Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 829: Sword Soul

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Three days later.

Fang Chen and Li Fatzi once again came into the tower of Dan Yi Shengshi.

At this time, Master Dan Yi was full of smiles on his face, and his expression no longer fell.

"Dan Yisheng."

Fang Chen and Li Fatzi greeted Dan Yisheng.

"This is your Shengling Pill." Dan Yisheng waved his hand and took out three Shengling Pills and handed it to Fang Chen.

"Holy Master ..."

Fang Chen hesitated for a while and did not pick up the three ascending pill.

"This time I will give you Refining Ascension Pills, and I have gained a lot." Master Dan Yi said with a smile: "I have always troubled me with a Pill Dao problem. The achievements on Dan Dao go a step further. Maybe when the limit comes, there is hope to take that step. "

Wen Yan, Fang Chen and Fatty Lee were also stunned.

No wonder three days later, Master Dan Yi has changed so much.

In his eyes, he no longer looks decadent.

It turned out that Dan Yisheng went further on Dan Dao.

Moreover, the two heard that Dan Yisheng Master said further, hopefully, when the limit comes, when they take that step, their hearts will be shaken.

The current Danyi Saint Master is already the top alchemy master. Is n’t that the **** of the ancient sword continent?

After reaching the Real Martial Realm, Fang Chen also knew more or less of the secrets of the ancient sword continent.

Originally thought that the alchemy master was the highest achievement of Dan Dao.

But it was later learned that there were legendary priests above the high Dao Dao master.

The Divine Master can refine the Divine Pill. According to legend, the Divine Pill can produce human bones and bones.

However, it is too difficult to reach the level of a priest.

Looking at the ancient sword continent, no priest appeared in the past ten thousand years.

"Congratulations to Master Dan Yi." Fang Chen and Li Fatzi hurriedly congratulated.

If Dan Yisheng can really take that step, then he will be the first alchemist in Qingyunyu in nearly ten thousand years.

At that time, you may be able to find the mystery of immortality.

Obviously, Dan Yi Shengshi was also very happy, and directly sent Fang Chen three Sheng Ling Dan.

"I hope so." Master Dan Yi laughed.

"Dan Yi Shengshi, you just felt something, we won't disturb you." Fang Chen arched hand.

Master Dan Yi nodded and said: "If there is any need in the future, come directly to me."

Fang Chen and Li Fatzi separated after they left Danyi Shengshi's residence.

Li Fatzi ’s cultivation practice has recently reached a bottleneck, and he may at any time reach the five levels of true martial arts.

To this end, Li Fatzi is also trying to practice.

And Fang Chen is anxious to increase the strength of the soul.

As soon as he returned to Jiandouchang, Fang Chen returned directly to his residence, and then sat cross-legged, ready to swallow Sheng Ling Dan.

Swish ...

The little mouse came out of the special space ring. At this time, the little mouse had a purple luster around her body, and her temperament was very special.

"Boss ... I'm protecting you," the little mouse said.

Fang Chen nodded, then adjusted his body, then took out a Spiritual Elixir and swallowed it directly.

Hissing ...

Shenglingdan's medicinal effect instantly diffused in Fang Chen's body, and then all gathered in Fang Chen's mind.

Fang Chen's soul greedily absorbed the effect of Sheng Ling Dan.

Fang Chen can perceive that the soul is ascending.

Shengling Pill is a top-level Tao medicine, which is very useful for the martial artists of Zhenwu Realm.

Mid-Yellow level, late yellow level, peak yellow level.

The first Ascension Pill directly raised Fang Chen's soul strength to the peak of the Huang level, and only one step away to reach the green level.

"The effect is very strong." Fang Chen could not help sighing.

Ordinary people have worked hard for decades, I am afraid that they are not as effective as Ascension Pills?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen also had to sigh that while martial arts, his own efforts are important, but external factors are also very important.

In short, to become a strong man, it is necessary to integrate various factors.

After the effects of the first Ascension Pill were fully digested, Fang Chen began to swallow the second Ascension Pill.

Hissing ...

With the experience of devouring the first Ascension Pill, the second one is obviously much better controlled than the first one.

After a while, the medicinal effect of the second Shengling Pill was also absorbed by Fang Chen.

At this time, Fang Chen felt his brain shaking.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen's yellow soul suddenly changed colors.

In a blink of an eye, the yellow color disappeared and replaced with green.

In my mind, a group of green souls suspended quietly, and in that green soul, exuded a breath of soul.

Soul strength has reached the green level.

Fang Chen can feel that after the soul reaches the green level, the soul is much stronger.

"carry on……"

The first effect of Sheng Ling Dan is the best when swallowed. If it is swallowed later, the effect will become weaker and weaker.

Fang Chen wanted to take this opportunity to completely swallow the third Shengling Pill.

Hissing ...

After half an hour, the medicinal effects of the three Shengling Pills were completely absorbed.

At this time, Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

Around his head, the green soul instantly converged.

Fang Chen's face was full of smiles.

"Three Ascension Pills lifted the soul to the mid-green level."

Immediately, Fang Chen's body shakes, and his own soul repair level in the next moment is also logically elevated to the middle of the fourth level.

"Soul repair mid-level four." Fang Chen was a little excited in his heart.

The fourth level soul repair, corresponding to the real martial arts nine heavy.

In the middle of the fourth level, it is equivalent to the middle level of the real martial arts.

Wow ...

Fang Chen's mind, the soul turned, and the magic formula was instantly displayed.

In a blink of an eye, the magical power instantly exploded into a powerful force.

call out……

Fang Chen's heart moved, and a thick green soul appeared immediately above his head. These souls directly gathered into a war spear, and then shot out in a hurry.


Under the control of Fang Chen, the soul war spear was fiercely inserted on the ground.

Suddenly, it stirred up countless dust.

Moreover, Fang Chen found that within the war spear, a trace of soul breath penetrated into the ground.

"This is the ultimate form of attack that attracts God's tactics." Fang Chen couldn't help laughing.

The soul reaches the mid-level of the green level, and the soul-cultivation level reaches the mid-level of the fourth level.

"The soul of the mid-level of the green level, with the strongest state of mind, there is no pressure on the five martial arts martial artists." Fang Chen said slightly.

However, before Fang Chen was happy, he was shocked to find that a slight change had taken place in his body.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen looked at his body.

In the body, the sword soul is changing.

There are five steps in Kendo, and the third step is the sword soul. After condensing the sword soul, Fang Chen has no time to practice the primary volume of Kendo.

Now, the sword spirit actually changes automatically.

"Are sword spirits evolving?"

Fang Chen's heart shook slightly.

The fact is that as Fang Chen expected, the sword spirit is really evolving.

Looking at the sword soul that evolved little by little, Fang Chen was very excited.

Hissing ...

The green soul in my mind penetrates into the sword soul, helping the sword soul evolve quickly.

With the passage of time, Fang Chen was horrified to find that, with the help of the green soul, the sword soul was being transformed into a sword soul.

"Are you going to the fourth step?" Fang Chen said to himself.

Kendo's fourth step, the sword soul, has a great relationship with the warrior's own soul.

Fang Chen gradually realized that the evolution of sword spirit should be related to the soul.

Just after the soul broke through, the sword soul evolved.

All this is so connected.

Sword soul evolution is much easier than Fang Chen imagined.

It took about an hour, and the sword soul was completely transformed into the sword soul.

A sword-shaped soul, suspended in Fang Chen's mind, relies on the original green soul.

The sword-shaped soul exudes vast sword energy.

After the Sword Soul took shape, Fang Chen felt his perception of Kendo further.

"Is this the sword spirit?"

Fang Chen stared at the soul of the sword and said to himself.

According to the primary volume of Kendo's True Explanation, after condensing the spirit of sword, the swordsmanship of the warrior will be gradually improved by the spirit of sword.

Moreover, the spirit of sword can give the warrior more sword energy.

When Jian Xiu is fighting, there is no need to worry about the excessive consumption of Jian Qi and the inability to launch a more aggressive attack.

It's been almost a year since I came to bury Jianzhou, and Fang Chen finally took the fourth step of Kendo.

"So strong."

Fang Chen stood up and felt his strength turn.

At the same time, Fang Chen also found that his cultivation practice reached the four peaks of the true martial arts realm.

All this is caused by the three Ascension Pills.

Pull the whole body and move.

Fang Chen's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

"Xuan Lao said, when my soul rises to the green level, will you be able to practice the golden sword of immortality?" After a little excitement, Fang Chen thought carefully.

Fang Chen tried it secretly and found that he still could not practice the golden sword of immortality.

Immediately, Fang Chen found Xuan Lao.

"Xuan Lao, my soul has been elevated. Why can't I still practice the golden sword of immortality?" Fang Chen asked in surprise.

Xuan Lao glanced at Fang Chen and smiled, "Yes, the soul has reached the mid-green level."

"Have your sword soul evolved into a sword soul?" Xuan Lao continued to ask.

Fang Chen was stunned. How could Xuan Lao know that he had practiced the primary volume of Kendo True Explanation?

Seeing Fang Chen's surprised look, Xuan Lao smiled and said: "Only the mortal continent such as the ancient sword continent, the primary volume of the true interpretation of kendo is regarded as the supreme treasure. Everyone will practice in the buried Jianzhou."

Fang Chen's heart shook.

Unexpectedly, Kendo ’s primary solution was buried in Jianzhou, so ordinary.

"The soul will rise to the green level, and the sword soul will naturally evolve into the sword soul. Once you have the sword soul, it will nourish your sword's true meaning all the time. It will not take long for the true meaning of the sword to reach the realm of third grade. "Xuan Lao laughed."

Fang Chen heard, finally understood.

It turned out that Xuan Lao had long seen that he had practiced the primary volume of the true interpretation of Kendo. The reason why he increased his soul strength was to allow his sword spirit to evolve into a sword soul, thus moisturizing the true meaning of the sword.

"It turns out so." Fang Chen focused on his head and smiled.

After talking, Fang Chen was ready to leave, but was stopped by Xuan Lao.

"Since your strength has been improved comprehensively, then I should also tell you something." Xuan Lao said.

"Xuan Lao, please."

"Not long ago, the blood refining king took his disciple Yong An, came to the sword fighting field, the roll call to challenge you." Xuan Lao Road.

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