Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3290: Huqiuling

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Devil Emperor Mausoleum.

Dark, desolate, silent, killing.

This is the tomb of the devil emperor where Fang Chen is, and the cold wind is blowing on his cheeks, and it is painful.

The sword-shaped runes on the surface of the skin flickered, and they resisted the powerful corrosive force diffused in the void.

The evolution of the endless years, today's Mausoleum of the Devil Emperor, is now different than before.

Innumerable ancient English souls are scattered among them. These heroes are all killed by non-life, instead of obeying the death of heaven.

Therefore, their hearts are full of anger, even if only a residual is left, the anger is still skyrocketing.

Over time, these angers turned into grievances.

Based on resentment, many of the ancient English souls have changed in essence. They have become evil, bloodthirsty, and more terrifying.

Even, in this terrible Devil Emperor's Mausoleum, they have forgotten themselves and all memories of their lifetime.

The only obsession is revenge!

Therefore, when they sensed the foreign breath, they would treat it as an enemy for the first time, and then kill it with thunder.

Fang Chen and his party walked in haste for more than half a month.

On this day, they stayed on a mountain for a rest.

Hurrying around day and night, the three people's bodies were also overwhelmed.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have basically walked here on the remnants of the ancient English soul.

At the peak, Fang Chen sat on the ground, his shirt was ragged, his face full of tiredness.

Looking up at the sky dome, the black pressed against one piece, as if there would be heavy rain at any time.

Fang Chen licked his dry lips, sighing inwardly.

"Fortunately, the remnant that day I encountered has not been eroded, and still retains the memory of my life, otherwise, if ..."

Recalling that day he was rescued by that ancient hero and brought into his soul world, Fang Chen sighed for a while.

Along the way, the ancient heroes alone, the three of them met no less than ten times.

And they all have a common feature, that is, they become bloodthirsty and fall into the magic path.

After sensing the breath of the three of them, these ancient heroes shot without hesitation.

"Huh, how can their strength be so strong in the endless years?"

Aside, the barbarian carried the giant axe on his shoulder, wondering.

The old man with a white beard also looked very dignified, and said in a deep voice: "They were all quasi-imperial powerhouses during their lifetime, and some even touched the threshold of the imperial realm, and only one chance left before they could enter the imperial realm. He was sucked into the Mausoleum of the Devil Emperor and has been tortured and stimulated by **** breath. Although he lost his reason, his strength should not be underestimated. "

Is the means of the quasi-imperialist strong people imaginable?

"But, with so many heroes, if they meet together? Will they also fight?" The barbarian continued to ask.

Hearing the words, a complex look flashed in the eyes of the old man with white beard, and he found that Fang Chen was looking at himself.

"You found it?" Asked the old man with white beard.

Fang Chen nodded. "British souls can swallow each other. If I guess well, the more swallowed the remnants, the stronger their strength and the greater the obsession. The longer they stay in the world."

"How can it be?"

The barbarian surprised.

"Not long ago, we encountered the ancient heroic soul, he was good at killing blood, sneak attack, unparalleled. If I were not proficient in time and space, and Dapeng body method, it is very likely to be planted in his hand, that heroic soul Obviously, it is much stronger than the other remnants we encountered. "

Fang Chen explained, "The most important thing is that he continues to absorb the power of other residual thoughts, and he and the Devil Emperor Mausoleum are harmonious with each other, giving birth to a terrible spiritual wisdom."

Simply put, these ancient heroes can no longer be simply called heroes, nor are they leftovers.

It's ... terrible creatures.

The reason why they are terrible creatures, not humans, is because they have been out of the realm of humans.

This is what Fang Chen racked his brains to think about. Who built the Mausoleum of the Devil Emperor? What is his purpose?

It's been a while since I came to the Mausoleum of Devil Emperor. The deeper I learned, the more frightened Fang Chen was.

After the barbarian heard this, his eyes widened, and some could not believe it.

"Good boy, there are many things that can't be explained in the world, you will understand later."

Old man with a white beard said: "The devil's mausoleum is much more dangerous than the teacher imagined. We cannot delay any time at present, we must reach Huqiuling as quickly as possible to find the master's heritage."


The barbarian opened his mouth, but was stopped by the old man with a white beard.

"Relax, you have a good brother with you, even if you are facing the domain master, you can retreat."

These days, the old man with a white beard can be regarded as a means to have learned Fang Chen.

The potential of the latter shocked him.

Even he was thinking that even when the barbarian emperor was young, he was not as stunning as him.

After a short break, the three went on.

According to the soul map in Fang Chen's mind, they are infinitely close to Tiger Hill.


In a dark forest, there are two big stones.

Above the stone, there are three figures, looking at each other.

"The demon emperor spread the news among the clan, saying that there was a human warrior who was exiled to the tomb of demon emperor."

The brave armored old man said with a cold voice: "Master Demon Emperor doesn't make a shot, we need to find this person, and then beheaded."

The other two nodded.

"However, how to find this huge Mausoleum of the Devil Emperor?" Another asked.

"I think, let's explore the ruins of Huqiu Ridge first, and look for this person." The old man in white armor groaned. "After my deduction, the ruins of Huqiu Mountain will open in a few days, and then the three of us can enter it."

Speaking of the Huqiuling ruins, the other two eyes were obviously bright, looking at the old white armor, and asked with a smile: "Lao Bai, are you sure that there is a quasi-imperial inheritance in this ruin?"

"I heard from some elders who survived in the ancient times that the tiger hill forest once lived with a powerful tiger family. He is a family with powerful strength and nearly fighting power." The old white armor said.

The other two were terrified, and did not expect there to be such a secret.

The Tiger Emperor Quasi-Emperor, whose combat power is almost dominated, is the existence of even the World Devil Emperor.

"Could it be that Huqiuling is the place where it fell?" The old robe of armour asked quickly.

The old man in white armor nodded.

"In any case, we entered the Mausoleum of Devil Emperor with great pains in order to break through in the battle of life and death. Finally, the ruins of Huqiuling were discovered, and we must go through it. Perhaps, this is an opportunity for us, very likely Let's step into the domain master level. "

The three of them are all strong players in the common realm, and they are still some distance away from the domain master level.

If placed on the outside world, their strength can already be regarded as the top group of Swire Chaos.

However, they live in the Devil's Domain all year round, and the world does not know their existence.

The three discussed for a moment and made a good decision.

Uh, uh, uh!

In a blink of an eye, the three disappeared.


After they left, three figures appeared out of thin air. Around them, there are blistering ripples.

This is Fang Chen's means of time and space, which can conceal the breath and blend into the void.

"The Demon Realm is much stronger than we thought. The ambition of the Devil Emperor of the World has not changed." The old man with a white beard said: "There should be many such powerful realms in the Demon Realm."

From the ancient times to the end of the Fa era, I do n’t know how many epochs have been experienced.

The World Devil Emperor has always occupied the Demon Realm, and has never expanded or conquered the outside world, and is gradually forgotten by the world.

However, who can think of that there are so many powerful players in Demon Realm.


The old man with white beard restrained the vibration of his heart and took a deep breath: "Let's not discuss the situation of the magic domain first. Just as the three of them said, they have confirmed the guess in my heart. The inheritance of the master must be in Huqiuling. In the ruins. "

Speaking of which, the old man with white beard turned to look at Fang Chen.

"what is your viewpoint?"

"Although the three of them were just ordinary realms, I felt a terrible atmosphere in them. If battle really broke out, it would not be easy to say who won or lost." Fang Chendao said: "We are now at a disadvantage Fang, before finding the inheritance of the barbarian emperors, try to avoid fighting them as much as possible. "

"Can your space-time means keep trailing behind them?" Asked the old man with white beard.

Fang Chen glanced at the barbarian, and then said: "With your strength, it's not a big problem, just ... he needs to hide."


The barbarian froze for a moment, and soon understood.

He is too weak, and staying here will drag them down.

"I have a magic weapon in space, you should hide in it first." Fang Chen patted the barbarian's shoulder, and the old man with white beard nodded.


The barbarian's figure disappeared in an instant.

The old man with white beard had a deep surprise in his eyes.

He actually did not sense any fluctuations in the space magic weapon, which is enough to show that Fang Chen's space magic weapon is very powerful.

The old man with a white beard looked into Fang Chen's eyes, deeper and deeper.

It became more and more found that he could not see through the people in front of him.

"Let's go."

Fang Chen used time and space means to wrap the two and disappear into the void.

The old man with a white beard shook his heart.

At this age, Emperor Realm Yuanshen, Emperor Realm flesh, and Emperor soldiers are in the body. Even in time and space, they have such powerful attainments.

The practice is comprehensive and very specialized.

Such a talent, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first in history.

"Could it be ... A certain Emperor Realm reincarnated and rebuilt?"

Suddenly, the old man with white beard flashed such an idea.

But soon, he shook his head and set aside these messy thoughts.

"Whether he is the Emperor Realm's master rebuild, or ordinary martial arts step by step to the present step, as long as he is sincere to me."

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