Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

At that time, he tried his best, but barely made ninety-nine sword marks.

And now Fang Chen, although it also has ninety-nine sword marks, is much easier than he was.

Most importantly, he found some small cracks on the sky wall of the buried sword.

With one sword, ninety-nine sword marks were exploded, and the burial sword's sky wall was almost cracked.

This potential is much stronger than he was then.

"Twelve heavy martial robbers, really deserved reputation." The palace master said a little after a long time.

Subsequently, the palace master was ready to leave.

"Master Gong, Fang Chen's move will definitely cause some dissatisfaction of some martial artists." The dwarf old man said slightly.

The main figure of the palace disappeared, leaving a sentence.

"Let him solve it himself."

The master's move was also intended to sharpen Fang Chen.


Above the Burial Sword Peak, after everyone woke up from shock, this news, like a whirlwind, instantly spread throughout the whole Burial Sword City.

In certain places in the Burial Sword City, one by one, the warriors have made their heads.

"What, some people have made ninety-nine sword marks?"

"Beyond Lu Jingyun's existence, who is it?"

"Ninety-nine sword marks?"

For a time, numerous warriors at the forefront of the list appeared one after another.

A series of figures climbed up from under the buried sword peak.

The first to arrive here is the top ten in the previous list, but because of Situ Hong and Fang Chen, his name has dropped to twelve.

"Who made ninety-nine sword marks?" The tenth strongest asked.

Everyone heard it and gave way to one after another. The eyes of the tenth strongest man looked at Fang Chen.

"You have ninety-nine sword marks?" He asked.

Fang Chen nodded gently and responded.

This person stared at Fang Chen, and his heart shook slightly.

Soon after, the top ten warriors appeared on the list.

Even Situ Hong and Du Guyun, who had just left, appeared again.

"This kid made ninety-nine sword marks?" Situ Hong and Du Guyun were shocked.

At this moment, the appearance of two figures caused a shock.

Tuoba Yulong, the third in the list, and Liu Wudao, the second in the list.

The appearance of these two people caused a stir.

"Someone surpassed Lu Jingyun and became the top player on the list?" Tuoba Yulong just boarded the Burial Sword Peak and asked.

"I didn't expect that someone could surpass Lu Jingyun. I would like to see who is this person."

During the speech, the two looked at Fang Chen.

For a time, the entire funeral sword sky wall, the wind and clouds gathered, countless warriors, the eyes are on Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen suddenly became the focus of everyone.

However, just as everyone looked at Fang Chen, they rushed into the weather, and instantly came.

Liu Wudao and Tuoba Yulong glanced at each other and then looked into the distance.

Lu Jingyun, the top player on the list, appeared.

"Who is it, there are ninety-nine sword marks?" Lu Jingyun asked, standing above Burial Sword Peak.

Lu Jingyun's body was very thick, and even Tuoba Yulong and Liu Wudao didn't dare to compete with them.

"Lu Jingyun, your strength has become stronger again." Liu Wudao said.

"Xiuwei broke through?" Asked Tuoba Yulong.

Other strong men are looking at Lu Jingyun one after another.

Lu Jingyun was the well-deserved first genius to bury the sword city. His age was not old, but his cultivation base was the eighth level of the true martial arts against the sky.

And now that he appears, does it mean that his cultivation practice has reached the ninth level of true martial arts?

Sure enough, Lu Jingyun did not conceal, and directly said: "It's just a fluke."

Wow ...

Above the entire funeral peak, there was an uproar, and countless warriors were shocked.

Lu Jingyun's cultivation practice, which actually reached the Ninth Real Martial Realm, is simply too evil.

Lu Jingyun ignored the voice of everyone's argument, turned his head to look at Fang Chen, and asked, "It's you, there are ninety-nine sword marks?"

Fang Chen nodded, he felt the pressure from Lu Jingyun.

"Too weak." Lu Jingyun said.

Fang Chen blasted out ninety-nine sword marks, which only represented his potential against the sky, but his strength was extremely weak.

"Your potential is against the sky, and there are ninety-nine sword marks, but your strength is very weak." Lu Jingyun said.

Fang Chen gazed at the landing Jingyun and said, "You have been practicing longer than me, and have more resources than me. If you and I are in the same realm, I have no fear of you."

Hearing that the people around admired Fang Chen's courage secretly and dared to talk to Lu Jingyun in this way. He was the first.

"With the same realm, do you fear me?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Jingyun smiled.

At that time, he relied on a pair of iron fists and a long sword to firmly establish his current status.

Invincible in the same realm is synonymous with Lu Jingyun.

"Potentiality does not mean cultivation," Lu Jingyun emphasized again.

After finishing speaking, Lu Jingyun thought for a moment, and then said: "I will give you three years. After three years, I hope you can fight me."

In an instant, an invincible belief emerged in Fang Chen's mind.

He clenched his fists and stared at the landing Jingyun, saying one by one: "Without three years, I will have the confidence to beat you after one year.

Fang Chen's words were too arrogant for everyone.

Even Lu Jingyun stopped and looked at Fang Chen carefully.

"Are you sure, you can fight me in a year?" Lu Jingyun asked.

Fang Chen focused on the head. At this moment, the golden heart beating rapidly gave Fang Chen great confidence.

"Okay, one year later, no matter what level you cultivate, I will fight you."

After finishing talking, Lu Jingyun left Burial Peak.

He came here this time to see the genius who could make ninety-nine sword marks.

However, after reading it, he was a little disappointed.

This man is relying on his own potential to go against the sky and is extremely crazy.

Beat yourself a year later? It's ridiculous to think about it.

What Fang Chen said was ridiculous in the eyes of Tuoba Yulong and others.

They didn't take it seriously, and after seeing ninety-nine sword-mark warriors, everyone also invited each other to fight.

"Liu Wudao, Lu Jingyun will shoot here one year later, and I will officially invite you to fight. One year later, I will fight on the Burial Sword Peak."

Among the younger generations in Burial Sword City, the only ones who can stabilize the pressure and promote Yulong are Liu Wudao and Lu Jingyun.

Needless to say, Lu Jingyun did not even have the courage to challenge the dragon.

He was very confident about Shang Liu Wudao.

"Okay, a battle here in a year." Liu Wudao laughed and promised heartily.

"Duguyun, a year later, you and I are here to fight." Situ Hong said.

Du Guyun nodded and drifted away.

Countless warriors are thrilled by the battle between these people, so that the entire funeral of Jianfeng is countless.

It's not easy to see these geniuses on weekdays, and a year later, they actually have to fight here. It's exciting to think about such grand occasions.

The next few battles were full of weight, but it was obviously not as shocking as those of Tuoba Yulong and others.

As for the battle between Lu Jingyun and Fang Chen, everyone just regarded it as a joke.

What a joke? One year later, no one believed that he wanted to defeat Lu Jingyun.

No, to be precise, there is a person who believes that it is the owner of the sword fairy palace.

Throughout the funeral sword city, there were ninety-nine sword scars blasted by Fang Chen, and news of a battle with Lu Jingyun.

But inside the sword sword palace, it is extremely tranquil.

After hearing the news, the palace owner had a smile on his face.

"Princess, Fang Chen is a bit reckless. One year is not enough for him to stand side by side with Lu Jingyun." Said the tall old man.

"Yeah, Lu Jingyun has reached the ninth level of the True Martial Realm, and maybe one year later has already entered the Xuanwang Realm." The old man said.

The two of them are not optimistic about Fang Chen.

Although Fang Chen is a genius, there is no fear of a genius that has not grown up.

Lu Jingyun has grown up.

"Lu Jingyun's potential is very good. At a young age, he cultivated to reach the nineth level of the true martial arts realm. If he really could reach the Xuanwang realm after one year, he would be the youngest Xuanwang realm warrior in Jianzhou." Said.

"However, the potential of Fangchen is far beyond your imagination." The palace master was very excited when he recalled the situation where the sword was buried. "Maybe, Fang Chen can create a miracle."

Initiating the twelfth heavy robbery, realizing the true meaning of the void, the ninety-nine sword marks were exploded from the sky wall of the buried sword.

Looking at Jianzhou, who else besides him?

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