Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 882: Dark meaning

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Ten dark hearts of middle grade, the dark breath contained in them, is very rich.

After Fang Chen digested all the ten dark hearts, the breath of darkness suddenly enveloped himself instantly.

At this moment, in Fang Chen's mind, the atmosphere of darkness kept rolling.

With the passage of time, Fang Chen's perception of the dark mood is getting deeper and deeper.

After an hour, Fang Chen's dark breath has become a little thinner.

After three hours, all the dark breath around him disappeared, as if never appeared.

At this time, Fang Chen's mind, a buzzing sound, followed immediately by the dark mood.

Fang Chen opened his eyes instantaneously, his heart moved, and a breath of darkness suddenly appeared in his mind.

These dark breaths are brought together to form a dark mood.

"Is this the dark mood?"

Fang Chen said to himself, for now, the enlightenment of artistic conception is not enough to surprise him.

After all, at his level, the most important thing is the true meaning.

However, being able to comprehend the dark mood, which also means that, from the true meaning of darkness, one step further.

The dark mood is also a relatively powerful one in the mood.

It can instantly release the breath of darkness, envelope itself, and hide itself in the darkness.

Moreover, the dark breath also possesses a powerful force of corrosion.

If you can realize the true meaning of darkness, then Fang Chen's strength will increase a lot in this eerie burial sword prison.

Moreover, even against the dark monsters, it can easily beheaded.

Fang Chen's potential is beyond doubt.

After three hours, the dark mood was realized. Although there is a reason for the dark heart, it is also considered as a potential against the sky.

The following time, Fang Chen began to realize the true meaning of darkness.

Real understanding is a difficult matter in itself.

However, the Burial God Sword Prison is the best place to understand the true meaning of darkness. It has a breath of extreme darkness and a terrifying feeling.

Time passed bit by bit.

A week later, Fang Chen's dark mood reached the peak of the first small realm.

Half a month later, the dark mood reached the second small realm.

In only one month, the dark mood was cultivated to the third small realm peak.

This is the potential of Fang Chen, unparalleled.

After the artistic conception reached the peak of the triple realm, he tried to impact the true meaning.

Once successful, Fang Chen's strength will be greatly improved.

Hissing ...

In Fang Chen's body, the sound of thunder and thunder sounded.

This was the twelfth heavy robbery, and the vast thunder stayed in the body.

At this moment, Fang Chen was completely led out.

The dark mood completely enveloped Fang Chen's body, and this area instantly became very dark.

Fang Chen's eyes are filled with a strong dark breath.

In a month, a lot of things happened in the Burial Sword Prison.

More than two hundred warriors who had entered the Burial Sword Prison at the time had countless casualties.

Up to now, there are only more than one hundred people left.

Moreover, most of them are trapped in the fourth floor and cannot enter the fifth floor.

The eight extreme strongmen are still at the forefront.

Within the third floor, there was only Fang Chen.

He is comprehending the true meaning of darkness.

If he can succeed, then his strength will reach an unprecedented height.

The twelve heavy martial robbers have the potential to defy the sky, and no one can match them in the burial **** sword prison.

Because of this, Fang Chen is very difficult to improve his cultivation.

However, even the cultivation of the five peaks of the real martial arts can be slashed against the warriors who are on the eighth level of the real martial arts.

This is the warrior of the twelve major disasters.

The master of the Burial Sword Palace has long predicted that Fang Chen's future achievements will no longer be under him, and even the most promising warrior will be approved by the Burial Sword Emperor.

And Fang Chen is also working in this direction.

Three months after entering Burial Sword Prison, Fang Chen finally realized the true meaning of darkness.

At this time, Fang Chen, surrounded by dark breath, his bottleneck seems to have loosened a lot.

"Is this the true meaning of darkness?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

It took three months to realize the true meaning of darkness.

Of course, these three months are also worth it, the darkness is very powerful.

Wow ...

Fang Chen's heart moved, and a black breath suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, and then he condensed into a fist, and shot out into the distance instantly.


The black fist bombarded heavily on the ground, and the whole earth was shaking.

At this moment, a dark monster appeared instantly.

Seeing this, Fang Chen's eyes were bright, and the real intention of the void was immediately displayed, and he came directly to the dark monster.

Without saying a word, he urged the true meaning of darkness and punched with a punch.


The body of this dark monster was instantly blasted by Fang Chen's fist.

A dark heart, suspended in the air, was put away by Fang Chen.

"One punch to kill the dark monster with the inferior dark heart."

Fang Chen grinned, realized the true meaning of darkness, and improved his strength a lot.

Later, Fang Chen looked around, and then smiled: "It's time to enter the fourth floor."

Soon, Fang Chen found the entrance of the fourth floor, and then entered it.

On the fourth floor, the atmosphere is much more suppressed than the third floor, so Fang Chen is frowning a little.


Just when he came in, there was a dark monster that attacked himself.

However, Fang Chen was killed by a punch.

As Fang Chen pondered, a figure appeared from afar and saw Fang Chen and walked in an instant.

"Fang Chen."

This figure is called Fang Chen's name.

Fang Chen at a glance found this person.

This man is one of the top ten in the list of the Jianbi Tianbi, and he once had a relationship with Fang Chen.

In a blink of an eye, this person came to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was preparing to ask. Suddenly, a shocking breath erupted around him, and he launched a fierce attack on Fang Chen.


Fang Chen was a little surprised, why this person shot himself.

However, he doesn't have time to think about it right now.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Fang Chen, while displaying the true meaning of the Void, also displayed the Golden Light Tulong.

Jinguang Tulong is a sword of pure power, even if the sword is cut off, even the warriors of the eightfold real martial arts can't compare.


This man was hit by Jinguang Tulong, and his body was split in half.

Just when this person fell, a breath came out of his mind.

"Such a perfect body, hahaha."

In this group of breath, a gruesome smile came out.

Fang Chen was stunned, and immediately understood that this was the grudge of those strong men who had fallen.

The resentment turned into a streamer and shot towards Fang Chen.


However, just when the complaint was about to touch Fang Chen, he was suddenly blocked by the dark meaning of Fang Chen's body.

"Damn ... actually have the meaning of darkness."

This resentment roared angrily.

They had fallen here, and their grievances were extremely heavy.

As long as there is a human warrior coming in, they will let their grievances occupy the body of the human warrior.

However, Fang Chen has a dark meaning, they can not get close.


Fang Chen said to himself, and instantly understood that this grievance should be the fear of darkness.

call out……

Fang Chen clenched his fists, surrounded by darkness, and punched with fists.


The resentment was hit, messed around, and still shouting loudly.

"Boy, let me go, and I can give you a unique skill." The resentment shouted loudly.


Fang Chen ignored the words of grievance and once again punched a punch.

Hissing ...

The true meaning of darkness, possessing a powerful force of corrosion, the breath of resentment is being corroded, and it issued a miserable cry.

"No ... I can give you a unique skill, let your strength advance by leaps and bounds." The resentment shouted loudly, hoping Fang Chen let him go.

However, Fang Chen simply ignored it.

"I can tell you a secret about the burial of God Sword Prison." The complaint saw Fang Chen indifferent and shouted again.

"What secret?"

At this moment, Fang Chen finally stopped the attack and asked.

"A powerful existence has fallen on the fifth floor. As long as you can get the inheritance of this existence, there are almost no dangers in the tenth floor before the burial of God Jian prison."

"How do you know?" Fang Chen asked.

"Because ... I used to be a member of that powerful being." Complained.

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