Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3619: Imprint

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Supreme Soldier.

The weight of these three words is too much.

Enough to shake the entire chaotic world.

After all, after the Battle of the Ancient God Meteor, Chaos Realm has never appeared in Chaos Supreme.

As for the Supreme Soldier, it once appeared occasionally, but basically it was all incomplete products.

Moreover, even if the Supreme Soldier appears, no one can control it.

Now, however, Fang Chen can completely control the Supreme Soldier, which is definitely an earthquake-level shock.

Not only Xiao Mu was shocked, but even Qing Jun couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't see Fang Chen more and more. The latter's growth experience is too legendary.

"Huh, even if you have the Supreme Soldier?"

Soon, Xiao Mu restored his composure, and his father's words once came to his mind.

Chaos Realm has long been incomplete, Chaos Supreme has disappeared, and Supreme Technique and Supreme Soldier are even more difficult to find.

"My holy thing, born in the source world, raised by swallowing the blood of the Demon Race, is enough to resist your Supreme Soldier." Xiao Mu coldly said.

He regained his confidence, held the relic in his hand, the body swallowed the demon blood veins, the domineering side leaked, and the blood sprayed.

Although the copper bowl gave him a heavy feeling, he felt that the copper bowl was most likely a pseudo-supreme soldier.

He did not believe that such a ruined land of sinners could have a complete Supreme Soldier.

"Holy things are in heaven, everything is dead."

Xiao Mu shot, he did not want to give Fang Chen any chance.

I saw that he jumped, his figure flashed, and he escaped into the void.

At the same time, Fang Chen held the copper bowl in one hand and the reincarnation knife in the other, releasing a powerful consciousness and sensing the world.


Suddenly, the bright golden light appeared behind Fang Chen.

"Be careful."

Qingjun shouted.

However, Fang Chen seems to have known for a long time that he didn't return his head and directly buckled the copper bowl.

"I've been waiting for you."

Fang Chen said.

His primordial spirit has reached the level of becoming a baby, and looking at the chaotic world, no one can hide his breath under his eyelids, even the swallowing demons from the original world.

He deliberately revealed flaws, let Xiao Mu start.

Sure enough, Xiao Mu was fooled.

A buckle of the copper bowl directly envelopes the bright golden light.

"Swallow the devil to eat the sky."

Xiao Mu shouted and urged the relics with all his strength.

However, he was shocked to find that the holy thing was gradually severing contact with him.

"Do not."

Xiao Mu shook his head frantically, swallowing the blood of the devil and running wildly.

However, to no avail.

The copper bowl is a supreme soldier, and has perfect blood blessing, which can easily crush the relic.


After the last touch was broken, the relic was instantly suppressed by the copper bowl.

Boom Boom Boom!

In the void, the copper bowl pressed down as if it could cover the sky and earth, and there was a deafening sound inside, which was the sound of the impact of the relics.

"Without the relics, you are nothing." Fang Chen turned around and looked at Xiao Mu.

"Huh, the holy thing is given by the father. With his father's mark, can it be suppressed by a copper bowl?"

Xiao Mu felt the impact of the holy relic, and returned to God, staring fiercely at Fang Chen.

"When the relic breaks through the repression, you will definitely die."

Fang Chen shrugged.

"Then you have the opportunity to wait until that time."

Having said that, Fang Chen gave a playful smile, raised his reincarnation knife, and attacked Xiao Mu frantically.

With his current strength, coupled with the primordial spirit of the infantile level, the reincarnation knife, and the legendary supreme technique, all combined, Xiao Mu is not his opponent at all.


In just a few rounds, one of Xiao Mu's arms was slashed in reincarnation.

His body exploded, his arms dropped, and blood dripped.


Xiao Mu was very angry. "It's all because of you."

His plan was completely ruined by the guy in front of him.

"I want you to die."

Xiao Mu roared angrily and fought with Fang Chen.

Indeed, as Fang Chen said, Xiao Mu, who had no sacred objects, was like ants in front of him.


One knife after another, chopped on Xiao Mu's body, the latter shouted miserably.

Finally, Xiao Mu couldn't stand it. He burned his body's blood and exhibited the magic power of swallowing demons.

call out!

However, as soon as the talented supernatural power condenses, it is broken by Fang Chen.

"How can it be?"

Xiao Mu's eyes were loose, and he received a 100,000 crit.


Xiao Mu felt terrified and didn't want to fight.

"Want to go."

Fang Chen pursued the sword, the reincarnation sword skyrocketed, and the alchemy of chopping the sky immediately appeared.

Mantiandao light sword shadow, criss-crossing, amazing power.


However, when the reincarnation knife pierced Xiao Mu's head, a symbol of 箓 instantly shattered.

"Stop character?"

Fang Chen was surprised when he saw it.

Looking at Xiao Mu again, after using the alternate character, he has already escaped to afar.

"Useless, you can't escape."

Fang Chen chased away.

The Magic Dome Fire Zone has been completely blocked, and Xiao Mu has no escape.

Soon, he was overtaken by Fang Chen, and he was dying under the violent attack of the reincarnation knife.

At this time, a kind of peerless breath appeared in his body.

"This is ... the half-step Chaos Supreme?"

Fang Chen was stunned.

The terrible breath condensed into an illusory figure in front of Xiao Mu.

"Dear criminals, dare to kill me?"

This person is Xiao Mu's father Xiaoyaohou.

"Old man, you indulged your son's merciless massacre of the Chaos Realm, and now your son is like that, but he is responsible for it." Fang Chen was not afraid.

"you wanna die."

Xiaoyaohou was angry, but he didn't shoot, "Thinking about your unparalleled potential, if you are a servant for my son and **** him back to the chaotic battlefield, I can keep you in line for a lifetime."

Fang Chen snorted.

The phantom in front of him is just a condensed imprint of Xiao Yaohou left on Xiao Mu, which is far worse than the deity.

Besides, his deity is impossible to come out in the chaotic battlefield.


Fang Chen directly refused.

"Your son is dead."

"Father, save me."

Xiao Mu cried and said that the sacred object was suppressed and he could not escape.

"Mu'er rest assured, dad won't let you die." Xiaoyao Hou said in a deep voice, he raised his eyes and looked at the distant copper bowl. "No wonder they can suppress the relics, it turns out that there are Supreme soldiers."

"However, relying on you sinners, you also want to exert the full power of the Supreme Soldier?"

During the talk, Xiaoyaohou shot the palm of his hand violently, and suddenly the force like a row of mountains and rivers shouted, madly slamming into the copper bowl.


The copper bowl was subjected to a powerful impact, and a sound of vibration was emitted. At the same time, the relics inside the suppression were also echoing the freedom and attacking wildly.


Fang Chen frowned.

Xiaoyaohou wants to cooperate inside and outside to break the blockade of the copper bowl?

However, he too underestimated the power of the Supreme Soldier?

Knowing that it is a supreme soldier, do you still do it?

Does he have special means?


The copper bowl was turbulent, exuding a powerful halo, and instantly cut the fragmentation of the magic dome fire area. Some weak soldiers were too late to avoid and were directly hanged.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed badly, and felt the movement of the copper bowl.

"Suppress me."

However, at this time.

Xiaoyaohou shot, he was awe-inspiring, a drop of rich swallowed demon essence blood, and shot towards the copper bowl.

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