Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3248: Find their own way

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Starry Sky Villa fell into a short period of calm.

During this period, Lu Xingkong has been refining the divine wine, while Fang Chen is practicing meditation.

To such an invincible sword practice, Fang Chen believes that he has reached a limit and wants to take it to the next level and break through the limit unless there is a great opportunity.

Of course, he was not in a hurry, but was practicing quietly.

As for the five little mice, they left Dongxi Mountain, left the Starry Sky Villa, and walked in the vast black field to find their own chance.

They believe that only on the edge of life and death can they seek breakthroughs.

It has been in the Dongshang Mountains, and it is never possible to set foot on the top.

"Boss, we are in the black domain, if there is something, just send a message."

This is the words left by the little mouse before leaving. In the small group of five of them, the little mouse is vaguely headed, and the little yellow, the pony, and the pangolin all respect the little mouse's opinion.

As for the old **** stick, although he is usually crazy and nagging, but at the critical moment, the ability to escape is the strongest of the five guys.

He turned into a body, swaying its branches, and was able to take away the other four guys in an instant.

Now, the five of them are no longer the weak monsters that they were. In the past few years, their potential has been fully tapped. Now they join forces. As long as they are not the top realm kings, they can all withdraw.

In this black field, as long as you do n’t provoke some big figures, it is enough to let them run wild.

Fang Chen talked with Lu Xingkong for a long time, and thought for a long time, and finally let them go.

Fang Xi, the daughter, also left. The pure-blooded cub did not choose to go with the five of them, but followed Fang Xi.

In this regard, Fang Chen felt relieved a lot.

The daughter has a body of integration, and the potential is undoubted. Although cultivation is a little worse, as long as there are enough cultivation resources, it will definitely be able to break through.

The pure-blooded cubs, with pure blood and bloodline, are even more powerful, even if they are in the hands of the powerful realm of the realm of the realm, they can retreat.

With it following her daughter, Fang Chen was relieved a lot.

In the courtyard.

Fang Chen stood up, looking at the two disciples standing beside him.


Heaven's heart lingered, and his face was full of complex looks.

Fang Chen nodded, "Yes, the way of martial arts is to go against the sky and fight with the sky. Only after experiencing the storms of the world can I grow up quickly. Before, I care too much about you, fearing that you will be hurt. As for ignoring your inner feelings. "

Fang Chen apologized, he felt that his master was not competent at all.

It was ashamed to throw the two disciples in the Dongxi Mountain and let them practice.

"Master, you are not wrong."

Kang Jiudao said: "If it weren't for Master, when I was in God Realm, my Kang family had been destroyed. The Master's great kindness to my Kang family, Jiu'er has no teeth to forget."

Fang Chen patted Kang Jiu's shoulder gently and said with a smile: "Jiu'er, your potential in kendo is very strong, but it is a natural sword repair, which is very suitable for inheriting the invincible kendo as a teacher. Today, as a teacher Teach you invincible swordsmanship. "

After all, Fang Chen's finger lightly tapped on Kang Jiu's forehead.

Suddenly, the bright sword light enveloped Kang Jiu.

Afterwards, Kang Jiu's body trembled, and his eyes were filled with terrible sword light.

In his mind, dense handwriting appeared, and he knew very well that this was the invincible kendo that Master was proud of.

"Thank you Master."

Kang Jiu clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"You first carefully sense the foundation of the invincible kendo, I have something to tell your brother." Fang Chen said.

Kang Jiu nodded and sat cross-legged on the side, feeling the invincible kendo.

Fang Chen's eyes fell on Tianxin.


Seeing Tianxin and Fang Chen's thoughts, he returned to the ancient sword continent Kamikaze.

It can be said that Tianxin is the disciple he first accepted.

At the beginning, the princes of the royal family of the Kamikaze Kingdom fought against each other. He helped one of the princes enter the secret realm.

At that time, Tianxin was just a child in his tens, and now it has been so many years since the blink of an eye.

"You have been a teacher for so many years. Although the potential of kendo is much stronger than that of your peers, it is not as good as your brother."

Fang Chen pondered: "And, you can see it for the teacher, your mind is not above Kendo."

Although Fang Chen has not taught the two disciples for a long time these years, he has been paying attention to them.

Tianxin's achievement in Kendo was not as expected, but he discovered another powerful talent of Tianxin.


Together, the formation is broad, profound and boundless.

Even Fang Chen, who has been practicing hard for countless years, and with the assistance of Feng Tianbei, is now only a half-step emperor-level formation master.

If you want to enter the realm of emperor, you still need to continue to work hard.

Fang Chen took out an ancient jade from his arms.

"This piece of ancient jade records all of the teachers' perceptions of the Battle of Dao and the inheritance of Emperor Feng Tian." Fang Chen said.

"Thank you Master."

Tian Xin took Gu Yu, with an excited smile on his face.

"The disciples will not live up to Master Zun's wishes, and one day, they will become the famous Master of the Great Ancients."

Fang Chen nodded, very pleased.


In just one day, the Dongxi Mountain completely became empty.

Suddenly, Fang Chen was a little uncomfortable.

"Wu Dao needs to be sharpened in the blood, and the flowers in the greenhouse can never reach the peak." I don't know when Lu Xingkong appeared behind Fang Chen, slowly said: "You can't protect all the time. If they want to gain a foothold at Swire, they will make themselves stronger. "

Fang Chen turned and stared at Lu Xingkong.

"Your daughter Fang Xi, with a body of harmony, if he is a disciple of the top forces, may have already stepped into the realm of the realm of the realm, and even can touch the realm above the realm of the realm of the realm. But now, he is under your refuge Next, I just touched the threshold of the realm of the realm. "

The body of Wanrong is one of the most powerful special constitutions in the world. But in Fang Xi's body, Wan Rongzhi's advantages have not been maximized.

This was also a thoughtful decision made by Fang Chen after talking with Lu Xingkong.

"Your two disciples, although not comparable to you, are not weak. Look at their current state? If you join those top forces, you will not be able to stand firm. And your monster brothers, they both It is a descendant of the demon king, with super potential, and even pure blood descendants. But how can one grow up without going through war, without going through life and death? "

According to Lu Xingkong's words, pure blood beasts and little mice can achieve higher achievements, but it is a pity that they lack the breeding of blood and fire.

Taikoo Chaos is divided into four areas.

However, the southern region, the western region, the eastern region, and the three regions are not as good as the northern region.

In the northern region, it is possible to truly reach the top powerhouses of Taikoo Chaos.

Only with the strong can you become stronger.

Today's black domain, although in a turbulent period, is also an opportunity for them.

Fang Chen nodded and looked at the blue sky deeply.


Boundary city on the edge of the northern region.

Today's Boundary City has long lost its glory.

Since Fang Chen's disappearance, Ouyang's family has continuously suppressed Jiecheng.

In the face of the overlord of the Dragon Territory, the Five Kings of Jiecheng also had no temper.

Fortunately, the current head of the Ouyang family, and Ouyang Luoxue, strongly opposed the Yang party's hands on the Boundary City, which made the Yang faction a little afraid, but secretly suppressed, and there was no name to suppress.

In the boundary city boundary, the atmosphere is very depressed.


On a mountain peak, the void tore suddenly, and a figure emerged.

A moment later, beside him, an old man also appeared.

"Dragon Elephant Realm, don't come unharmed."

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that you guys have grown to such a level and admire them."

The Dragon Elephant Lord apologized and sighed.

"In the beginning, I would also like to thank the Dragon Elephant Realm for his kindness," said the demon king.

The Dragon Elephant Lord waved his hand and changed the subject: "That mountain, your deity has also been there, you should know its special. The ancient dragon soul is hidden in the lake, the surrounding magnetic field is very strong, even if I am, I can't get close.

The purpose of the demon king's coming to the boundary of the boundary city is to collect the ancient dragon soul found in the rescue of the five kings of the boundary city.

And it happens that the dragon elephant is also in the boundary of the boundary city, and his goal is also the ancient dragon soul.

The two met and they hit it off, ready to join forces.

"Although the Ancient Dragon Soul works for me, the most useful thing for me is the dragon crystal contained in the Ancient Dragon Soul. After you and I have joined forces to suppress the Ancient Dragon Soul, I only take the Dragon Crystal and everything else belongs to you How? "The Dragon Elephant Master said with a smile.

The ancient dragon soul, imprinted with ancient killing array, is infinitely powerful.

It is said that this remnant soul was left in the ancient times after the dragon's strong fell.

"it is good."

The demon king nodded, his real target was the ancient killing line engraved in the ancient dragon soul. The Dragon Elephant Lord wants Dragon Crystal, the two do not conflict, they can cooperate.

"In that case, let's go."

The Dragon Elephant Realm clearly knows the territory of the Boundary City better than the Demon King, and soon the two came to this mountain range.

From a distance, the mountains are ordinary.

But the demon king can feel the omnipresent magnetic field.

"The magnetic field has become stronger."

The demon king frowned. When the deity came here last time, the magnetic field was not so strong.

"It should be the ancient dragon soul trying to awaken." Long Xiangjie master said in a deep voice, "It must speed up, otherwise, once the ancient dragon soul is awakened, it will definitely alarm many powerful people, and we will get nothing . "

The demon king nodded, and the two flickered into the mountains.


Indistinctly, a loud dragon chant spread across the void.

The monsters in the mountains were creeping on the ground in an instant, their bodies trembling, and they were very frightened.

"Sure enough."

The dragon elephant world leader in the swift line flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Only the powerful coercion of the ancient dragons can make many monsters so frightened.

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