Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 853: The bronze ancestor woke up

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On the large open space, look carefully, there are a total of square grids, each square grid is about one foot in size.

Nine square lattices are put together and the shape is a square.

Hearing Fang Chen saying Jiugongge, Luo Hong and the two were very puzzled and looked at Fang Chen one after another.

"Brother Fang, what is Jiugongge? Is it Dao-level formation?" Luo Hong asked.

"Yes, what is Jiugongge?" Luo Yong also asked in doubt.

They have never heard of Jiugongge, nor do they understand what this is.

Fang Chen was also a little surprised, and there was a Jiugongge here.

Moreover, after careful observation, I found that this nine-grid grid is exactly the same as the nine-grid grid on the earth, with the only different variable. The pattern on this nine-grid grid is very strange.


Fang Chen ignored Luo Yong and Luo Hong and came to Jiugongge.

He carefully observed the nine grids, and found that each grid had a separate pattern, but it was incomplete.

Therefore, Fang Chen guessed that this nine-square grid should be a puzzle.

"Try it."

Fang Chen started the puzzle according to Fang Chen on the earth.

At the beginning, Fang Chen didn't know how to move the square grid.

He tried to release the soul, enveloped the grid, and then moved the grid with his mind.

A miracle appeared, and the square actually moved.


Seeing this, Fang Chen was overjoyed, and immediately continued to move the square grid.

After a while, Fang Chen completely spelled out the original pattern.

At this time, Fang Chen looked at it and found out that the pattern in the nine-grid grid was actually a middle-aged warrior. This warrior was holding a long sword in his hand. His body was covered with gold armor and his eyes gazed into the distance. .

"Brother Fang, what is this?" Luo Hong saw Luo Yong, and he was shocked and asked quickly.

"This person should be the master of the Five Elements Secret Realm." Fang Chen whispered.

Click ...

When Fang Chen spelled out the puzzle, Jiugongge suddenly came out.

The rumbling voice came, and under the watchful eyes of Fang Chen, Jiugongge burst out of the ground.

Soon the height exceeded the three of Fang Chen. When the height of Jiugongge reached about one foot, it stopped instantly.

From a distance, it looks like a stone pillar, but it is just a square stone pillar.

"Go up and see."

Fang Chen made a leap and leapt to the Jiugongge instantly.

Luo Hong and Luo Yong also set foot in Jiugongge.

At the same time, a melodious voice passed into the ears of the three.

The warrior who can break through this organ has something to do with me.

"Sure enough," Luo Hong exulted.

"Whether you choose a square lattice yourself, whether you can get my inheritance depends on your character." This voice gradually weakened, and finally disappeared directly.

The three of Fang Chen glanced at each other. Luo Hong chose the long sword square and sat cross-legged.

Luo Yong thought about it and chose the Jinjia square.

Finally, Fang Chen chose the middle-aged warrior's head square and sat cross-legged.

When Fang Chen sat down, a breath of breath suddenly entered his body.

"this is……"

Fang Chen was surprised when he sensed this breath.

Because, this breath penetrated into his body, all absorbed by the remnants of the bronze ancestor.

"What kind of breath is this?"

Fang Chen had never seen such a breath, and was very surprised.

Hissing ...

After fully absorbing half an hour, this breath finally disappeared.

It was at this time that a laugh came from Fang Chen's mind.

At first, the bronze ancestor entered the three-legged two-eared tripod, but then the tripod shattered, and the ancestor's remnants were attached to Fang Chen's mind.

"Hahaha, I finally woke up." The bronze ancestor laughed.

"Ancestor, are you awake?" Fang Chen asked with a big smile on his face.

After the bronze ancestor slept the last time, he never woke up. After absorbing this breath, he woke up.

"Yes, where is this? How can there be so many sources?" The bronze ancestor was very happy and asked.

"Ancestor, what is the source gas?" Fang Chen puzzled.

"The source gas is the kind of breath that I just absorbed. After the powerful person's fall, although his soul dissipated, some of the remaining will be turned into source gas, which will not last for a long time. Of course, this source gas is only for me Cannibalism has an effect, it has no effect on you. "Bronze ancestor said.

Fang Chen could clearly feel that the remnants of the bronze ancestor seemed to have grown greatly.

"That ancestor, you can wake up because of the source gas?" Fang Chen asked.

"That's of course, if it weren't for these sources, I might sleep forever." Bronze Patriarch said.

After a brief chat with Fang Chen, the bronze ancestor asked.

"Boy, what is this place?"

"Ancestor, have you heard of the funeral of Jianzhou?" Fang Chen asked.

The Bronze Patriarch fell into silence.

After a long time, he asked in a deep voice: "You said you came to the funeral Jianzhou?"

Fang Chen nodded and said: "I was beheaded by a strong man outside the territory. Fortunately, the three-legged two-eared tripod rescued me and took me to the buried Jianzhou."

Fang Chen briefly talked about how to come to Burial Sword State.

After hearing this, the bronze ancestor was also a little sighed.

Unexpectedly, after I fell asleep, so many things happened to the ancient sword continent.

Fortunately, I absorbed enough source gas and woke up.

"It's worthy of the legendary funeral sword state. How long did your kid come, Xiu Wei actually reached the five levels of the real martial arts." The bronze ancestor couldn't help but sigh.

The bronze ancestor was very excited when he learned that Fang Chen was buried in Jianzhou.

You know that when the bronze ancestor was alive, he stood at the peak of the ancient sword continent, but he has only heard of the funeral of Jianzhou in legend.

I have never seen Burial Sword State with my own eyes, but I never expected to come to Bury Sword State after so many years of death.

"Burial Sword State is a legendary holy place for sword cultivation. It is very suitable for cultivation." Bronze Patriarch said.

While Fang Chen was talking to the bronze ancestor, Luo Yong and Luo Hong were also accepting the heritage.

The two seemed to benefit greatly, exuding a strong breath.

Only Fang Chen, nothing.

In fact, it is not considered nothing, at least the bronze ancestor woke up.

Suddenly, Fang Chen thought of the bead he had obtained in Biyue Hantan, and immediately took it out, and asked, "Ancestor, can you recognize this bead?"

The bronze ancestor looked at the bead in Chen's hand, and was shocked.

"Where did you find this bead?" The bronze ancestor asked quickly.

"In Biyue Hantan, in order to get him, I almost froze my soul." Fang Chen said.

"Your kid is a pervert, even Bi Yuezhu can get it?" The bronze ancestor couldn't help saying.

"Ancestor, what is the origin of these beads?" Fang Chen asked.

"Do you know how the Biyue Hantan came?" The bronze ancestor asked back.

Fang Chen shook his head, expressing puzzlement.

The Bronze Ancestor continued: "Biyue Hantan, the reason why the world can be called the fierce pool of the world, is because of this Biyue Pearl."

"The cold water of Biyue in the Biyue Hantan, the polar temperature, and the ordinary real martial arts warriors, when they enter it, will be frozen instantly. Even the powerful real martial arts powerhouses are life-threatening. Those extreme coldness come from A bead. To be precise, this bead is the core of Biyue Hantan. "The bronze ancestor said slowly.

He was a little speechless. How did Fang Chen get the beads?

When Biyue Hantan is in normal operation, Biyuezhu continuously releases the ultimate cold breath, the closer to the beads, the lower the temperature.

With Fang Chen's strength, the soul will be frozen without waiting for Bi Yuezhu.

However, Fang Chen not only died, but also got Bi Yuezhu.

"It's really a demon." The bronze ancestor said.

Of course, this is still the bronze ancestor did not know that Fang Chen had survived the twelve major disasters.

If you know this, you do n’t know how the bronze ancestors felt.

"What's the effect of this Bi Yue Zhu?" Fang Chen asked.

"Bi Yuezhu is in your hand, which is equivalent to carrying Biyue Hantan with you. As long as you put this Biyuezhu in an ordinary water pool, the water pool will immediately become a bile Hantan that makes people feel scared."

Fang Chen was stunned, staring hotly at Bi Yuezhu. Obviously he did not expect that this bead had such a powerful effect.

"Doesn't that mean that he can practice in the Biyue cold pool at any time in the future?" Fang Chen couldn't help but think of this.

Fang Chen has appreciated the benefits of Biyue Hantan.

"It's really baby."

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