Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3528: Poison Fire Attack

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Devil's Fire Field, boundless *.

Fire City is located on the edge of the Fire Field of the Magic Dome, and it is regarded as a transit supply station.

Many sect disciples who arrived this time basically gathered in the city of fire, and then waited for the time when the magic dome fire ban was opened.

Standing in the city of fire, I felt the breath from the fire field of the magic dome, Fang Chen's expression moved, and the blood in his body was rushing violently, seeming to be extremely stimulated.

"What a terrible flame."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, even if his chaotic sword body, or even condensed sword armor, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist this terrible triple source fire.

"I don't know if I can understand the origin of fire here."

Fang Chen thought secretly.

If you let other people know, he would be terrified if he had such an idea.

Since the magic dome fire domain appeared, no one dared to understand the origin of fire here.

In history, a total of three people have successfully realized the source of fire in the magic dome fire field, but two of them were eroded by the triple source fire and exploded.

"The last one?"

Fang Chen asked curiously, what kind of powerful person is able to realize the source of fire in the fire field of the Devil's Dome, and can retreat with all his body.

"We are the leader of the anti-Tianmeng League of Dragons who sees the head and ends," Lou Lanxi pouted.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook and his eyes widened.


After entering the Anti-Sky Alliance, Fang Chen increasingly realized the power of the Anti-Sky Alliance, and looking at the entire Shen Meteor Battlefield, it was almost the most powerful dominant force.

The anti-sky leader, who controls the world, is the first person in the legendary battlefield.

However, Fang Chen has never seen it, but only heard the legend about him.

"How strong is he?" Fang Chen asked subconsciously.

How strong is the first person on the battlefield?

This is probably something many people want to know?

However, Lou Lanxi looked into the distance and shook his head gently, not knowing.

"There have been two epochs for the leader of the League, and no one knows where it went. The only rumor about the leader in the Anti-Sky League is that there were three and a half steps of chaos in the Supreme Realm before the nine epochs. The anger angered the leader, and he beheaded three people with one blow. "


Fang Chen exclaimed.

With a single blow, kill three three and a half-step Chaos Supreme Realms, what is this concept?

You should know that the three main palace masters of the Dao Palace are half-step Chaos Supreme Realm Powerhouses. The three of them have joined forces and can sweep across the entire battlefield.

However, these three powerful men were beheaded and killed by the anti-sky leader, which is incredible.

"At that time, there were a lot of top strong players in the Shenmei battlefield, which is not what it is now. But after that war, there is no longer any force to dare to challenge our position against the sky alliance, and even the other half-step Chaos Supreme, it is hidden in the world. Out."

That war had too much influence, and it was also the strongest war against the enemy.

"Leader ... Has he stepped into Chaos Supreme Realm?"

Fang Chen swallowed and asked, panting.

Chaos Supreme, that is the most powerful existence between heaven and earth, but also eternal existence.

In a single thought, they can destroy the world.

Lou Lanxi shook his head.

"Before the Battle of the Gods Fall, the strong came out in great numbers, and the cultivation environment was very good. At that time, Chaos Supreme had appeared. But since the Battle of the Gods Fall, this world has been limited, and almost no one can cultivate the Chaos Supreme."

Chaos Supreme, that is just a legendary existence.

In the world, no one can make it.

Even such a wicked anti-sky leader has never stepped into that field.

"However, although the leader is not Chaos Supreme, it can also be said to be the strongest person in this world, the first person under Chaos Supreme."

Chaos can't be exalted, the anti-sky leader is the strongest.

Fang Chen sighed, and was shocked at the same time.

"I heard Grandpa vaguely mentioned that the disappearance of the leader should be related to his exploration of the disappearance of Chaos Supreme."

Lou Lanxi glanced at Fang Chen and said, "There are a lot of secrets in the Shen Meteor Battlefield. What we understand is only superficial."

"Besides, Chaos Supreme is too far away for us to think about."

Indeed, they are now only low-level sage warriors.

There is also a long distance from the saint, even the invincible saint level.

In the God Meteor Battlefield, the invincible saint is already the strongest man standing at the top of the pyramid.


Fang Chen took a deep breath and shook his head, converging his thoughts, and stopped thinking.

Boom Boom Boom!

At this moment, a crazy horn sounded in the city of Fire, as if the ancient war had reappeared.

"The seal has weakened."

Lou Lanxi said, the two quickly swept towards the depths of the city of fire.


Along the way, countless sounds of breaking into the ears, and soon in the depths of the city of fire, gathered dense warriors.

Among them, standing at the forefront are naturally many top forces.

Fang Chen and Lou Lanxi walked behind the three ice holy emperors and looked at the void crack.

"The seal is weakening."

Fang Chen also found the seal at the crack of the void, weakening at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Everyone around, eyes *, staring at the void crack.

The passage of time took three hours, and the power of the seal was minimized.

At this time, some sect gates finally could not bear.


Under the leadership of the sword demon cloud and the sword Qingyun brothers, the strongest of Jiansheng Mountain went straight to the crack of the void.


When they rushed to the seal, they were suddenly enveloped in flames and then disappeared.

"Go in?"

Others were stunned and swarmed immediately.

"We go in too."

The five people of the Anti-Sky League also acted. Fang Chen followed behind the four and quickly came to the void of the void.


* The power is coming, as if to evaporate the whole body of blood.

"Motivate Rune."

Lou Lanxi's voice came, and I saw several other people's wrists flicker, and there was a rune trap in his palm. The ethereal power was released from the runt trap, forming an invisible armor that blocked the attack of * power.

This Fulu was given to them by the high level, and was specially used to resist the poisonous fire in the crack of the void.

Fang Chen only felt that a flower in front of him immediately fell into the flames.

There were terrible flames all around, and it seemed that he would be refined at any time.

"Is this the Devil's Fire Field?"

Fang Chen looked around.

Soon, he confirmed that this is not the magic dome fire area, but the flame passage leading to it.


Here is too dangerous, Fang Chen is not willing to stay too much, the body turns into a streamer, rushing to the end.

Somewhere in the Flame Passage, a disciple of Jian Qingyun and Jian Sheng Mountain was going fast. The two did not separate, and they rushed all the way.

"Brother Qingyun."

Suddenly, the disciple shouted.


Jian Qingyun looked along the disciple's finger, and suddenly found Fang Chen who had come by.

"Against the sky?"

Jian Qingyun licked his dry lips, gruesomely. "The Ice Saint Emperor relied on himself to be a disciple of the Anti-Sky Alliance, which was extremely arrogant and too hateful."

"Before killing him, charge some interest."

Because of the ice holy emperor, Jian Qingyun hated the disciples of the rebellious alliance.

If it were changed to someone else, he would not dare to mess up in this flame passage.

However, the person in front of him was just a third-order holy king, which made him want to kill.

"Brother Qingyun, to deal with this kind of garbage, why don't you take action, as long as we destroy the Fulu in his hand, he will naturally fall in this flame channel." The disciple laughed.

Jian Qingyun nodded, "The feeling that life is better than death is more painful than death."

Fang Chen in the course of the disease suddenly slowed down.

"There is another breath."

Fang Chen frowned, looking around, and found nothing.

Then he shook his head and continued on.

Perhaps, like him, other people are passing by.


However, at the moment he turned around, Jian Qingyun Thunder shot, a sword split, the flame channel above, a thousand sword shadow, appeared out of thin air, tearing the flame space, directly split to Fang Chen.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed badly and subconsciously resisted.


Both hands are covered with a fierce sword gas, which can withstand the sword sword.


Just then, behind him, a ghostly figure appeared suddenly, throwing a ball into his right hand while he was not prepared.


After the ball touched Fu Mi, it exploded violently, and the terrible explosive force directly destroyed Fu Mi.


Fang Chen's body was directly blown away by the triple source fire in the flame channel.


Jian Qingyun carried a long sword, sneering sullenly.

Without Fu Mi's protection, Fang Chen's face was instantly pale, and he was working hard to expel the flames from his body, and his face showed a painful look.


He recognized Jian Qingyun.

"How is it? How is the taste of poisonous fire attacking heart?" Jian Qingyun sneered: "The Ice Emperor dare to arrogant to me, this is just interest."

"Without Fulu, you will enjoy the fun brought by poison fire until death."

After all, Jian Qingyun didn't want to waste time, just turned around and left.

"Boy, reborn in the next life, don't stand in the wrong team."


In Fang Chen's body, the poisonous fire was vigorous and eroded his internal organs.


His nose was spurting blood, and his body was uncomfortable.

However, at this critical moment, the restless blood has played a vital role.


Fang Chen was a little stunned. The blood in his body flowed quickly. Wherever he passed, the poisonous fire was instantly extinguished.

"Can it be like this?"

His blood could actually suppress poison fire.

This discovery surprised Fang Chen.


He quickly urged the blood to completely refine the poisonous fire in his body, and formed a defense to prevent the poisonous fire from invading.

His face also recovered.


He looked up and watched the disciples of Jiansheng Mountain who hadn't gone far.

"If you want to kill me, you must be prepared for death."

After a moment.

An angry roar resounded through the sky.

In the endless sea of ​​fire, Jian Qingyun held a long sword and hacked it out constantly, and the terrible sword spirit raged.

"Miscellaneous, you dare to kill my disciples of sword holy mountain, I will break you tens of thousands of corpses."

Secretly, Fang Chen looked at the dead body at the foot of Jian Qingyun indifferently.

Just now, he was surprised and killed the disciple of Jiansheng Mountain following Jian Qingyun with one blow.

However, this is just the beginning.

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