Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 4064: Old man in black robe


The inheritance of this mysterious powerhouse itself exists within the boundaries of the Chaos Realm. You don't need to think about it. He must be the sage and power of the Chaos Realm. Fang Chen deserves this inheritance. Two words?

It was the sword-mark man who broke into the boundary of the Chaos Realm at will. This was definitely a provocation for the Chaos Realm. When he made his choice, the ending was already doomed, and it was impossible for Fang Chen to let him leave alive. .

This is about the fate of the entire chaos world.

After all, this is the original realm after the fragmentation of the Hongmeng world. If the powerhouses of the three thousand realms of the Great Dao are known, I am afraid that all beings in the Chaos Realm will die.


Fang Chen did not waste time and continued to increase his attack. The terrifying ultimate power permeated his body, and in a short while, he completely blocked the escape route of the knife-scarred man. At the same time, his shocking attack also followed From here.

You know, although the sword-mark man is a powerhouse in the Supreme Realm, he is far behind the two in the White Emperor Palace when he first entered the Supreme Realm. With Fang Chen's strength now, he can completely crush it. attitude.

"Damn it."

After a fierce battle, the knife-scarred man retreated steadily. He roared angrily and screamed up to the sky. The whole person fell into a state of madness. His eyes were scarlet, staring at Fang Chen, and shouting hysterically: "Huh, Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

As the words fell, the man with the sword mark suddenly shot a phantom of the sword in his body, and then he urged all the power of his body to inject the phantom of the sword. The next moment, the phantom of the sword began to expand, and then there was a deafening roar inside. sound.


The knife-scarred man laughed frantically, preparing to drag all the creatures in the chaos world to death.


Fang Chen had been prepared long ago, a sword pierced his head, and then grasped the swelling shadow of the saber at an invisible speed, and with a scream, his figure flashed and appeared in the world gap.


At this moment, the phantom of the battle knife exploded, causing a great shock. The faces of Ah Da and the king of the sky sword on the battleship changed. The battleship shook violently, but soon calmed down. They looked through the window. , Saw a mushroom cloud rising into the sky, but it was quickly swallowed by the black hole.

"the host."

Ah Da exclaimed and hurriedly contacted Fang Chen.

The Heavenly Sword King shook his head, "It's useless, my apprentice made the Soul of the Sword swell and explode. This power is enough to destroy a world. Your master is too weak, and he naively thought that if it explodes in the gap between the worlds, it won't be affected. It was so stupid to get to his hometown."

At this time, the Heavenly Sword King, his eyes turned, thinking in his mind how to control the battleship and escape from here.

He is very clear about the consequences of such an explosion in the world.

The world gap is dangerous because of the ubiquitous black hole power. This powerful explosion can definitely attract a black hole. As long as the black hole arrives, no one can resist that terrifying power, and Fang Chen is no exception.

Therefore, in the eyes of Heavenly Blade King, Fang Chen was already a dead person.

"No, my master will not die." Ah Da shook his head in disbelief.

The Heavenly Sword King still wanted to speak, but before he could say it, he was directly sluggish.

Because, he saw a tall figure, emerging from the remaining breath of the black hole.

"how is this possible?"

The Heavenly Sword King exclaimed, unable to accept the scene before him, "How can he withstand the engulfing of the black hole?"


The power in Fang Chen fluctuated greatly. The scene just now was too dangerous. Fortunately, at a critical moment, he used the power of the chaos realm to barely pull his body so as not to be swallowed by the black hole. At the same time, he was even more emotional. It is worthy of the original world, even if it has been riddled with holes, the power of heaven is still not imaginable by ordinary people.

If this were to be changed to other realms, I am afraid that Fang Chen would have been more fortunate.

After escaping from the dead, Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent a message to Ah Da that he was okay and asked him to speed up to erase the Hydra mark on the battleship, and he returned to the boundary wall of the Chaos World, looking for it. The inheritance of that mysterious strong man.

At the same time, the creatures in the entire Chaos Realm felt a huge impact.

All the top powerhouses are looking at the direction of the chaotic battlefield, their faces are solemn, thinking that an enemy is coming.

"what happened?"

"Did the leader encounter a major enemy?"

"Should we support him?"

Many people worry about Fang Chen’s safety, but the only one who is more calm, "Don’t panic, you, although the leader has encountered a little crisis, it has been resolved."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And Leng Xian frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

Boundary wall space, in front of the black palace.

When Fang Chen came here again, he felt a solemn and murderous aura.

"Senior, this junior is a person from the Chaos Realm. I didn't mean to come here. I just wanted to see if Senior was a sage in his hometown. If so, I hope I can send Senior's bones back home."

When his voice fell, suddenly the murderous breath disappeared, replaced by a gentle and familiar breath.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen was overjoyed.

Sure enough, this senior is a person from the chaos world.


The gate of the palace opened, and a ray of light shone on the earth, "Come in."

Inside, a thick voice came out, as if it had traveled through a long river of time, and reached Fang Chen's ears. With a flash of his figure, he stepped into the palace.

After entering, and looking around, Fang Chen found that the decoration style of this palace was exactly the same as the holy island of the human race, and there were some murals on the surrounding walls. Upon closer inspection, there was a person on each mural, making Fang Chen Surprisingly, these people are actually the sages of the Chaos Realm.

What he could recognize at a glance was Fujian Supreme.

"Fujian Supreme?"

The sword dancer in the first row of the left wall has the mark of Fujian Supreme, and Fang Chen has once received the inheritance of Fujian Supreme. No one knows better than him.

At the same time, he also saw several other people on the mural, some of whom knew, some did not.

In the end, his gaze fell on the top bronze throne, where there was an old man in a black robe, sitting quietly, as if a living person, but Fang Chen knew that this was just a phantom. The deity is probably already dead.

"Yes, you have the blood and breath of the Chaos Realm."

Suddenly, the black robe old man spoke.

Anyone who comes here, he will check whether it is a person from the Chaos World, he can penetrate it at a glance.

"After waiting for endless years, finally waited."

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