Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 833: Shura sword city visit

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The ancestor slowly raised his head, restored his expression, moved his heart, and the sword token returned to Fang Chen's hands.

"This token is a personal token of my life and death brother." Ancestor said.

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. It turned out that the head inside Ding was really the strong man who buried Jianzhou.

But why did he appear on the ancient sword continent?

Xuan Lao and Fang Chen were puzzled.

However, the ancestor obviously did not want to say anything else, and waved: "Let's go."

Xuan Lao nodded and took Fang Chen back.

"Cultivate gold and immortal swordsmanship as soon as possible and go to the Burial Sword City. Your doubts will be answered." Laozu said.


Back on the ground of Jiandouchang, the shock in Fang Chen's heart could not be calm for a long time.

"Gu Jian, today's thing, I come to the aftermath, you go back to rest." Xuan Lao said.

The ancient sword beheaded Yong An, and the five blood puppets of the real martial arts were smashed with a sword, which shocked the Golden Sword City completely.

Some warriors even believe that Gu Jian's strength has already caught up with the younger generation of top powers Luo Baidao and Wu Li.

In short, throughout the Golden Sword City, ancient swords are being discussed everywhere.

The blood refining king's mansion has a dignified atmosphere.

The blood refining king lost his apprentices, the five blood puppets of the real martial arts realm, and millions of amethysts, and he was furious.

But the ancestor of the sword fighting field appeared, he did not dare to say anything.

"Gu Jian, I will kill you." Blood Refining King shouted angrily.

Regardless of how the outside world is surging, Fang Chen rests quietly in the courtyard at this time.

The mouse swishes out of the special space.

"Boss," said the little mouse, his face dignified.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chen asked.

"Boss, since coming to Burial Sword State, I feel that my self-cultivation has been improved too quickly." Little Mouse said.

"Cultivation improves quickly?" Fang Chen was a little puzzled.

"The speed of cultivation is so amazing that I feel incredible." The little mouse said: "In a faint, I feel as if I originally belonged here. I feel very familiar with everything here."


Fang Chen heard his words, and his heart shook.

Is it true that the little mouse is from Burial Sword State?

At this moment, Fang Chen thought of what the ancestor of Jiandouchang said.

The owner of Jianzi token is a brother of life and death.

The owner of the sword token is the head inside the three-legged two-eared tripod.

The discovery of the three-legged two-eared ears was also due to the little mouse.

"Does the mouse have anything to do with the head inside Ding?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's heart is also full of shock.

With such a detailed analysis, I feel more and more that the little mouse is related to the head inside Ding.

"You can rest assured that I will find the mystery of your life experience." Fang Chen patted the mouse's head and said softly.

Everything is absolutely not a coincidence.

The little mouse found the three-legged two-eared dinger outside the Wuxing College, and the head inside the dingy was just the power of the burial of Jianzhou.

Before, Fang Chen knew from Xuan Lao that the founder of Wuxing Academy was the one who buried Jianzhou.

All kinds of information are linked together, Fang Chen's horrified discovery.

The source of everything is buried in Jianzhou.

All the answers are also buried in Jianzhou.

"When I practice the golden and immortal sword technique, I can go to the Burial Sword City, and the truth will be revealed by then." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.


In the days after the beheading of Yong An, many Xuanwang realms came to visit Fang Chen.

But Fang Chen refused one by one.

These Xuanwang realm all want to make friends with Fang Chen.

After fighting with Yongan, they clearly realized the potential of the ancient sword.

Moreover, the ancient sword was the first warrior to ignite the golden bells in the past 100 years.

For a time, the Xuanwang Realm coming to the sword fighting field was endless.

The sword fighting field became lively in an instant.

Fang Chen, who is the protagonist, is quietly practicing.

In the battle with Yongan, Fang Chen learned a lot and knew many of his shortcomings.

The reason why he can kill Yong An is actually a lot of tricks.

Afterwards, Fang Chen summarized several points.

The first point is that the level of the true meaning of the void is too low to exert real power. Without the power blessing of the sword token, it cannot penetrate the restraint of the space imprisonment array.

The second point is that he can smash blood puppets with one sword, because he has been refined into a blood puppet by the blood refining king. The internal structure of the blood puppet is clearer than anyone's, so he can stab the core of the blood puppet with a sword.

These two points are indispensable.

However, Fang Chen had both, only to kill Yong An.

I am afraid so far, the blood refining king ca n’t understand how the ancient sword penetrated the space imprisonment array, and how did the sword bombard the blood puppet?

This is a mystery. No one can solve the mystery except the ancient sword.

Originally, with the character of the blood refining king, Gu Jian beheaded his apprentice, even if there was Xuan Lao blocking, it was necessary to shoot.

However, the ancestor of the sword fighting field was disturbed, but the blood refining king did not dare to make it.

A few days later, the news of Gu Jian's battle with Yongan still did not retreat.

One day, a group of people came to the Golden Sword City.

Inside the Palace of the Blood Refining King, in the meeting hall.

"Blood Refining King, this time I am coming to your Golden Sword City from Xiuluo Jiancheng. One is for the discussion of the younger generation, and the other is to discuss some things with you." A middle-aged man, led by, said softly.

"Master Xiuyun, the request of Xiuluo Jianzong, my blood refining king can agree, but my blood refining king also has a request." The blood refining king thought for a moment.

Asura Sword City is adjacent to Golden Sword City.

The Shura Sword Sect is the absolute overlord of the Shura Sword City, and the Shura Chung is controlled by the Shura Sword Sect.

The people of Shura Jianzong are practicing the sword technique of the town of Shura Jiancheng.

Xiu Yun is the deacon elder of Xiuluo Jianzong. He came here on behalf of Xiuluo Jianzong.

"Oh? What are the requirements, talk about it." Xiu Yun heard the words and said softly.

"Adult Xiuyun, my disciple died a short time ago in the hands of a thief, but that thief has the mysterious protection of the sword fighting field. I can't avenge my revenge." Xuelian said sadly.

"What do you want to do to kill Yung An?" Asked Xiu Yun.

"Zhenwu Realm has four peaks, but its fighting power is really comparable to that of Zhenwu Realm." Blood Refining King said.

"Oh? When did Jinjian City have such a genius?" Xiu Yun said, surprised.

"Adult Xiu Yun, this man is not only powerful, but also very talented. Not long ago, he broke into the golden ancient bell and the bell sounded nine times." Blood Refining Road said.

Hearing the words, Xiu Yun fell silent.

It can be seen that the bell sounded nine times, making him tremble.

After a long time, Xiu Yun said: "Zhong Ming nine bells, want to come to this child's talent, must be extremely evil."

At this moment, Xiu Yun had an idea in mind.

"Master Xiuyun." Blood Refining King asked.

"This matter is wrapped in me. This time the younger generations are discussing, this is the day when this child died." Xiu Yun said.

Asura Sword City and Golden Sword City have always had a competitive relationship.

If you can take this opportunity to get rid of the evil geniuses of Golden Sword City, and also be able to recruit the blood refining king, why not do it?

"Okay, Master Xiun Yun is so happy, my blood refining king will no longer refuse to say, as long as this son falls, I will join the Xiuluo Jianzong." Blood refining king said boldly.

Before, Xiuluo Jianzong repeatedly recruited the blood refining king.

The latter also had an idea and wanted to join Shura Jianzong, but he did not agree.

This time, because of the ancient sword, the blood refining king did not hesitate to agree to the request of Xiuluo Jianzong.

Xiu Yun heard the words and laughed, but he would like to thank the warrior named Ancient Sword. If it were not for him, the Blood Refining King would not join them as easily as Shura Jianzong.

The blood refining king is famous for refining blood puppets. Although in the Xuanwang realm, the strength is not the strongest, but many forces want to win the blood refining king.

The blood puppet refined by the blood refining king is very famous.

If Shura Jianzong wants to expand, he needs the participation of Blood Refining King.

"Tomorrow, I will take people to the sword fighting field." Xiu Yun said.

After hearing this, the blood refining king was ecstatic.


Jianluochang also knew about the arrival of Shura Jianzong.

Xuan Lao summoned several other Xuan Wang realm strongmen to discuss this matter.

"This time, Shu Luo Jianzong came to visit, how do we deal with it?" Xuan Lao asked.

"What are you afraid of? Our younger generation in the Golden Sword City, with Luo Bai blade, Wu Li and Gu Jian, these excellent disciples, are still afraid of him training the Luo Sect?" Binghe Wang smiled.

Other Xuanwang realm also nodded one after another.

"The Xiuluo Jianzong is fierce, there must be a killer, don't care." Xuan Lao reminded.

"Relax, our golden and immortal swordsmanship is no worse than their Shura swordsmanship."

The people reached an unanimous decision in a short while, and then acted separately to convene the younger generation.

When Luo Bairen and others learned about the incident, they were eager to try, and could not wait to play.

"I haven't tried my best for a long time, let Xiuluo Jianzong people be my stepping stones." Luo Baidao said.

The younger generations such as He Xuelin, Li Fatzi and Wu Li are also preparing and waiting for the day of learning.

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