Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 871: Jin Guang Tu Long Split Three

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The whole body of the little mouse was purple shiny.

His eyes blinked at Fang Chen, and his mouth was swallowing amethyst.

As his strength improved, the teeth of the little mouse became harder, and everything could be swallowed.

This made Fang Chen very surprised.

"Boss, I'm going to prepare." Said the little mouse.

Fang Chen nodded, and the mouse rattled into the special space ring.

A month later, the little mouse will follow Fang Chen to enter the burial sword prison, so he must prepare in advance.

Fang Chen's days in the city's main palace are more leisurely.

Even the scholars followed him.

If it is an ordinary warrior, after entering the Burial Sword City, the early stage is very difficult.

However, Fang Chen is the owner of the Five Elements Sword City, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

One day, Fang Chen and the scholar were shopping.

Suddenly, they were stopped by three people.

Xiuluo Jianzong Lu Tianze, Gu Yiming, and Xi Ming were staring at Fang Chen with glaring eyes.

"Boy, finally let me meet you." Xi Ming said coldly.

"The grudges in the registration office that day should be settled today." Gu Yiming said coldly.

Lu Tianze's eyes flickered, his murderous intent, and said: "Boy, dare you follow us on the Jihad?"

The holy battle platform is the only place where disciples learn from the permission of the city's main palace within the Burial Sword City.

People who set foot on the jihad, even if they die, the city's palace will not interfere.

The three Lu Tianze tried to persecute the four Luo Baidao, but they were destroyed by Fang Chen.

Lu Tianze himself was blown away by Fang Chen, thinking that the guard would abolish Fang Chenxiu.

But unexpectedly, the guards did not punish Fang Chen extraordinaryly, but let Lu Tianze three people get away.

Lu Tianze has never forgotten this shame.

Recently, Lu Tianze has been retreating and practicing.

His cultivation practice finally entered the real martial arts eighth.

Even Gu Yiming and Xi Ming have stepped into the true martial arts sevenfold.

The strength of the trio soared naturally, and it was natural to avenge.

But I haven't found Fang Chen, but today, how can I let it go.

"Go to Jihad?"

Fang Chen looked at the three as if watching idiots and asked.

"Yes, if you have a species, follow us on the jihadist platform. Otherwise, the three of us will always harass you." Xi Ming said threateningly.

The scholar on the side finally couldn't help it.

"I said you three idiots, dare to challenge Fang Chen?" The scholar laughed.

"Who are you, how can you speak here?" Wen Yan, Gu Yiming shouted directly.

The scholar shook his head slightly, his eyes filled with ridicule, and continued to ask: "The three of you challenge Fang Chen, do you want to see it before burying Jian Tianbi?"

"Buried sword sky wall?"

The three of them wondered why they wanted to bury Jian Tianbi?

"The person you want to challenge is the strongest person in the list of the Jianbi Tianbi. I really admire your courage." The scholar sneered.

In the eyes of scholars, these three people challenge Fang Chen, which is tantamount to finding death.

"Huh, bragging doesn't make drafts. Although the three of us haven't been to the Jian Tian Tian Bi, but the list is first, when is it the turn of this rubbish," Xi Ming disdained the ropeway.

"Yes, the top one on the list has always been the Tianjiao Lu Jingyun buried in Jianzhou."

"It's ridiculous, not daring to agree is not daring to agree, actually came up with such a poor excuse." Lu Tianze also mocked.

The three of them have been shutting down during this time. It didn't take long before they got out of the customs, and they didn't know what happened recently.

Not to mention the burial of Jian Tianbi.

The scholar still wanted to speak, but was blocked by Fang Chen.

"Since the three of you are going to die, see you on the Jihad."

After talking, Fang Chen Yang went away.

Looking at Fang Chen's arrogant back, Lu Tianze and the three laughed.

"Go, go to the Jihad."

The Holy Battle Platform, located in the center of the Burial Sword City, is not too far from the Sword Art Square.

On weekdays, there is almost no figure in the Jihad.

When Fang Chen came to the jihad, the swordsmanship square opposite was still full of people.

Soon the three Lu Tianze also came. Lu Tianze jumped on his feet and set foot on the jihad. He held a long sword and looked at Fang Chen with a cold eye. No chance. "

Lu Tianze's body exuded a terrifying murderous intention.

"Three of you, let's go together." Fang Chen said.

"I'm enough to deal with you," Lu Tianze said.

"You are not my opponent, you three, maybe you can live a little longer." Fang Chen said calmly.

Under the Jihad, Gu Yiming and Xi Ming heard the words and were immediately furious.

"Boy, are you looking for death? The three of us shot, you will die without a burial place."

"Arrogant, too arrogant."

Gu Yiming and Xi Ming, unable to bear Fang Chen's arrogance, immediately leapt to the Jihad, and the three stared at Fang Chen.

"Boy, you will definitely die today." Lu Tianze said.

The three joined forces and this son will die.

On the Swordsmanship Square, there are warriors fighting for swordsmanship.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Someone is fighting at the Jihad."

This voice directly caused many warriors in Jianshu Square to turn their heads and look around.

From this perspective, the entire Swordsmanship Plaza was instantly in an uproar.

"It is Fang Chen, he is on the holy battle platform."

"And still pick one out of three."

"Go and see."

Suddenly, all the warriors on the Swordsmanship Square came before the Jihad.

In an instant, the Sword Art Square was empty.

Seeing so many people coming in, Lu Tianze's face was even brighter.

"Boy, so many people have witnessed your death that you are proud of it."

Fang Chen shook his head slightly, so far Lu Tianze didn't see it, so stupid.


Fang Chen said softly.

The three Lu Tianze heard the words, immediately angered, and shot one after another.

The three men practiced swordsmanship in Xiuluo.

Moreover, as soon as the three came up, they displayed a combined fencing array, trapping Fang Chen.

"Try the power of the Golden Dragon Slayer."

Fang Chen said to himself.

Rumble ...

On the holy battle platform, the sword raged into the sky.

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword, and the golden luster around her body surged.

At the next moment, the power in the later stage of body refining instantly poured into the star-hidden sword.

Xingyin sword slashed towards Xi Ming.

Everything seemed simple, but Xi Ming couldn't avoid it.

"not good."

When Jianguang approached, Xi Ming felt something was wrong and shouted, trying to avoid it, but it was too late.

Thump ...

One sword splits Xi Ming in half and dies on the spot.

"Xi Ming."

Lu Tianze shouted loudly with Gu Yiming.

At the same time, the attacking power of the two men improved again, and attacked Fang Chen madly.

Below, in the crowd.

The scholar looked at Fang Chen in shock, eyes full of envy.

"If you take it lightly, this type of sword move has reached the point of returning to the original."

Thump ...

After another golden light split, Gu Yiming's body was split in half.

At this time, Lu Tianze realized that something was wrong.

Fang Chen was approaching him like a devil.

"Your strength ..."

Fang Chen's cultivation base is that there are only five levels of true martial arts. Why did the outbreak of fighting power, and Lu Tianze, who was eightfold of real martial arts, be terrified.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

He walked in front of Lu Tianze and grinned.

"Sura swordsmanship."

At this moment, Lu Tianze burned his soul and exhibited the strongest sword of Shura, wanting to hit Fang Chen.

However, the response to him is still a golden sword light.

Thump ...

Jin Guang Tu Long, without any fancy moves, just a simple re-cutting, but the real martial realm Lu Tianze is unable to escape.

Lu Tianze's body was split in half instantly.

When Lu Tianze died, he heard a mocking voice under the Jihad.

"These three idiots dare to challenge Fang Chen."

He regretted it, but there was no way.

Three swords, hacked three real martial arts strongmen, Fang Chen at this moment, let people know that he not only has potential against the sky, but also has strong strength.

Fang Chen held the Star Hidden Sword and stood quietly on the jihadist platform, his eyes looking around.

Suddenly, there was a cheering voice below.

Fang Chen's current strength is enough to compare Du Guyun and others.

Everyone is even more looking forward to the battle about a year later.

Jinguang Tulong, as you can see from its name, this move focuses on strength, cultivation to the extreme, a sword split, has the power of Tulong.

Yi Jian Tu Long, what kind of power, and its strength?

Of course, Fang Chen now cannot reach that level.

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