Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 869: One move

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The showdown on the Sword Art Plaza finally came to an end.

Fang Chen won the Liu Wudao with sword skill.

The defeated Liu Wudao, instead of being angry, laughed instead.

"Brother Fang, fighting with you makes me deeply feel the wonder of swordsmanship. I don't think it will take long before I can enter the realm of swordsmanship." Liu Wudao grinned broadly.

Fang Chen also nodded gently at Liu Wudao.

Fighting Liu Wudao, the golden heart absorbed a lot of sword energy, and it seems to have begun to transform.

"Brother Fang, I'll go back first, and come to me for something."

After talking, Liu Wudao turned and left.

And Fang Chen quickly returned to the city's main palace.

Just back to the main palace, Fang Chen quickly returned to the other courtyard and sat cross-legged.

At this time, in his body, the golden heart had undergone tremendous changes, and it seemed to be transforming.

Fang Chen's body was surrounded by golden breath.

The soul of the sword in his mind is constantly spinning.

The golden sword of the French phase was suspended above the head in an instant.

The whole other courtyard is filled with a vast breath.

In Fang Chen's mind, a picture suddenly appeared.

He was walking. Suddenly the sky was covered with clouds and thunderstorms. When he looked up at the sky, a golden sword suddenly burst into the sky and rushed towards him.

Then he lost his intuition.

When he woke up, his heart became golden.

All of this is like a dream.

But Fang Chen knew that this was something personally experienced.

Moreover, the golden giant sword is also the most fundamental reason for Fang Chen to cross the ancient sword continent.

Fang Chen did not know, why is there such a picture in his mind, is it related to the transformation of the golden heart?

Boom ... Boom ... Boom ...

The golden heart was beating fast.

As if to break away from Fang Chen's body, he couldn't control it.

At a certain moment, a vicissitudes of sighs seemed to cross the river of time and appeared in Fang Chen's ears.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen's heart was shaken.

When this sigh appeared, the speed of the golden heart beating became more intense.

At this moment, Fang Chen was shocked to find that the golden sword of the Fa phase was swallowed by the golden heart, and the soul of the sword was swallowed by the heart.

Even the spirit swirling within his own sea of ​​qi was swallowed by the golden heart.

Fang Chen's consciousness began to be a little confused, and finally lost his intuition directly.

However, before losing his instinct, Fang Chen felt that the golden heart was eating his body.


Do not know how long after that, Fang Chen suddenly woke up.

"Do not……"

Fang Chen shouted loudly, his forehead covered with beads of sweat.

Just after he shouted, he was shocked to find that his body was intact.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen was puzzled. Before he lost his intuition, he clearly felt that the golden heart was eating everything. Why is his body intact now.

This made Fang Chen very puzzled, even thinking that it was a dream before.

Immediately, Fang Chen released the Fa phase, and immediately the golden giant sword suspended above his head, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Later, Fang Chen checked his mind, the soul was intact, and the only thing that disappeared was the sword spirit.

"Jianhun disappeared? So, did the golden heart devour everything, did it really happen?" Fang Chen was even more puzzled.

Fang Chen tried to calm down his inner excitement and looked at the golden heart.

The golden heart at this time is already different from before.

Within the golden heart, a sword actually appeared.

"this is……"

When Fang Chen saw this sword, he instantly discovered that it was Jianxin.

"The fifth step of Kendo?"

At this time, Fang Chen finally knew why Jianhun disappeared.

It turned out that, unconsciously, he had reached the fifth step of Kendo, condensing the sword heart.

The sword-shaped heart, which is the shape of a sword, merges with the golden heart and becomes stronger and stronger.

"Jianxin is condensed." Fang Chen grinned.

Subsequently, Fang Chen checked the golden heart.

He found that the golden heart has changed a lot, the first is the change of breath.

Before, the golden heart was gentle and calm.

But now, the breath from the golden heart is overbearing.

"The golden heart has transformed, what benefits has it brought to me?" Fang Chen was curious.

At this moment, Fang Chen discovered that there was some more information in his mind.

Fang Chen carefully watched, what was recorded in the information turned out to be a trick.

"One-step sword move?" Fang Chen said to himself.

After reading all the information, Fang Chen's heart was even more shocked.

According to the information, this sword move is a sword move created by the owner of the golden giant sword while condensing the real world.

"This move is when I condensed the Fa, and I felt a bit, and created my own sword move."

This is the introduction of this type of sword move.

This type of sword trick is called Jinguang Tulong.

"Who is the owner of the golden sword?"

A long time ago, Fang Chen was guessing that the master of the golden giant sword must be a certain power.

It now appears that this person must be an extraterritorial power, and still the kind of peerless powerhouse.

After thinking a little, Fang Chen stopped thinking.

He began to ponder the golden dragon killing dragon.

Fang Chen stood up, holding the Star Hidden Sword, and began to practice in accordance with the golden light of the Dragon Slaughter.

call out……

However, just as Fang Chen was practicing, suddenly within the Star Hidden Sword, a terrifying golden light was fired and shot directly into the pavilion of the other courtyard, instantly destroying the pavilion.


Fang Chen was dumbfounded. He had already learned it before practicing.

"I know, it must be the reason of the golden heart." Fang Chen said to himself.

Jinguang Tulong is just a simple move, but it contains the truth of Kendo.

The golden heart gives Fang Chen a more and more magical feeling.

Thinking of the mystery of the golden heart, Fang Chen was no longer surprised.

Afterwards, Fang Chen continued to display the Golden Dragon Slaughter.

Suddenly, the golden light soared into the sky, filled with breath, full of breath.

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. This golden dragon killing dragon is a very simple sword move, but it contains connotation philosophy.

"Strength, with absolute power, blast everything away." This is the Golden Light Tulong understood by Fang Chen.

Jin Guang Tu Long Jian Zhao, let Fang Chen's strength soar.

At this time, the tall and short elders came to Fang Chen's other courtyard.

"This ..." The two old men looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Fang Chen, are you practicing?" The dwarf old man asked.

Seeing this, Fang Chen embarrassedly said: "I didn't control the power ..."

"Your cultivation base has broken through?" The tall old man asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, Xiu Wei had not yet made a breakthrough, but his strength was improved.

The two old men chatted with Fang Chen for a while, and then told Fang Chen a very important thing.

Burial God Sword Prison is about to open.

And this time, the Burial Sword Palace is ready for Fang Chen to enter the Burial God Sword Prison and sharpen it.

"Buried God Sword Prison?" Fang Chen heard the name for the first time.

"The Burial God Sword Prison is a Jedi in Burial Sword State. Normally, no one can enter it unless the palace master opens it himself." Said the tall old man.

"Buried God Sword Prison, there are a total of 18 floors, with very dangerous creatures inside, and some strong bones that have been dead for thousands of years." Said the dwarf.

Fang Chen was stunned. Could it be that the burial **** sword prison is the legendary burial of those strongmen who invaded the burial sword state outside the territory that year?

Sure enough, after listening to the words of the two old men, Fang Chen was more convinced.

Burial God Sword Prison is a place to bury the powerful outside the territory.

"The God Burial Sword Prison, although extremely dangerous, also has great opportunities. Those strong men who invaded Burial Sword State at that time have left some inheritance after their death. Once they get it, they will benefit a lot."

"The reason why we bury Jianzhou is that the strong swordsmanship is endless, it is because of the burial **** sword prison." The tall man continued: "Every time in the past, the palace owner will open the burial **** sword prison, select some of the most potential The real martial arts warriors who have advanced to the level of Xuanwang Realm will enter the Burial God Sword Prison and grind. "

"As long as the warriors coming out of the burial sword jail, their strength can soar into the sky. Of course there are many geniuses who died in it," said the dwarf old man.

Fang Chen was shocked, and then invaded and buried Jianzhou. The strong were like clouds, and eventually all fell.

And all of their bones are in the burial **** sword prison.

This is exactly the horror of the burial sword prison.

Some strong men, even if they die for ten thousand years, can easily kill some weak martial artists.

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