Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 797: Forced to retreat

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It is better to be a beast than a human race.

Tian Mu at that time famously conquered the ancient sword continent, but now it has become the executioner who slaughtered the ancient sword continent.

"Do you want to stop me?" Sky Bone King stared at the empty head in the sky, coldly.

The head of the Void blinked and said, "Although I haven't arrived, I can't stop you, but if I want to slaughter the human race in front of me, it's impossible."

The head of the void is a quasi-king strongman in Mozhou. He has been closed for hundreds of years. For the safety of the ancient sword continent, he resolutely went out.

The method of the quasi-king strong man is unbelievable, and it is simply not comparable to ordinary people.

For example, this trans-state projection, ordinary real martial arts powerhouse, is simply impossible.

Even the top real martial arts giants in Sanzhou, I'm afraid they can't do it.

The prospective Wang Qiang can easily do it.

Sky Bone King looked around, eyes blinking.

Just then, Venerable Hardy behind him said in a low voice: "Master Tian Bone King, the quasi-king strongman of the ancient sword continent is now staring at you. If you want to shoot, it is a bit difficult. How about we leave first?"

"Huh?" Sky Bone King glanced at Venerable Hardy.

"The human race has a deep heritage. Once a war is launched, the old and undead old people of the human race will definitely come out. At that time, I am afraid that even you, you can't fight the human race. For today's plan, only leave first, wait for me After finding the gatekeeper, after the resurrection of the gatekeeper, together with the Lord of the Heavenly Bone King, it will definitely be able to smooth the entire ancient sword continent.

Sky Bone King's eyes flickered, thought for a moment, and finally made a decision.

However, after making a decision, the eyes of the Sky Bone King looked at Fang Chen who had fallen to the ground.

This son has been inherited by the King of Heavenly Deficiency. He does not want to see the rise of the second King of Heavenly Deficiency, so this son will definitely die.


Suddenly, Heavenly Bone King's War Sword suddenly cut to Fang Chen.

Upon seeing this, the real martial arts strongmen in Wuxing Prefecture shot one after another.

"Xuantian array method."

Dan Qing Sheng roared loudly, arranged a powerful Dao-level array, and immediately enveloped Fang Chen.

At the same time, the Bone Soldier Saint took out his own combat partner, which was also a Dao-level weapon. The weapon was all around, the streamer turned, and the breath was terrifying.

As for the Xuanlong Saint Master, he came up with Dao-level Fulu and waited for it.

"Save Fang Chen at all costs." Elder Han shouted loudly.

The Blood Gun Daoist held a blood gun in his hand, and he rushed towards the Sky Bone King's War Sword.

Dean Wu Yun, in the palm of his hand, emerged a vast breath, which contained a magnificent intangible breath.

"Stop him."

Several powerful martial artists from Wuxing Prefecture shot out.

Click ...

The blood-gun Daoist's spear was the first to contact the bone sword of the Sky Bone King. With a click, the blood-gun Daoist's spear broke instantly, and the latter was also split by the war knife.

At the same time, the Dao-level weapon of the Bone Blessing Saint was also swept in an instant.

To no avail, it simply cannot be resisted.

In the end, the War Sword was invincible and bombarded the Xuantian Array.


The whole earth was trembling, and the Xuantian Array could not stop the attack of the War Sword, and it was crumbling.

"Tian Mu, stop it."

In the sky, the Void Head sipped low, a streamer shot out, and immediately defeated the Sky Bone King's War Sword, and then a terrifying breath filled it instantly.

"Tian Mu, you dare to betray the human race, take it."

At this moment, in the direction of Tianzhou, a roar came, followed by a cross-state projection, which appeared instantly.

A strong man of the level of a quasi-king appeared, two empty heads in the sky, staring at the Sky Bone King.

"The two are not dead, and one day, the ancient sword continent will become my territory."

After talking, the Sky Bone King flashed and disappeared on the wasteland with Venerable Emperor.

The two prospective king strongmen did not chase, because their real bodies did not arrive, and it was impossible to catch up with the Sky Bone King.

Below, many real martial arts strongmen are also frightened.

Unexpectedly, this trip to the Heavenly Deficiency and Secret Realm actually gave birth to such incidents, and even the quasi-king strongman who has not been born for a long time has appeared two.

"The ancient sword continent will usher in the greatest crisis. The warriors of each state will quickly go back to deploy and prepare to let go." Just as everyone was shocked, the head of the void said.

The Black Demon Patriarch heard the words and led Hei Tai, saying goodbye to everyone and returning to Mozhou.

And Mo Lao Gui of Tianzhou, with several real martial arts strongmen, also left one after another.

In the end, above the wasteland, only the real martial arts strongmen of Tianzhou remained.

"President, how is Fang Chen's injury?" Elder Han asked hurriedly.

The dean inspected Fang Chen's body and realized that he was not in danger. He was relieved and said, "There is no danger to life. Please go back to Wuxing Academy first."

Subsequently, a group of people left the border city and returned to Wuxing College.

This incident has swept across the ancient sword continent, and the real martial arts giants of the three major states are all deploying one after another to prevent the counterattack of

After returning to Wuxing Academy, Fang Chen was arranged to Yuefeng, looked after by Xingyue, while other real martial arts giants went to the main peak of Wuxing Peak to discuss how to deal with the king of bones.

A few days later, Fang Chen woke up leisurely.

The first time Fang Chen opened his eyes, he saw Xingyue's pretty face.

"Yue'er." Fang Chen wanted to reach out and touch Xingyue's face, only to find that his arm was sore and his whole body was so weak that he couldn't raise his hand at all.

"Brother Chen, you are seriously injured, don't move." Seeing Fang Chen woke up, Xingyue was very excited and said.

Fang Chen nodded and then asked, "Yue'er, where is this?"

"This is the Five Elements Academy. On the same day you displayed the inheritance of the King of Heaven, and sent the three of us out, but you were killed by the King of Sky Bone and almost died." Xingyue said.

"Then how did I come back?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully.

Afterwards, Xingyue killed the Sky Bone King out of the Sky Deficiency Realm, and the three giant martial arts giants gathered in the wilderness outside the border city, and then the two quasi-king strong men projected across the state and shocked the Sky Bone King. Told Fang Chen.

After hearing the latter, his heart shook.

Unexpectedly, on the ancient sword continent, there is actually a quasi-king strongman, and still two.

"I don't know if there is a strong man in Xuanwang Realm on the ancient sword continent." Fang Chen said to himself.

Xingyue shook his head and said: "Listening to the dean, ancient continents of ancient swords contend with hundreds of schools. At that time, there were several masters of Xuanwang Realm. The rules of heaven and earth are incomplete, so it is very difficult to create the Profound King Realm. Over time, on the ancient sword continent, the quasi-king strong has already been regarded as the peak combat power.

The quasi-king strong man is also very few, let alone the Xuan Wang realm strong man.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Sky Bone King, maybe everyone still didn't know that there was a quasi-king strongman in the ancient sword continent.

Fortunately, there were two quasi-Wang Qiang who appeared, and shocked the Sky Bone King.

For the time being, Sky Bone King should not be there anymore.

"Don't my five-element state show the prospective Wang Qiang?" Fang Chen asked.

Xingyue shook her head. On the same day, only two quasi-king strong men from Tianzhou and Mozhou projected across the state. As for Wuxing State, there was no movement.

"It seems that there is no quasi-Wang Qiang in my Wuxing State." Fang Chen thought to himself.

In the subsequent chat, Fang Chen learned that the Sky Bone King was originally a human race, but a few years ago, he betrayed the human race, but now prefers the beast to the human race.

"Tian Mu?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

He is familiar with the history of the ancient sword mainland, but he does not know the name Tian Mu.

"I don't know the exact details. Anyway, the two quasi-Wang Qiangs seem to know Tian Mu." Xingyue said.

Fang Chen nodded. After he got better, he asked the dean to know.

Strange to say, after accepting the inheritance of the Heavenly Void King and realizing the true meaning of the Void, Fang Chen realized that the golden heart was different from before.

It seems that metamorphosis has occurred.

Fang Chen could clearly feel that the golden heart gave him a great ability.

For example, the ability of self-healing was obviously a very serious injury, but Fang Chen didn't wake up long before his injury was almost healed.

After three days, Fang Chen finally recovered completely.

On this day, all the real martial arts powerhouses of Wuxing College gathered on Yuefeng.

"Fang Chen, are you okay?" Dan Qing Sheng Shi asked Fang Chen worriedly.

"I'm fine, thank you Master for your concern." Fang Chen arched his hand.

"Your kid, almost died in the hand of Heavenly Bone King." Saint Bone Master said with a black face.

Finally found such an outstanding disciple disciple, his refining talent is much stronger than that of his elder disciple Song Siyong, and the Bone Blessing Saint did not want to see Fang Chen's accident.

"Fang Chen, you're fine." The Dean looked at Fang Chen and said.

They easily discovered that Fang Chen's cultivation practice was still in the eight layers of Lingxuan Realm, and did not step into the True Martial Realm.

However, it is not surprising that Fang Chen's potential is strong, but it started later than Zhang Jingtao and others, and did not step into the real martial arts, which is considered normal.

Fang Chen is very important in the eyes of many real martial arts strongmen in Wuxing Academy.

Especially the Dean and Elder Han, who regarded Fang Chen as the most outstanding disciple of the Five Elements College in a century, and might even enter the place as a warrior.

After some chatting, Fang Chen suddenly asked.

"President, what's the matter with King Tian Gu? Is he a human race?"

It is said that several real martial arts strongmen looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness.

Finally, they looked at the dean one after another.

"Yes, Tian Mu was once a human race ..." the dean said.

"What is the secret?" Fang Chen asked.

This matter is very important. Tian Mu became the king of bones and returned to the ancient sword continent, which caused a stormy storm. They can't help but pay attention.

"Once, Tian Munai was a genius of the human race, but in an incident, he thought that the human race turned his back on him. In his anger, he betrayed the human race and vowed never to be a human race.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen was also stunned.

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