Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 861: Funeral castle

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The Shadow Lord is originally a quasi-king powerhouse, and has been seeking to enter the path of the Profound King Realm.

However, it is difficult to enter the realm of Xuanwang.

After the fusion of the mighty ghost, his strength skyrocketed, and he was almost able to step into the realm of Xuanwang.

However, because of the obstruction of the blood jade Bodhi flower, it was stuck in the quasi-king realm.

And now, the breath from Fang Chen's body exudes, so that the strong like Hualing feel the danger.

"what happened?"

Hua Ling narrowed his eyes and stared at Fang Chen, while at the same time his hands continued to show the most violent attacks.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is floating clouds.

As long as Fang Chen can be beheaded, everything is over.

Wow ...

Hua Ling's attack, a bombardment on Fang Chen's body.

However, he was surprised to find that Fang Chen's body, originally entangled with blood-red branches, now gradually faded, and finally disappeared directly into the void.

"The real meaning of space?"

Hua Ling's eyes flickered, and his heart was a little uneasy.

There was a faint color in the air vaguely, he did not know whether it was because of Fang Chen.

Hualing madly attacked the void around him, wanting to bomb Fang Chen.

At this time, in the void, around the body of Fang Chen, the majestic void breath burst out instantly.

His breath skyrocketed wildly.

Super real, under the guidance of no powerful person, he forcibly broke into the second-grade realm.

Fang Chen also did not care about the risk that the true meaning of the void might evolve into other real intentions.

At this moment, his only goal is to escape from this place.

Buzz ...

There was a ripple in the void.

Let the real meaning of the void in the body rise to the extreme, and the tip of the toe of Chen Chen directly urges the real meaning of the void to the extreme, the figure flashes and leaves quickly.

"Want to escape?"

During Fang Chen's escape, there were ripples in space, and the Hualing found that the latter roared and chased away.

However, after just chasing for a while, Hualing stopped.

His face was blue and his heart was furious.

He was a quasi-king strongman, and was actually escaped under the eyelids by a small real martial arts five-fold martial artist.


I don't know how long it has passed, a certain void appeared a ripple.

Immediately after that, Fang Chen's figure appeared instantly.

At this time, his forehead was covered with sweat beads, and his clothes were soaked.

Obviously, it is caused by the overuse of the real intention of the void.

Fang Chen sat breathlessly on the open ground and looked around, empty and without danger, and immediately began to rest.

While resting, Fang Chen secretly observed his true meaning in the void.

He found that after the real intention of the Void reached the second-grade realm, its power was greatly improved, and the effect of hiding the Void was more obvious.

"The true meaning of the void has not changed?"

Fang Chen's eyes flashed and he said to himself.

Super real meaning, if there is no guidance from the mighty, it is easy to evolve when breaking through.

After checking Fang Chen, he found that the true meaning of the void had not evolved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Fortunately," Fang Chen thought to himself.

After a short break, Fang Chen continued to hurry.

In his heart, he secretly vowed that when he returned to the Five Elements Sword City, it would be the day to kill the flower spirits.

However, Fang Chen did not notice that when he was flying, the void in his body quietly changed a little bit.

In the rich emptiness, there is some inexplicable breath.

Of course, all these Fang Chen did not know at all.

Even if he looked closely, he couldn't find it.

After the robbery of Hualing, Fang Chen fled smoothly, and in the following time, Fang Chen has been rushing quickly.

It didn't take long for me to come to the edge of Burial Sword City again.

"Burial Sword City."

Seeing the ground in front of the plain, Fang Chen was very excited.

Last time, I was here on the edge of the Burial Sword City and saw the person who buried the Sword Sword Palace.

Moreover, I also learned some secrets about burying Jianzhou.

"We must get the approval of Burial Sword Emperor as soon as possible." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

Xingyue's body was sealed by Fang Chen by special means and will not be corrupted for the time being.

However, after a long time, no one knows what will happen.

Therefore, Fang Chen should get the approval of the Burial Sword Emperor as soon as possible, and then let the Burial Sword Emperor help revive Xingyue.

Fang Chen quickly came to the edge of the Burial Sword City, and then prepared to go through the ban.

Suddenly, the breath of the five elements around the body burst out, wrapped around Fang Chen, and entered the scope of the Burial Sword City directly.

After passing through the ban, Fang Chen discovered a very splendid city.

This city is very wide, compared to the Five Elements Sword City, I don't know how many times it is bigger.

Above the gate of that city, a gold plaque was hung with three large characters on it, and the sword city was buried.

"It is worthy of Burial Sword City."

Fang Chen was shocked when he saw the words "Burial Sword City".

Within these three words, there is a very powerful concept of kendo. If a weaker warrior, he will certainly not be able to accept this kind of spiritual shock.

Fang Chen thought for a moment, and then went outside the funeral sword city, and finally entered the funeral sword city.

When he came to the Burial Sword City, Fang Chen knew why this was the central core city of Burial Sword State.

Looking at the streets, every warrior is at least a warrior with more than six layers of true martial arts.

Fang Chen's strength is the weakest.

Although the number of warriors buried in Sword City is small, the quality is very high.

"This Xiongtai, did you just come to bury the sword city?" Just when Fang Chen was shocked, someone suddenly slapped Chen's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

Fang Chen heard the words and turned to see that the person was a scholar who looked like him, wearing a white robe and a smile on his face.

"How do you know?" Fang Chen asked back.

"I see Xiongtai just entered the city and I've been watching here, so I presume to ask." The scholar looked like a man, gently flashing the folding fan in his hand, smiling.

Fang Chen heard the words, nodded and said: "Yes, I am here for the first time to bury the sword city, is it your Excellency?"

The scholar who touched this kind of man nodded and said, "The people who are in the next sword city come to the burial sword city for the first time."

"Fang Chen." Fang Chen said his name. He felt that this person was a bit interesting.

"Brother Fang, both of us are here for the first time to bury the sword city, how about walking together?" The scholar said like a man.

The Burial Sword City is very large, and there are many powerful warriors. The newly arrived warrior is the weakest, so it is urgent to find a backer.

The scholar felt like a man, feeling that Fang Chen was very extraordinary, so he gave birth to the heart of friendship.

"Good." Fang Chen said.

As it happened, he knew nothing about Burial Sword City and immediately agreed.

"It is said that every new warrior will go to the registration desk and rank identity information. Are we going now?" Said the scholar-like man.

Fang Chen nodded and said, "I still don't know what your name is?"

"Others call me scholars."

With that said, the two walked down the wide street towards the registration desk.

Within the Burial Sword City, the warriors all need to be registered. If the warriors who are not registered in the registration office are found by the city ’s main government, the consequences will be very serious.

After a while, Fang Chen and the scholar came to the registration office.

It's quiet here, with a few people occasionally.

"There are so few people here?" Fang Chen asked, a little puzzled.

"Brother Fang, here is the registration office. Only newcomers need to register, so naturally there are very few warriors." The scholar said.

Fang Chen suddenly, and then entered the registration desk.

"Did the two come to register their identity information?" The staff asked just after entering the registration office.

"Yes, we are here to register." The scholar said.

"Two come here." The staff took Fang Chen and the scholar to a table.

"Name." A warrior on the stool asked mechanically.



"Zhenwu Realm Sevenfold."

"from where?"

"Book Sword City."

After asking the scholars, the staff recorded a little, and then injected the information into a token, and finally handed the token to the scholar.

"This is your identity token. Keep him safe. If you lose it, remember to come here and make it up again, or you will be responsible."

After speaking, the staff looked at Fang Chen.

"At the bottom, Chen Wujing's five-repair is from the Five Elements Sword City."

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