Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3645: Target

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The new commander wants to rectify the military palace.

Don't hesitate to frame meritorious officials.

When the news came out, the entire military palace suddenly boiled.

The new officer takes over three fires, is this the commander's fire?

Some gossip is frequently spoken out.

Of course, this has no effect on the Heilan clan.

Instead, they got more important clues in the investigation.

"Li Shu?"

The deputy head was furious.

Unexpectedly, the last suspect will lock Li Shu.

"Vice commander, is there anything wrong?" Someone asked.

"Yes, of the three suspects, General Li Shu should be the least suspected."

"General Li Shu is very prestigious in the military palace. If you want to move him, you must think carefully.

The deputy head nodded.

The energy behind their Heilan clan is beyond everyone's imagination.

Almost the entire Xiaoyao House has their forces everywhere.

"I'll go check it again."

The deputy leader got up and left.

After three hours, he returned to the Heilan clan.

"how about it?"

The deputy head was gloomy and angry, "Bring the brethren to Li Shu."


They exclaimed, and were a little surprised when they were affirmed by the deputy head.

Li Shu Mansion.

The people of the Heilan clan surrounded the palace and surrounded it.

"Li Shu."

The deputy head roared with arrogance and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the gate of the mansion opened.

Li Shu slowly walked out from inside, beside him, there was Deputy Commander Ye Long.

"What's the matter with you coming here?"

Li Shu is very calm.

"You still have a face to say?"

The deputy commander scolded, "The brutal killing of the compatriots in the military palace, and the vain attempt to frame my Heiran warfare group. You are really a wonderful dog.

For Li Shu, this is a strategy of three birds with one stone.

First, get rid of the long-standing ties.

Second, with the help of the Heilan clan, remove the new commander.

Third, take advantage of the opportunity to surrender to the Heilan clan.

However, he did everything and never thought of it.

He left crucial clues, which allowed the Heiran clan to lock him in.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Li Shu shook his head and would definitely not admit it.

"The place where the battle group that went out on mission died, there is a clear black butterfly mark, and the commander has already investigated, and also gave you the ultimatum to the Heilan war group."

Li Shu shrugged.

"The commander-in-chief is the leader of the military palace. His words can determine everything. When he is guilty, he comes to encircle my Li Shu's mansion.

As soon as this remark came out, some people in the Heilan clan changed their complexions.

Of course, the deputy head will certainly not be frightened by his words.

"Li Shu, don't you admit it now?"

The deputy head sneered.

With a wave of his palm, a subtle imperceptible gold thread appeared in his palm.

"This was found at the death scene, what else do you have to say?"

Everyone knows this golden thread, it is the weapon of the Jin Yi clan under Li Shu.

"What can this prove?"

Li Shu still shook his head.

"Maybe someone deliberately murdered? After all, someone went to the first scene."

The implication is that the new commander is framing them.

"That is, there is no one else in the eyes, and I dare to frame General Li Shu. I ordered as the deputy commander to frame the nine races.

Ye Long sneered.

Even if it is clear, this thing was done by Li Shu.

He didn't worry at all.

"There is also the commander-in-chief Lin Chen, trying to frame Zhongliang, and I will take this matter to the house of Xiaoyao and wait for Hou Ye to decide."

Ye Long held the deputy commander's gold seal.

"However, during this period, in the name of Hou Ye, I suspended all duties of the commander."

Lin Chen ’s sinner is to confuse the Heilan clan and frame Zhongliang.

This sinner is enough.

"Do you think I am a fool?"

The deputy head sneered.

If there is no full evidence, will he bring the Heiran clan here?

"Oh? Are you dissatisfied?"

The evidence is in sight, everything is floating clouds.

Ye Long is very strong. He has ordered that he is ready to let other clan groups encircle and suppress the Helan clan.

"Anyone who does not listen to orders will be killed without amnesty."


at this time.

Fang Chen is here.

call out!

In the distant sky, a figure, from far and near.

Soon, he came to the deputy head.


He clapped his palms with a big smile on his face.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

"Lin Chen, you have been suspended by me. Please be investigated." Ye Long said angrily.

Fang Chen disagreed.

He stared at Li Shu, "Do you think it's seamless?"

Li Shu said nothing.

"Unfortunately, after all, you still underestimated my ability."

Speaking room.

Fang Chen's palm turned over, and a scent of coldness emerged from his palm.

This breath quickly condensed into an icicle.

Everyone present saw this scene.

Especially many generals.

They received a notice from the commander-in-chief and rushed here, but unexpectedly saw this scene.

"So, how do you explain this?"

Fang Chen asked with a smile.

Li Shu, who was very calm, was a little flustered at this moment.


His body shook slightly and forced his composure.

"What does this mean?"

Fang Chen shook his head, "You haven't given up yet?"

With a wave of his hand, all the generals came near.

"Li Shu, I have been together for so many years, do you still want to deceive me to wait?"

"This is the frost formed by Li Shu's unique secret technique."

"Yes, there is strong evidence."

However, Li Shu still refused to admit.

"Someone accumulates to frame me, what is this thing?"

"Don't give up yet?"

Fang Chen's palm waved, and a drop of water suddenly gathered in the void, condensing into a smooth mirror.

This is, memory drops.

Fang Chen was undoubtedly found in that valley.

After his inspection, it happened to be found that the memory of the water droplets recorded the situation that day.

On the smooth mirror surface, a war group that is performing its mission rests here.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of thin air, and with absolute crushing power, the battle group was destroyed.

That kind of power is impressively the familiar ice power.

After annihilating the war group, the man in black was suspended in mid-air and turned to look.

At this time, secretly walking out of a person.

It was General Li Shu.

"Let me deal with the aftermath."

Next is the process of Li Shu forging the black butterfly logo and framing the Heilan clan.

After watching it all, the water droplets collapsed.

At this time, Li Shu's face was pale, and he was constantly receding.

Even Ye Long was a little flustered.

"How to do?"

Ye Long blamed Li Shu somewhat.


After all, Li Shu was a man who had experienced war and calmed down quickly.

It was ordered by Ye Long, the deputy commander.

"Li Shu ..."

Ye Long was furious, but Li Shu shot it directly. Ye Long couldn't avoid it, his head was smashed into scum, and he died instantly.

"In the position of deputy commander, it is not enough to force me to do such a condemned thing. Ten thousand deaths are not enough." Li Shu was still acting at this time.

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