Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 831: Insidious

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On the rostrum, Blood Refining Wang Teng stood up, staring at the black flame on Xingyin's sword.

"Why is this black flame so domineering?"

Blood Refining King is the power of Xuanwang Realm, which can mobilize the power of the world around him at will.

At a glance, I saw Fang Chen's extraordinary black flame, which invaded Yong An's long sword, corroding his long sword.

Xuan Lao on the side was also surprised.

Then he seemed to find something, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This child is really unique, the evil spirit of potential, it is really scary." Xuan Lao said secretly in his heart.

He could see that there was a trace of ancient immortality in the black flame of the ancient sword.

"Why is there a characteristic of immortality in this child's flames?" Xuan Lao Bai was puzzled.

There is only one possibility to transform one's own flame into immortality.

That is, absorbed the blood of the immortal bird.

"This ... does this child really absorb the blood of immortal birds?"

Thinking of this, Xuan Lao's heart was shocked.

If his guess is true, then this child is too terrible, and future achievements are limitless.

Once transforming one's own flames into immortal flames, how dare you not even despise the power of Xuanwang Realm?

What is the existence of the ancient immortal beast?

Undead Flame is a fierce fire that shook the world today, and anyone who can get such a fierce fire can suppress an era.

This is a legend of immortality.

Unexpectedly, after living so long, Xuan Lao actually saw a flame with immortal characteristics.

Looking at the ancient sword on the ring, Xuan Lao's eyes were bright.

Under the ring, Luo Baidao, Wu Li and others also noticed the power of black flames.

"Brother Gu's black flames are really overbearing." Li Fatzi said.

"Yong'an's long sword is a pawn, but after being eroded by this black flame, it is also a bit irresistible." He Xuelin said.

"A crack appeared in Yongan's long sword." Wu Li observed carefully and whispered.

"This black flame, even if I face it, dare not resist it head-on." Luo Baidao said.

From the conversations of these people, we can see how powerful Fang Chen's black flame is.

Above the ring, Yongan's Qihai turns, and wild spirits are constantly injected into the long sword, wanting to completely eliminate the black flames.

"Huh, do you think that with this flame, you can make me helpless?"

Yong An sneered, spurred the strength of the whole body, and directly exhibited the strongest golden ancient sword.

Suddenly, a strong golden breath appeared in the sky, and within it, there were extinct characters.

Under the control of Yong An, these word exterminations rushed towards Fang Chen.

"Five Elements Sword Technique."

Fang Chen shook his hand and exhibited five elements of swordsmanship.

The majestic sword light slammed into Yongan's attack.

At the same time, Fang Chen's heart moved, and the true meaning of the void appeared.

Fang Chen's body disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at the void.

They all know that the ancient sword has the true meaning of a space, but no one knows what it is.

"I can't feel it at all. Gu Jianxiu's space is really overbearing," Li Fatzi said.

"Brother Luo, what do you think is the most true meaning of Gu Jianxiu's space?" He Xuelin asked Luo Baidao.

Luo Baijian pondered for a moment, and said: "When Gu Jianxiong is showing the true meaning of space, his body is hidden in the void, and he can't detect it at all, even the power of Xuanwang Realm. Really. "

"In the higher real meaning, there are only two or three types of space-like real meaning. I feel that his space-like real meaning is most likely to be illusory real meaning." Luo Baidao said.

Although he has always been fighting with Luo Baidao, Wu Li agrees with Luo Baidao's words at this moment.

The true meaning of the ancient sword is definitely higher, and it is most likely unreal.

"Is it unreal?"

Many martial arts around were shocked.

Even Xuan Lao and Blood Refining King on the podium thought that the real meaning of the ancient sword was unreal.

"How about having unreal truth?" Blood Refining King sneered.

He gave Yong An's killer skills enough to deal with Gu Jian.

Rumble ...

On the ring, only Yong An was alone. He looked dignified and looked around.

At this moment, suddenly the void torn in front of him, a tremendous blade of sword, the horizontal sky appeared, and he slashed towards Yongan.

"court death."

Seeing this, Yong An sipped and raised his sword to resist.

Click ...

Yong An underestimated the power of this sword. When the long sword and the Xingyin sword collided together, they immediately made a clicking sound.

Immediately after that, Yong An discovered that there were countless cracks on his long sword.

Wow ...

With Fang Chen's appearance, Yongan's long sword shattered instantly.

Dao Bing was just shattered by Fang Chen and shocked everyone in Jiandouchang.

"damn it."

Yong An's figure was forced to retreat, he immediately roared with rage.

I saw that there was an iron nail in Yongan's hand, and then he crushed the nail hard.

Suddenly, within the nails, a radiant breath was shot, intertwined instantly, transformed into a formation, and enveloped Fang Chen.

"Confine the space?"

Upon seeing this, Luo Baidao and others were shocked and immediately looked at the blood refining king on the podium.

At this time, Xuan Lao's face also changed slightly, and he said unpleasantly: "Blood Refining King, are you too much?"

"Xuan Lao, what you said is really interesting. I haven't shot it. How come I said too much?" Blood Refining Wang sneered.

"Ming people don't tell secret words, you know what I mean." Xuan Laohan said in a cold voice.

The blood refining king actually gave this kind of treasure to Yongan.

The iron nail contains a Tao-level formation, which is a formation that confines space.

Once laid out, the small-scale space is directly imprisoned, and even the higher real intentions and illusory real intentions cannot be displayed.

"The space is confined. I want to see how your space is really meant to be displayed." Yong An looked at Fang Chen in the formation eerily.

In his view, the reason why Gu Jian could fight him was because of the true meaning of space.

This time he confines space, and Gu Jian will not be able to show the true meaning of space.

Within the formation, Fang Chen's eyes flashed a sarcastic smile.

"Guide to God."

At the next moment, Fang Chen showed off his charm without hesitation.

Soul repair in the middle of the fourth level, combined with the strongest state of mind, its power can easily destroy the five martial artists in the real martial arts realm.

This array method is specifically aimed at the real meaning of space and confining space.

But it cannot restrain the soul from spreading.

Fang Chenshi exhibited a soul attack, and the tactics of inspiring the mind worked in his mind.

The vast green soul instantly gathered in the void, and then turned into a war spear.

call out……

This war spear carried a terrifying breath, penetrated the formation at a speed visible to the naked eye, and shot towards Yongan.

"Huh, this soul attack, it's too rubbish."

Seeing this, Yong An snorted, his soul out of his way, and resisted Fang Chen's magic tactics.

Hissing ...

The green war spear directly hit Yongan's soul light group.

Originally, Yong An chuckled, suddenly made a miserable cry.


The war spear penetrated into Yong An's head, hitting Yong An's soul, and let Yong An's body fly directly out.

At the same time, the green war spear collapsed into the void.

On the rostrum, the blood refining king's face was blue and angry.

Gu Jian's soul attack exceeded his imagination and actually hit Yong An's soul.

"Stupid." Blood Refining King could not help cursing.

Xuan Lao looked at him with a smile, Gu Jian gave him too many surprises.

Before the ring, Luo Baidao and others were also surprised.

"Brother Gu Jian is really a pervert, not only the strength of martial arts, but also the soul attack is so arrogant." Li Fatzi smiled sharply.

He was very happy that the strength shown by Gu Jian completely suppressed Yong An.

As long as Gu Jian wins, he can earn at least one million amethysts.

"That's a million amethysts."

Even the fat genius like Li Fatzi, all of his net worth, did not have a million amethysts.

"Gu Jian's soul attack is very strange." Luo Baidao said.

"I don't know this Yongan, what other means?" Wu Li said.

On the ring, Fang Chen was still trapped in the formation, and Yong An, who fell to the ground, slowly climbed up.

The soul was badly hit, and his head was in pain.

However, he resisted the pain, and his scarlet eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"Gu Jian, I want you to die."

Yong An growled loudly.

Wow ...

The voice of Yong An just fell, and beside him, a blood puppet appeared.

As soon as this blood puppet appeared, it caused an uproar.

"What? Five blood puppets of Zhenwu Realm?"

Seeing Xuan Lao, Shen Sheng shouted.

"It should have been taken out long ago." Blood Refining King saw his blood puppet and said to himself.

If Yong An had brought the bleeding puppets early, he would not hurt the soul.

"Blood Refining King, are you bullying me that there is no one in the sword fighting field?" Xuan Lao Teng stood up and stared at the blood refining King coldly.

"Xuan Lao, this blood puppet is what I gave to apprentice Yong An, and it is also a part of his strength. Doesn't it seem to break the rules?" Blood Refining King said.

"Huh, the blood puppet of the five-fold real martial arts, its strength is comparable to the six-fold real martial arts, your move is really sinister enough." Xuan Lao angered.

"I am Yongan, without breaking the rules. As for your sword fighting field, if you can't play it, you will admit defeat directly." Blood Refining King Lengheng said.

Xuan Lao was anxious, but he had nothing to say.

Speaking from the rules, the blood refining king must not have broken the rules.

But everyone knows that this is cheating.

The five blood puppets of Zhenwu Realm, together with Yong An, two combat powers, and one ancient sword to encircle and suppress one, in order to bully less, is this not cheating?

"Damn." Xuan Lao slammed on the rostrum without saying a word.

Under the ring, many martial artists were also surprised.

Luo Baidao and others were somber.

"Blood Refining King is too shameless, actually gave Yong An the five-fold blood puppet of True Martial Realm to Yong An." Li Fatzi said.

"Gu Jianxiong was overcast by them. If he could not break through the formation, Gu Jianxiu would definitely lose." He Xuelin said.

"The formation of imprisoned space, with the strength of Gu Jianxiu, may not be broken." Wu Lidao.

Luo Bai blade clenched his fists, his eyes were stern, and he didn't speak.

Above the ring, Yong An took out some amethyst and put it into the blood puppet.

Then he laughed grimly.

"Gu Jian, I admit that your strength is beyond my expectations. However, next, you are ready to enjoy death."

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