Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 864: Burial sword sky wall

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Burial Sword Tianbi is one of the most famous places in Burial Sword State, and also the place where Burial Sword State genius gathers.

Burial Sword City is different from other cities, where the main palace is the strongest overlord, and it controls the whole Burial Sword City.

In the Burial Sword City, there are many powerful sect gates. These sect gates have been paying attention to the burial sword sky wall. As long as they find the potential to go against the sky, they will try every means to win their own sect.

The burial sword sky wall was born naturally. The more sword marks the martial artist left on the burial sword sky wall, the stronger the talent in kendo.

After listening to the explanations of the two old men, Fang Chen finally understood.

This burial sword sky wall is also a method approved by the burial sword emperor.

"You have such a potential against the sky, you should go to bury Jian Tianbi to try it." The dwarf old man smiled.

"Yes, although you are cultivated in general, but you can provoke the twelve heavy robbery, the evil spirit of potential, it is hard to imagine."

Under the narration of the two old men, Fang Chen was a little curious about the legendary funeral sword Tianbi.

"Where is the buried sword sky wall?"

Fang Chen asked, he wanted to give it a try.

On the sky wall of Funeral Sword, the youngest generation of funeral warriors in Funeral Sword Prefecture are recorded.

Fang Chen also wanted to see how strong these potential warriors are.

After chatting a lot with the two city owners, Fang Chen lived directly in the city mansion.

The next day, he and the scholar went to the legendary funeral sword Tianbi.

"Brother Fang, you are so powerful that even the main palace treats you like this." Along the way, the scholar has been praising Fang Chen.

Fang Chen remained silent, and he had been thinking about burying the sword in the sky.

The burial sword sky wall, above the burial sword peak, this mountain is very unique, surrounded by a rich sword spirit.

No warrior can fly to the sky above Burial Sword Peak and can only walk on foot.

In the process of climbing the mountain, Fang Chen heard a lot of comments about the burial of the sword.

"Have you heard? Situ Hong closed yesterday, and it is said that he will come today to test his talent at the Jian Tian Tian Bi."

"With Situ Hong's potential, he will surely be able to enter the top ten of Burial Sword Tianbi."

"Yes, Situ Hong's potential, it's too much."

On this side, a group of people are talking about Situ Hong, while on the other side, it is clear that some martial artists are not satisfied.

"Huh, what is Situ Hong? Today Du Guyun also came, and in front of Du Guyun, Situ Hong would be inferior."

"Yes, Du Guyun hopes to win the first place, and Situ Hong can't threaten Du Guyun at all."

Along the way, many martial artists are discussing some outstanding arrogance.

Fang Chen listened, but there was no response, because he did not know these geniuses at all.

The scholars on the side were shocked.

"I didn't expect even Du Guyun and Situ Hong to be here. It seems that the burial of the sword is very busy today," the scholar exclaimed.

"Do you know Du Guyun and Situ Hong?" Fang Chen asked casually.

"Not only have you heard of it, but the entire Burial Sword City, I am afraid that only you don't know?" The scholar said slowly and said slowly.

When talking about Du Guyun and Situ Hong, his eyes were filled with awe.

"Situ Hong is the top arrogance of the Situ family in Sword City, and its potential is so powerful that it shocks the Xuanwang Realm Martial Artist." The scholar said: "Situ Hong can leapfrog when he is in the spirit vortex. Killing the real martial arts powerhouse, and now he has been promoted to the real martial arts territory less than a year, he stepped into the real martial arts sixfold, and its real combat power is said to be able to easily defeat the real martial arts nine warriors.

"So powerful, did he provoke the twelve heavy robbery?" Fang Chen asked softly.

"Twelve Heavy Tribulation? Are you crazy? Even Lu Jingyun, the number one ranked Tianbi, failed to provoke the Twelve Heavy Tribulation." Wen Yan said directly.

What a joke? The twelfth heavy robbery, that is the most powerful thunder robbery in the real martial arts thunder robbery, but also only exists in the legendary thunder robbery.

That kind of thunder tribulation is rare for thousands of years.

Not to mention Du Guyun and Situ Hong, even Lu Jingyun, now ranked No. 1 in Jian Tian Tian, ​​did not provoke twelve major disasters when he stepped into the real martial arts.

As a matter of fact, it can already be regarded as a very anti-sky war.

Fang Chen heard the words and pouted, but said nothing.

He caused twelve major disasters, so he asked casually.

Unconsciously, the two had already reached the top of the Burial Sword Peak.

At the top of that buried Jianfeng, there is a jade jade. On this jade jade, there are countless sword marks.

Within each sword mark, there is a vast sword breath.

On the flat ground before Jade Bi, there are many warriors, sitting cross-legged, retreating here.

Fang Chen can clearly feel that there is a unique breath above the peak of Burial Sword Peak. This unique breath can accelerate the cultivation speed of sword cultivation.

"Is this the funeral sword sky wall?"

Fang Chen stared at Yu Bi and said slightly.

His heart was shaken.

This burial of Sword Sky is amazing.


The golden heart was beating rapidly at this moment, and it seemed to feel the breath of the sword buried in the sky, very active.

"It really is unusual." Fang Chen said secretly.

However, at this moment, before Yubi suddenly, there was a commotion, followed by a white figure, floated up.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the cry of the crowd.

"It was Situ Hong, he really appeared."

"Situ Hong, have you closed your doors for so long, did you really break through?"

"Last time Situ Hong left seventy sword marks on the sky wall of the buried sword. This time I don't know if I can go further?"

Many whispers whispered in the ear.

Fang Chen also stared at Situ Hong with interest.

This man's face, with a gentle smile, exudes a strong sword air.

Just as everyone was discussing, Situ Hong came to Jade Bi.

This jade jade is three feet tall. Before the jade jade, Situ Hong's figure was slightly thinner.

However, this does not obscure Situ Hong's light.

Beside Yubi, there is a stone tablet, which is a ranking list.

On the list, there are dense small letters, as long as you can leave a sword mark on the sky wall of the buried sword, you can enter this list.

And Fang Chen clearly saw that the tenth position of the list had Situ Hong's name.

"Leave seventy sword marks before being able to rank tenth?" Fang Chen said to himself.

"Brother Fang, you don't know, this buried sword sky wall is very hard, and it is too difficult to leave a sword mark on it." The scholar explained: "The top ranked Lu Jingyun, but just stay Ninety-three sword marks were placed. "

Just as the scholar spoke, Situ Hong shot.

I saw Situ Hong's whole body, a huge sword gas suddenly appeared, followed by a long sword in his hand.

Later, Situ Hong's wrist trembles, and the long sword in his hand is constantly changing.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen's face changed slightly.

"It's worthy of being a genius sword repairer who buried the sword city, and the swordsmanship can actually be applied to this point." Fang Chen said secretly.

According to the level in the primary volume of Kendo's true interpretation, Situ Hong is enough to compare the fifth step of Kendo and condense the sword heart.

At this time, Fang Chen finally knew why the sword repair of Jianzhou was so powerful.

call out……

The long sword in Situ Hong's hands was constantly changing, and finally a sword light that could not be seen by the naked eye slammed into the sky wall of the buried sword.

Buzz ...

There was a peculiar sound above the burial sword sky wall.

Immediately afterwards, the vast sword spirit spread out.

Later, Situ Hong put away the long sword, with a smile on his face, looked at the burial sword Tianbi.

At this time, the vast sword spirit on the sky wall of the buried sword gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked and saw that there were some dense marks on the sky wall of the buried sword.

"How many sword marks?"

This is the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

In a blink of an eye, everyone already knows.

Eighty sword marks, more than ten sword marks than the last time, the whole buried sword peak, an uproar.

Countless warriors looked at Situ Hong in shock.

"It's so powerful, it actually made 80 sword marks."

"If I had half of his potential, there would be no regrets in dying."

"Situ Hong has already ranked among the top five."

Many warriors said one after another.

Situ Hong was quite satisfied with his achievements.


Situ Hong looked at the list and said slightly.

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