundary City becoming the body, they were even dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect the Lord of Boundary City to be a monster."

"It's too strong. After the Lord of the Boundary City is transformed into an ontology, the attack power soars, especially his speed, which is unmatched."

"It seems that this time the Shenshen Sect was determined and wanted to slaughter the God of Heaven and Heart, otherwise, it would not bring the heart knife and the power of the mind."

Sovereign Devil Sovereign, Lord Thousand Poison, and Lord Xuan Wolf Mountain stand in the clouds of the void, staring at the battle within the boundary city.

"The power of the mind and the heart knife make it difficult for the five kings of Jiecheng to resist their sharp edges."

"Even if it can resist, it will be pinned down, and the other powerful people in the boundary city can't be comparable to Xin Shenzong."

Just as everyone was discussing, a certain battlefield in the city suddenly caught everyone's attention.


Fang Chen held the Xingyin sword in his hand, and shook it suddenly. A flash of cold light flashed in an instant. The closest realm of the realm, he was caught off guard and was too late to dodge.


Fang Chen's eyes filled with fierce breath.

At a glance, the boundary city filled with flames and shatters, the buildings were fragmented, embarrassed, and countless warriors fell into aquatic fire.

And all this is because of him.

Fang Chen's heart was full of anger.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill as many people as possible.

"People of the Heart God Sect, you should kill."

Dapeng's body method urged, Fang Chen's speed was extremely fast, and he continued to show invincible swordsmanship. Every time a sword was made, one person must die under his sword.

In just a few minutes, dozens of realm masters died in Fang Chen's hands.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Join together to encircle this child."

There is a roar of the extraordinary realm within the mind and spirit sect.

Suddenly, more than a dozen realm masters quickly moved closer together to suppress Fang Chen.

However, Fang Chen entered the killing mode, the attack power was unprecedentedly strong, and the district master could not compete with it.


More than a dozen masters arranged a combined battle array to attack Fang Chen.

"Trick and worm skills."

Fang Chen sneered, with a big grasp, the power of the ban was pervasive, and directly torn the combined battle array.


Immediately, he punched out, a realm, was killed by him.


One person with one sword, killing everyone trembling.

Over time, the battle has entered a fierce phase.


The heart knife in the hands of the deputy patriarch suddenly flashed, and then merged with the mark on the forehead.

Suddenly, a terrible breath appeared above the heart knife.

"It's over."

The deputy patriarch's foot stomped, the void trembling, he slammed with a sharp knife, the violent ripples, flickering, and the terrifying air wave pushed the other four kings back.

The next second, he threw the heart knife, and he appeared in front of the Lord of the City at the fastest speed.

"Beast, die."

He clenched his fists tightly, striking the master of the boundary city fiercely.


The Lord of the Boundary City exhibited talents and magical powers. His wings fluttered and the void was disordered. Above his head, a terrifying blood-red phantom appeared.

After the appearance of this phantom, he quickly dyed the sky dome red.


The blood-red phantom stood in front of the main body of the boundary city, blocking the attack of the sub-sect.

"To no avail."

The deputy patriarch shook his head. At this step, even if the five kings joined forces, there was no possibility of a comeback.

call out!

During the speech, the heart knife carried inexhaustible power, tearing the sky and shooting at the master of the boundary city at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.


The Lord of the Boundary City flapped his wings and wanted to resist, but the Heart Sword penetrated his wings with an incredible power, and penetrated into his body.


The body of the Lord of the Boundary City exploded violently, flesh and blood flew, and he, a humanoid figure, stumbled out of the terror.

Pedal Pedal!

The other four kings quickly came to the side of the Lord of the Boundary City and surrounded them.

The five kings stood side by side, gazing at the deputy suzerain.

The latter stood in the void, spread his palms, and the heart knife fell down.

"The Five Kings of Boundary City is no different."

The deputy patriarch sneered, "Today's situation, blame the Tianxin Realm Master."

"Seeing the destruction of Boundary City with your own eyes, I don't know what it is like in your heart?"

The deputy patriarch's body was filled with the breath of the world, and he stood high and looked down on the five kings of the boundary city.

Once, he was on equal footing with the five kings.

Today, however, he came with the power of the mind and the heart knife, and used his power to press the five kings.

From this moment, the era of the five kings of Jiecheng will be completely over.

In the future, Xinshenzong will become the only overlord in this area.


The deputy patriarch saw Fang Chen in the battlefield below. The latter was brave and warlike, with strong attack power, one person and one sword, fighting in blood.

In a short period of time, there were countless people who were slain.

The deputy patriarch saw this, his face gloomy, his sleeve robe flicked, and the heart knife exploded quickly.


Suddenly, the heart knife that burst out was blocked.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of the Boundary City blocked before the Heart Sword.

"Do you want to die?"

The deputy suzerain was fierce and said coldly.

"Your strength is simply not enough to urge the power of the mind and heart knife for a long time." Shen Cheng, the master of the boundary city, said: "The longer the time, the more your strength declines, and now you, and the strength sweeps our world. City? "

Although the Lord of the Boundary City was injured, the other four kings still had fighting power.

The Deputy Sovereign forcedly urged the power of the mind and the heart knife. Once the time limit passed, the short-term combat power would be greatly reduced.

Hearing the words, the face of the deputy patriarch changed.

"so what?"

Soon, the deputy suzerain restored calm.

"Heaven God Realm destroys the gate of my heart God Sect, breaks the foundation of my heart God Sect, this hatred is not shared by Heaven.

"The five of you can protect him for a while, can you still protect him for a lifetime?"

The deputy patriarch coldly said: "Besides, my heart goddess stands for endless years, the profound heritage, can it be compared with the boundary city?"

When the words fell, the sky suddenly changed color, and the dark clouds gathered wildly.

In the distant horizon, a crack appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a seemingly phantom sigh came.

"Heart Sect, not insultable."

This voice exploded in the minds of the people, and in their hearts, a turbulent wave was set off.

"this is……"

Even the Five Kings of Jiecheng, after hearing this voice, his face changed suddenly.

"The situation is not good, you go quickly."

The Lord of the Boundary City rushed to Fang Chen to quickly escape from this place.

In the battlefield below, the battle came to an abrupt end.

Fang Chen retreated, staring at the distant sky.

"A long-lost heart lord?"

Things have already exceeded Fang Chen's control. In his mind, he quickly pondered how to decide.

In the situation of Boundary City, a shocking change occurred in an instant.

The sudden sound seemed to be astonishing, and made everyone stunned.

After a short period of silence, the hearts of the gods and ancestors cheered.

"It is the suzerain, the suzerain is back."

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