Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 848: Blood Jade Bodhi

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The Five Elements Secret Realm, although it is a small secret realm.

However, as long as there is a desire to evade, the blood moon killer organization is also difficult to find.

The owner of the Five Elements Palace told the disciples that the most important thing for the disciples of the Five Elements Palace is to save their lives after entering the secret realm of the Five Elements.

However, although everyone was walking cautiously, they were eventually discovered by the people in the Temple of Destruction.

On the seventh day of the opening of the Five Elements Mystery, a disciple of the Five Elements Palace was strongly beheaded by the disciples of the Temple of Destruction.

This is only the first one. In the next few days, the disciples of Wuxing Palace were beheaded one after another.

There were only seven people in total. In just over ten days, three were killed, only four were left.

At this time, in a hidden cave, Rayong's face was blue.

"Damn Yu Junchang." Luo Yong shouted angrily.

Luo Jian on the side, with a somber complexion, was quite angry.

Not long ago, they met Yu Junchang, the chief disciple of the Temple of Destruction. .

Now, they are hiding here and dare not go out at all.

"Brother Luo Yong, this is not the way to continue." Luo Jian whispered.

"So what do you say?" Luo Yong asked coldly.

"Otherwise, let's find Luo Hong and Fang Chen?" Luo Jiandao.

Luo Yong was silent for a moment, and then said: "The matter is here, it can only be like this."

Later, Luo Yong personally summoned Luo Hong, and obtained Luo Hong's coordinates soon.

"Go." Luo Yong said.


At this time, in another area, Fang Chen and Luo Hong sat cross-legged on a bluestone to rest. Suddenly, Luo Hong's communication Yu Pei shook.

Immediately, Luo Hong told Luo Yong his position.

"What's wrong?" Fang Chen asked.

"My disciples in the Five Elements Palace have three dead." Luo Hong said gloomy.

Fang Chen nodded and fell into silence.

In themselves, they are at a disadvantage.

Although the two of them joined forces and beheaded the shadow, there was still the most terrifying Shadow Venerable in the dark. Once he appeared, Fang Chen and Luo Hong had no resistance at all.

"Brother Fang, it seems that we are going to speed up." Luo Hong said suddenly.

Fang Chen looked at Luo Hong with surprise. The latter said slowly: "Before coming in, Master once told me that there is a flower in the five elements secret realm. Only by getting this flower can we defeat the victory. . "

"What flower?" Fang Chen asked.

"Blood Jade Bodhi." Luo Hong said.

For the first time, Fang Chen heard about the Blood Jade Bodhi and was a little surprised, looking at Luo Hong.

The latter explained slowly: "The blood jade bodhi flower is a kind of magical flower in Jianjian Prefecture. It is said that this kind of flowers can be cultivated by themselves. When they cultivate to a certain level, they can produce flower spirits. And Once you have the flower spirit, the blood jade Bodhi will have a vast blood jade power. "

"In our Five Elements Palace, there is a town sect array method. This array method is called the blood jade array method. If we want to urge the blood jade array method, we can only get the blood jade bodhi flower Cai Kangyong." Luo Hongdao.

Fang Chen heard that, it was understood.

As a grand master of top formation, he naturally understood the blood jade formation.

In the records of the basic volume of the battle line, the blood moon formation method only exists in the legend.

This kind of formation is the top Dao-level formation, even if it is a general formation teacher, I am afraid it cannot be arranged.

The energy required by the Blood Jade Array is too large, so even if it is a saint who can arrange this array, he is not willing to arrange it easily.

Unexpectedly, in the Five Elements Palace, there was actually a blood jade array.

"Blood Jade Formation?"

Fang Chen's eyes flickered and whispered.

"Brother Fang has heard of this formation?" Luo Hong asked quickly.

"Slightly know one or two, this array is too difficult to arrange, and it requires huge energy. Are you sure you can get this array when you get the Blood Jade Bodhi?" Fang Chen asked.

"Master Zun personally told me that even if he got the Blood Jade Bodhi, if he wanted to arrange this formation, there was only a 50% chance, unless it was the Master himself."

Fang Chen heard the words and immediately asked, "Where is the Blood Jade Bodhi?"

"Master is only guessing, we just know a rough location." Luo Hong said.

Fang Chen nodded and stopped talking, waiting for the arrival of Luo Yong and Luo Jian.

After about three hours, Luo Yong and Luo Jian came.

After the four met, they quickly left here.

According to Luo Hong's memory, Blood Jade Bodhi flower should grow in a strange place.

At this time, four people are quickly going to the central position of the Five Elements Secret Realm.

A few days later, the four of Fang Chen finally came to the center of the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Here, there is a looming palace.

"Blood jade Bodhi flower should be here." Luo Hong whispered.

"Go in." Fang Chen said.

"Hahaha, it really takes no effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere."

At this moment, an arrogant voice came from a distance, and a few figures immediately appeared.

Luo Hong turned his head and looked, his pupil shrunk.

The people who destroyed the temple actually found it here.

"Luo Hong, today is your death."

The head of the person said eerie.

Luo Hong and Fang Chen glanced at each other, and then his whole body breathed.

"It's you who are dead."

Fang Chen's voice just fell, the real meaning of the void instantly urged, and his figure disappeared.

Thump ...

Every time Fang Chen appeared, a warrior was attacked.

When the attacked warrior resisted with all his strength, Luo Hong's long sword also quietly inserted into his head.

Between the flashlights, a warrior was beheaded.

The remaining four warriors had a look of surprise on their faces.

"Damn, come on together."

The heading shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the four warriors erupted in a terrifying atmosphere, attacking Luo Hong with all their strength.


At this moment, Luo Yong and Luo Jian also joined the battle.

With Rayong's strong fighting power, Fang Chen made a sneak attack, which was easier.

Fang Chen's use of the void really intended to contain the four warriors, and the two fighting forces of Luo Yong and Luo Hong exploded into a terrifying strength, strangling the warriors of the temple.

Thump ...

In a blink of an eye, the four warriors were beheaded.

Wow ...

Fang Chen's figure appeared from the void.

At this moment, Luo Yong and Luo Jian looked into Fang Chen's eyes, and a look of shock appeared.

After a long time, Luo Yong smiled at Fang Chen: "Brother Fang, your space is really kind, really domineering."

The true meaning of space can be concealed into the void at will, which is definitely a nightmare for the warrior.

Of course, in the face of absolute strength, the real meaning of space is useless.

These five people were beheaded, plus the two people who were beheaded before, a total of seven people. That is to say, there are only six people in the Wuxing Secret Area now.

Among them, the most dangerous is Shadow Lord.

As for the other five people, Fang Chen and Luo Hong were fearless.

Even Yu Junchang was fearless.

"Go in." Luo Hong said loudly.

In an instant, the four entered the looming palace.

After entering the palace, the four found that there was nothing in the palace.

"Separately search." Luo Hong said.

Immediately, the four scattered to find.

After about half an hour, Luo Hong found the target, and then the four gathered together again.

At this time, Luo Hong stood in a garden.

There are countless flowers and plants in this garden, but the most striking thing is the blood-red flowers in the center of the lawn.

There are nine red flowers on the blood red flower branch. These nine red flowers are very charming.

"Is this the Blood Jade Bodhi Flower?" Fang Chen twitched in his heart and said to himself.

"Yes, this is the Blood Jade Bodhi, and it's still nine leaves." Luo Hong said with excitement in his heart.

The nine-leaf blood jade bodhi flower is the most precious. Compared with the ordinary three-leaf and six-leaf, I do not know how many times it is precious.

"With these nine-leaf blood jade jacquards, he must be able to arrange the bleeding jade array." Luo Hong was very excited, and Luo Yong and Luo Jian were also very excited.

This flower is their greatest reliance on counterattack to destroy the temple.

"I'll pick it off." Luo Jian took a step and said aloud.

"Slow down."

Luo Hong grabbed Luo Jian and blocked Luo Jian's behavior.

"Don't act rashly, this blood jade Bodhi flower is highly poisonous, and even after being contaminated, even the real martial arts strong can't bear it." Luo Hongdao.

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