Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 594: Soul Jade Robbery

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Lu Lianxue knew that Fang Chen would ask like this. If it was her, she would also like to ask. If Fang Chen didn't ask like this, and she believed her easily, she would be suspicious.

"In order to prove that what I said is true, I am willing to take you to the wealth resettlement site of the Pirate Saints in the Western Regions first, waiting for you to get the wealth inside, and come to help me."

Fang Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Do you want me to help you detoxify? More precisely, do you think I can help you detoxify?"

Fang Chen's eyes stared at the landing Lian Xue, the latter's beautiful eyes flickered, a smile appeared on his face, said: "It can make the Western Region thief miss, if you don't have the power behind you, I don't believe it. "

Lu Lianxue's remarks have been made very clear. She is interested in the power behind Fang Chen, and it is the power behind Fang Chen that can detoxify her, not Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was a little embarrassed, but still said: "Extend your hand."

Lu Lianxue didn't know what Fang Chen was going to do, but still pulling up his sleeves, Xue Bai's arm appeared in front of Fang Chen.

Fang Chen's big hand came out and fell directly on Lu Lianxue's arm.

Lu Lianxue shrank instinctively, but when she realized that Fang Chen was taking pulses for her, her face was a bit blushing, and finally she lowered her head and stretched her arm to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen helped Lu Lianxue to communicate with his bronze ancestors.

"Ancestor, do you see what poison she has?" Fang Chen said.

The bronze ancestor used Fang Chen's palm to start detecting the poison in Lu Lianxue. After a while, the bronze ancestor finished the detection.

"He is the Gu poison." The bronze ancestor said.

"What is Gu poison?" Fang Chen asked, puzzled.

"Gu poison is a very poisonous poison. Refining this kind of poison requires a very precious drug, and if you want to solve this poison, you must also need this kind of drug. Otherwise, it is impossible. Undo the poison on her body. "Bronze ancestor said.

Fang Chen frowned, is Gu poison so powerful?

"Is there any way?" Fang Chen asked, still thinking about the wealth placement point of the Western Region Pirate Saints in his heart.

The Bronze Patriarch thought a little, and said: "If it is someone else, it can't be lifted, but I have a way for the patriarch, as long as I can find the drug guide, I can detoxify."

It is known from the mouth of the bronze ancestor that this poison of poisonous poison is blue toad, and it is more than a thousand years old.

Fang Chen couldn't hold back his tongue, the preciousness of the blue toad, but he was very clear, even in Wuxing Prefecture, it was in a state of pricelessness.

It is very difficult to find blue toads that are more than 1000 years old.

Fang Chen lifted his eyes and watched Lian Xue landing. He said: "You have been poisoned by Gu, and you need a toad that is more than a thousand years old to get rid of the poison."

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Lu Lianxue was very excited. He didn't expect that the power behind Fang Chen could really help himself detoxify.

"Yes, I was indeed poisonous. Can you help me?" Lu Lianxue asked urgently.

If she could get rid of the poison, she would be completely out of the control of the Pirates of the Western Regions and become a free body. She was very excited when she thought about it.

"You also know the preciousness of the blue toad, I don't have this thing." Fang Chen said bluntly.

Lu Lianxue nodded slightly and said, "I have been secretly investigating the information of the blue toad over the years and finally got a little eyebrow."


Fang Chen felt more and more that he really underestimated Lu Lianxue and was able to endure so many years in the hands of the Pirates of the Western Regions.

"Ten years ago, someone found a blue toad in the Bibo Mountains." Lu Lianxue said.

"So what?" Fang Chen said.

"The wealth resettlement site of the Pirate Saints in the Western Regions also happens to be in the Bibo Mountains." Lu Lianxue said. "After we entered the Bibo Mountains, we can look for the green toad."

Fang Chen nodded and said, "I can help you, but I can't guarantee if I can find the blue toad."

Fang Chen is willing to help Lu Lianxue once in order to settle the wealth of the Pirates of the West.

"Thank you so much." Lu Lianxue smiled on his face.

Fang Chen agreed to her request, and in her expectation, after all, no one could resist the temptation of thief wealth settlement in the Western Regions.

After discussing with Fang Chen, Lu Lianxue left.

She had to go back to Lujia Mansion to prepare, and to find an excuse to take the opportunity to leave Kaiyang City.

Early the next morning, Lu Lianxue had everything set up, and then she found Fang Chen, and the two left Kaiyang City together.

Fang Chen told the Li family that they had a task to do, and they didn't know when they would come back. Li's family did not say anything.

When Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue left Kaiyang City, countless eyes instantly appeared in the dark.

"Soul Jade Master, Fang Chen has left Kaiyang City." Yang Family Chief said with a laugh.

"Have you finally left?" Soul Jade sneered and said disdainfully.

In the few days that the Yang family waited, the elders of the Ancient Soul Gate have all returned to the Ancient Soul City, and now there is only one elder in the spirit vortex realm, the follower Soul Jade, who wants to kill Fang Chen.

After learning that Fang Chen left Kaiyang City, Soul Jade immediately took action, and the Yang patriarch had to go together, but was blocked by Soul Jade.

"Yang patriarch, you need to stay in Kaiyang City to stop everyone in the Li family." Soul Jade dropped this sentence and turned to leave.

Of course, when Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue left, Huang Quanmen was the four super guardians, and he also noticed them.

"Boss, Fang Chen has left, do we act?" Asked the fourth.

The boss nodded and said, "He can't escape our palms."


After Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue walked out of Kaiyang City, they were surrounded by true energy, and their figure flew into the sky instantly, leap towards the distance.

Those who consolidate the real situation can fly briefly.

But the warrior who condenses nine real qi can also fly for a long time.

After Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue flew for three minutes, Fang Chen's brows were tight, and between them, an unpleasant look appeared.

"Someone came after."

Fang Chen's soul perception is very strong, and he immediately sensed that there was a breath approaching.

As Fang Chen spoke, Lu Lianxue also found out that the two of them flashed and fell directly on the ground.

Swish ...

Two sounds of breaking the sky instantly entered the ears of the two, and then two familiar figures appeared in front of the two.

"Soul Jade." When Lu Lianxue saw Soul Jade, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, screaming with tenderness.

And Fang Chen aside, staring at Soul Jade.

"Fang Chen, do you finally stop making head-cut turtles?" Soul Jade stopped and looked at Fang Chen with a sneer.

"Fang Chen, surrender what you got in the auction, we can put you a horse." A triple elder in the Lingxuan Realm behind Soul Jade, scolded.

Fang Chen's eyes flashed a killing intent. Unexpectedly, so many days have passed since the auction, Soul Jade has been waiting for himself here, wanting to rob himself.

"People in the ancient Soul Gate are actually doing robbery. How is this different from robbers?" Fang Chen sneered.

Soul jade narrowed her eyes and said. "Fang Chen, you are not qualified to talk to me now, and I have no patience to listen to you. You have only one way to choose and hand over those things."

As Soul Jade spoke, the whole body exhaled a fierce breath, and a flame burst into his deep eyes.

The overwhelming breath squeezed towards Fang Chen in an instant.

Fang Chen instantly discovered that the elder behind Soul Jade was a triple warrior in the spirit vortex.

"Lingxuan Realm is triple, too strong."

Fang Chen said secretly.

In the face of the three warriors in Lingxuan Realm, he had no resistance. Fang Chen unconsciously took out the intermediate puppets obtained in the auction and put them in his hands.

Only intermediate puppets can resist the full blow of the Triple Warrior in the Spirit Whirlpool.

Of course, it's just a full blow.

"Fang Chen, what should I do?" Facing the warriors in the Lingxuan Realm, Lu Lianxue's pretty face was also covered with dignified colors. She turned to look at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen pondered for a while, and then whispered, "When I let you do it, I will seduce the charm magical power to the extreme, directly covering this triple warrior in the spirit vortex.

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Lu Lianxue did not ask for specific details, but just nodded.

Since Fang Chen said so, there must be his logic.

"It seems that you refuse to hand it in." Soul Jade looked at Fang Chen, who was indifferent, sneered, and then waved his palm.

Suddenly, the elders of the triple layer of Lingxuan Realm flashed directly towards Fang Chen. In the process, the strong breath that emerged around him directly locked Fang Chen.

Seeing that the elders in the three layers of Lingxuan Realm were about to attack, Fang Chen snorted and said, "Hands."

Lu Lianxue, who has been preparing for a long time, immediately performed a charm of magic when Fang Chen said the word "hands on".

A whole body of intriguing charm appeared, and then the white hand waved violently. All these wild charms enveloped the triple elders of Lingxuan Realm.

"It's really death."

Seeing Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue attempting to fight against the elders, Soul Jade's face was full of mocking smiles.

The three powerful players in the Lingxuan Realm are shot, and the condensed Realm Warriors will not have any resistance. Although Fang Chen and Lu Lianxue are the younger generations, they are only desperate in the face of the Lingxuan Realm Triple Warriors.

"go to hell."

The elder snorted, his fists clenched, and he punched out.

Wow ...

Just as his fists slammed out, his figure suddenly shuddered, and then he felt a strong charm.

"Trick and worm skills."

The elder snorted coldly, his fists slammed out again, and two powerful fists blasted directly towards Fang Chen.

It was at this time that Fang Chen's eyes flashed a trace of murderous intent, and the aura within Qihai instantly penetrated into the intermediate puppet. <

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