Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3294: Life or death matters

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A terrible breath erupted from Fang Chen's body, and the will of all demons surrounding him was instantly defeated.

The scene in front of him changed instantly, and Xingyue's figure faded until it disappeared.

"Is it illusory?"

Fang Chen's dark eyes shot a golden light, palms spread out, invincible sword gas, he shouted.

Stepping into the 400th step, the invasion of Ten Thousand Demon Wills became stronger, and with a little carelessness, he fell into a phantom.

The ten thousand demons will be able to outline a complete illusion based on the thoughts in their hearts, but fortunately their will will be firm, otherwise, once they are deeply involved, it will be difficult to come out.

"Be careful next."

The dragon has a counterscale, and it will die if touched.

Fang Chen's anti-scale is his wife Xingyue, and the reason he fell into the Devil Emperor's Mausoleum was also exiled by the World Devil Emperor.

And Wan Mo will grasp this point, pretending to be a scene of Xingyue being chased by the World Devil Emperor.

After a short stop on the 400th floor, I adjusted my emotions slightly and continued on.

Five hundred floors, six hundred floors, seven hundred floors ...

The more you climb the magic mountain ladder, the stronger the attack of the magic will will be.

Starting from the 400th floor, Fang Chen felt great pressure, and the invasion of the will of the devil was everywhere.

He can invade every corner of your body, disturb your mind, and finally cause you to collapse and die.

However, Fang Chen has lived on the blood of the sword since childhood and has been fighting on the edge of life and death.

Along the way, the things he experienced and the opponents he met made him more frustrated and courageous.

His will is very firm.

In his heart, there is a obsession.

Therefore, he successfully entered the 700th floor.

It was only half a month since he ran through the magic mountain ladder.

The top of the magic mountain.

In the past half a month, Black Shadow did not know how many times he was shocked. From the shock at the beginning, it gradually became calmer.

The only thing that can be determined is that Fang Chen's potential, placed in the ancient times, is definitely the top genius.

He even hoped faintly that Fang Chen could climb 999 steps, cross the magic mountain ladder, and climb to the top of the magic mountain.

"Little guy, hope you don't let me down."

Shadows stood up, said calmly.

On the magic mountain stairs, a figure walked fast. Every time he stepped on a step, he would stay briefly for a few seconds.

"In the process of confrontation with the will of ten thousand demons, my strength of primal spirit is also increasing." Fang Chen said secretly.

Not only the Yuanshen, but also the physical body of the Emperor Realm has been improved. For others, the magic mountain ladder is a nightmare, but for Fang Chen, it is a place of cultivation.

"Since the 700th floor, Wanmo's will has reached the strength of the domain master level. It is impossible to resist simply by the Emperor Realm God and the Emperor Realm flesh."

Fang Chen pondered.


He used the Dapeng body method, and his speed soared to the extreme, while he was surrounded by the power of time and space.

Every time he jumps, it will cause space turbulence. Even if he observes carefully, he can find that the flow rate of his whole body time has actually changed.


When Shadow Shadow saw this scene, she was very surprised.

"Awesome, really awesome, time and space can be applied to this level."

Dark Shadow couldn't help but sigh, the magic mountain ladder is the only way to the top of the magic mountain. The ten thousand will will sweep the entire ladder, the space is special, but Fang Chen can change the time flow rate and weaken the invasion of ten thousand will.

"This guy."

After watching it for a while, Black Shadow grinned.

When Fang Chen reached the 800th floor, a month had passed. This speed has already set a historical record.

However, for the shadow, this is no longer important.

What he most wants to see is that Fang Chen can climb to the top of the Magic Mountain.


The sweat beads on his forehead dripped on the steps, and Fang Chen's pace slowed down a lot.

It can be seen that every step he takes will be very difficult.


Suddenly, the horrible will of the demon came and Fang Chen felt cold all over. He subconsciously urged the power of the blood in his body.


The blood hole of the black hole runs crazy, and the power of the horrible blood line surrounds Fang Chen's body. Behind Fang Chen, a looming blood line vortex is formed.

In that vortex, there was a shocking power that erupted.


What unexpectedly made Fang Chen is that the invading Ten Thousand Devil Wills were actually absorbed by the blood of the black hole.


Seeing that Wan Mo's will was refined by the blood of the black hole, Fang Chen froze for a moment, and then a bright smile appeared on his face.

"It is worthy of the power of the bloodline king."

Fang Chen laughed happily, and at the same time urged the power of the blood in his body to move forward step by step.

Blocked by the power of the blood, the invasion of the Ten Thousand Demons' will weakened a lot, and Fang Chen's speed soared again.

"On top of this magic mountain, what is there, why are these ten thousand demons so strong."

Fang Chen thought to himself.


In the void, there was a roar of roar, and the will of the devil came one after another, constantly fighting against the power of the bloodline.

Fang Chen raised his palm and slammed it. The **** blood of the black hole slammed forward, and in front of the confused steps, a clear and visible road instantly appeared.

On both sides of this road, you can clearly see the grim, magical, crazy impact.

Pedal Pedal!

After a long time, Fang Chen finally landed on the 900th floor.


The vortex of blood veins formed by the power of blood veins suddenly shattered, and the horrible will of the demon came from all directions.

Fang Chen's body was greatly squeezed.

"So strong."

Fang Chen bit her lip hard and clenched her fists tightly, keeping her inner ethereal and unaffected by the will of Ten Thousand Demons.

However, in his mind, there are still one illusion after another, and each illusion has an inseparable relationship with him.

In that illusion, there were constant screams, his loved ones, and his friends, who died in the war.

He was angry, his teeth were split, but he was helpless.

"Get out of here."

Fang Chen roared, knowing that this was an illusion, but he could not rush out, he roared wildly.

call out!

Xingyin sword pierced the sky and pierced the will of the demon into the void.

"Little guy, you have great potential. If you practice the magic path, you will surely become the master of all demons."

"People like you don't have loved ones, so I will kill all your loved ones. Hahaha, watching your loved ones die in my hands one by one, does it feel painful and helpless?"

"Give up, you can't cross the magic mountain ladder and stick to it. There is only one way to die."

Countless voices echoed in Fang Chen's mind.

He knows that this is the will of the Devil who is trying to destroy his will and let him crash.

He closed his eyes in pain and moved forward.

Letting the ten thousand demons will invade himself, he is indifferent and keeps his heart.

On the top of the magic mountain, the shadow's mood became more and more tense.

"He seems to have been unable to persevere." Black Shadow said.

At this time, Fang Chen had already reached more than 940 layers, but his body was shaking, and the Emperor Realm of God was too expensive and could not resist it.

"The Will of Ten Thousand Demons here is close to the level of Quasi-Emperor. Can he persist?"

The quasi-imperial level of the ten-magic will will invade the body of the realm of the realm of the realm, which can resist, which is a miracle in itself.

"Even in the ancient times, few people were able to get to this step. In the age of the last law, no one was able to set foot on the 900th floor."

Shadows said to themselves.

Fang Chen stayed for a long time in more than nine hundred and forty layers, with more than ten days.

During this period, he kept his eyes closed.

The invasion of Ten Thousand Demons will make his clothes ragged, and his entire body's skin has been corroded, and he is in a state of embarrassment.

However, he did not give up.

"I don't want any mortal power, nor monstrous power. What I ask for is just to protect the people I want to protect."

Suddenly, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

On his body, the immortal star power sprang up wildly, the reincarnation sword energy echoed with the invincible sword energy, and a strong sound of sword sound was emitted.

Powerful obsessions emerged in his mind.

He wanted to use these strong powers that intersect with him to break through this last step.

"Come on, let me see how strong the Ten Thousand Demons will reach."

In an instant, Fang Chen seemed to be a different person. He stepped out in one step, like a **** of war, with terrifying power, surrounding him.

One step, two steps, three steps!

The top of the magic mountain is near.

Fang Chen came to the 998th floor in one breath, only one step away from the last floor of the Magic Mountain Ladder.

However, it is very difficult to take this step.


A hot flame appeared around him.

He burned the emperor's blood and resisted the invasion of the will of ten thousand demons.


The ten thousand demon wills are too crazy, and the intensity of the last ten thousand demon wills has far exceeded the level of the quasi-imperial.


In Fang Chen's mind, Yuanshen burst, blood was sprayed, and Soul Road power collapsed.

He opened his mouth and spit out blood, his breath languished and crumbling.


There was another loud noise, his body exploded, and blood was sprayed.

Ten thousand demons will be everywhere and omnipotent.

Its erosion intensity has reached an unprecedented height.

On the top of the Magic Mountain, the Dark Shadow is anxious.

"In this way, he will definitely die."

Shadows said, "The last layer of Ten Thousand Demons will invade, it is too powerful, he actually tried to fight the Ten Thousand Demons by burning his blood?

As long as the Magic Mountain exists, the will of the Ten Thousand Demons will be endless, and in this way, Fang Chen has only one dead path.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen's consciousness was a little vague, but in his heart, his obsession was still very strong.

"This is my last chance, I can't give up."

His mouth was chattering, his body shaking.

The reincarnation sword shuttle trembles, and the mighty reincarnation sword gushes out. Fusion with Fang Chen's invincible sword qi burst out an invincible sword qi.

Immortal star power is also spreading quietly.

At the moment of life and death, there is no room for error.

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