Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 818: Funeral state

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"You should also know that the spirit stone is buried in Jianzhou, which is very tasteless. Except for the acquisition by some chambers of commerce, there is almost no need for the spirit stone." The staff said slowly.

Fang Chen nodded, and the staff continued: "However, I need to do an experiment recently, which just needs some spirit stones. I will exchange some with you in my own name."

"A piece of amethyst is exchanged for 10 million Needles, 30 pieces of amethyst, and 300 million Needles are needed."

The value of amethyst is much more precious than the best spirit stone.

Fang Chen is also familiar with amethyst.

This amethyst is the currency of the extraterritorial space. I did not expect the sword repair heaven to use amethyst.

"Could this sword repair heaven be extraterritorial space? Have you come outside the territory?"

Suddenly, Fang Chen realized this and his face changed slightly.

"Thirty amethyst stones, to buy this piece of information, I have helped you advance, you are giving me 300 million Needling Spirit Stone." The staff said.

Fang Chen stunned, took out the space ring, the remaining 300 million Need Spirit Stone, handed it to the staff, and then left the Information Pavilion.

In the square of the Golden Sword City, looking for a wide place, Fang Chen sat cross-legged, took out the information, and began to watch.

When you come to an unfamiliar place here, you must understand everything here before you can manage to survive.

At the very beginning of the intelligence, there are three large characters, which reads Burial Sword State.

"Buried Sword State?"

Fang Chen was also a little surprised when he saw the three characters of Jian Jianzhou.

The staff also asked if Fang Chen needed information about Jianzhou.

Later, Fang Chen quickly opened the first page, and it was the information of Burial Sword State.

After reading the information quickly, Fang Chen was shocked.

It turned out that the sword repair paradise where I was was named Burial Sword State.

The funeral sword prefecture is not outside the territory, but is a region of Qingyun territory.

After reading the information, Fang Chen also learned that his ancient sword continent was just a continent in the Qingyun region.

There are three continents in the entire Qingyun area.

Burial Sword State does not exist in the eyes of the world.

Only when the strength reaches a certain level can you know.

It was not until this moment that Fang Chen recalled what Elder Han said to himself, saying that he hoped to enter that place.

He also asked himself where Elder Han has been silent.

It turned out that what Elder Han said was Burial Sword State.

Burial Sword State, according to legend, is an extraterritorial power, an independent space transformed by the body when it fell.

Within the funeral sword prefecture, all the warriors are Jianxiu.

The air here is full of strong sword spirit, which is very suitable for martial artists to practice kendo.

In the Jianzhou Prefecture, the strong are like clouds.

In the ancient sword continent, the true martial arts strongman is already the peak combat power, and the Xuanwang realm strongman is none.

In the funeral sword prefecture, the real martial arts powerhouses are only a younger generation, and there are also many great kings of the realm.

From the information, Fang Chen also learned.

Burial Sword State knows the existence of the three continents, and whenever there are peerless evils on the three continents, the emissaries of Burial Sword State will take them to Burial Sword State.

"Endless Frontier?"

Fang Chen was also surprised when he saw the four words Endless Frontier.

It turned out that in the eyes of the strong men of the ancient sword continent, burying the sword state is what they call the endless frontier.

Between the endless frontier and the ancient sword continent, there is a marine restricted area.

Fang Chen knew something about the marine restricted area.

He was curious how he crossed the ocean restricted area and came to Burial Sword State.

"It turns out that when I was traveling in the void, I had already come to bury Jianzhou." Fang Chen said to himself.

Although the information in the information is only a simple message of Jian Jianzhou, the other party is very shocked.

There are countless domains in the vast universe, and each domain also has an unequal number of mortal continents.

Qingyun domain is only three, while some other powerful domains will even have five, six, or even a dozen continents.

The three continents in the Qingyun region are the ancient sword continent, the Yunze continent, and the Shengxuan continent.

The three continents are separated by the ocean forbidden zone. Ordinary warriors have no idea of ​​the existence of other continents.

Even the upper levels of the ancient sword continent may not even know it.

Burial Sword State is a unique place in Qingyun.

There are perfect rules here, as well as a unique aura, which can make Jianxiu practice faster here.

"What kind of power is it? After the fall, the true body can be formed to form a buried sword state?" Fang Chen was shocked.

Burial Sword State seems to have a ban. It is impossible for ordinary warriors to leave unless they reach a certain level.

As for wanting to cross the ocean restricted area and return to the ancient sword continent, at least the cultivation of Xuanwang Realm is required.

In order to return to the ancient sword continent as soon as possible, Fang Chen needs to practice hard.

After an hour, Fang Chen read the details in the information.

Then he began to plan for his next life.

The common currency within the Burial Sword State is amethyst.

Being penniless, he must earn amethyst.


If there is no amethyst, you must leave the Golden Sword City before dark, otherwise you will be captured by the guards, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Chen went to a refiner pavilion according to the information.

Refining Pavilion, in the Golden Sword City, can be regarded as a little famous.

The reason why Fang Chen came here is to see. Is there a small worker hired here? Solve your sleeping problem first.

Entering the Refining Pavilion, a refining division came quickly and asked, "We are not selling weapons outside today."

"Hello, I am a refining master and want to join the refining pavilion." Fang Chen said.

"Huh? Join the Refining Pavilion?"

The refining master gave Fang Chen a surprised look, and then said: "Our refining pavilion has very high requirements, and it is not easy to join.

Fang Chen focused on the head, the refining master saw, said: "Come with me."

Subsequently, the refiner took Fang Chen to a refiner room.

"Come to refine a weapon," said the refiner.

Fang Chen knew that this was a test of himself.

Fang Chen was a master of refining when he was in the ancient sword continent.

For the refiner, it is no stranger.

Soon, Fang Chen prepared the refining materials and began refining weapons.

Fang Chen refined a long sword. He is a sword repairer and he is very familiar with long swords.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The refining master watched on the side, while Fang Chen was fast refining.

Soon, the refining machine reached the most critical moment, Fang Chen's face dignified, began the final refining.


The whole refining process was smoother than Fang Chen imagined.

Moreover, the result made Fang Chen unexpected.

Originally, Fang Chen refined the best spirit soldiers, but did not expect that after the refining, the weapon's level actually reached the level of mysterious soldiers.

In other words, unconsciously, Fang Chen has become a master of refining.

"This ... this child's refining technique is very unique."

The refiner on the side, his eyes flashing, said to himself.

He took the long sword refined by Fang Chen and inspected it carefully.

"Huh? Elementary Xuanbing?"

After feeling the breath of Xuan Bing, the refining master's attitude towards Fang Chen finally changed.

"Thousands of exercises."

The refiner said word by word.

Fang Chen uses the simplest refiner technique, but it gives a unique breath.

The most important thing is that he refined the Xuanbing.

"Yes, at a young age, you can refine the Xuanbing."

The refining master was overjoyed and took Fang Chen directly to the deacon of the refining pavilion.

"Deacon Li, he wants to join our refining pavilion, and has passed the preliminary assessment." The refining master said respectfully.

"This kind of thing, you just have to decide." Deacon Li said a little impatiently.

He manages everything every day. Such trivial matters are simply disdainful.

"Deacon Li, this child's refining talent is outstanding ..." The refining master continued.

"Which of the refining masters in my refining pavilion is not an excellent refining talent?" Deacon Li said a little displeasure.

The refining master saw Deacon Li angry, but still gritted his teeth and continued: "Deacon Li, this is a master refining master."

Deacon Li heard the words, just wanted to be angry, and suddenly his face changed greatly, and immediately stared at Fang Chen.

"Master Refiner?" Deacon Shen Sheng asked, "Are you sure?"

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