Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1013: Mixed yuan

The explosion of the space ring caused huge fluctuations. When it was too late to prevent the old man’s bombing from flying out, the real yuan was broken.

Xiao Chen reached out and took Mr. Qin's space ring to the palm of his hand, and then grasped the seven-star flag.

The starry force of the scorpion is shot out, killing, dying, destroying three different kinds of light, accompanied by the unpredictable starlight.

The flagpole was used as a long gun, and it was handed over to meet the boxing mantle that the middle-aged man flew.

At the moment of contact, Xiao Chen’s wrists shook, and the flag was rolled over the flagpole. The fluttering spread was unfolding, and the endless starlight burst out.

The seven star beads bloom in a ray of light, forming a complete star, and the three forces of destruction, death, and killing are accompanied by the rapid flow of stars.


The middle-aged man retreats ten steps, and his mouth overflows with a trace of blood stains. His eyes are full of horror, and the Big Dipper, which contains three artistic conceptions, has never been heard since ancient times.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, and the big flag was a roll. He flew the stars in the sky and the star of the medicine, and all of them were rolled up. These are the collections of a master-level Wu Sheng.

"Damn, dare to grab my baby!"

Looking at Xiao Chen’s banner, he took away his collection for a long time. The old man was furious and reached for a shot. A giant hand burning with flames took a picture.

Xiao Chen will roll the baby, do not look at it, throwing a brain into the ring, the star flag shakes, and a starlight forms a star pillar.

The real hand that condensed the old man of the linen, shot a pair and fell apart.

At this moment, Xiao Chen feels that the body is full of strength, and the star power of the Big Dipper's seven-star flag can actually feed back the power of the law he consumes.

With the right hand, the broken bones, under the strong resilience, can barely move freely.

Holding the reborn Bundesliga flag, Xiao Chen took a little initiative, and the banner swayed, and the offensives of the middle-aged Dahan and the Mais were smashed.

The eyes of Ji Zong were straight on the side, and this star flag did not know how much material contained in it, only to have this power.

In addition to the three attributes of destruction, death, and killing, it is feared that the seven-star flag in the hands of the Big Dipper Palace Palace is inferior to Xiao Chen’s hand.


In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, the murderous gas contained in the Tianshu star, accompanied by the starlight, burst into a bright red color.

The star flag is floating, bursting into the sound of killing, filled with ten miles, there is only one voice in the sky and the ground, one word, kill!

When the word kills, the martial arts of the middle-aged Han and the old man of the Mai have been shattered.

The Seven Stars flag turns again, the red light subsides, the gas of death in the Star of the Sky, rolling up, the starlight turns into a dark color, all the voices in the world, merge into one word, die!

This word is in a place where the martial arts of the two men are scattered, and the middle-aged Han and the old Ma are angered.

The black light dissipated, and Xiao Chen held the seven-star flag and rushed to kill. The annihilation of the star in the sky, turned the starlight into a grayish white, and merged into a word to sway toward the two.

There was a loud bang in the rumble, and the word disappeared. The mountains did not know how much they collapsed. Middle-aged Han and Ma Laos, there is a trace of cracks in the skin, and **** spills.

"Looking for death, the goods in the district, the goods Wusheng dare to be so arrogant!"

The old man in Mai is completely angry, his eyebrows are open, and a flame fan is sprayed. The fire clouds above the top of the head are filled with the sky.

The middle-aged man has a gloomy face and a **** military print on his palm. He spreads his hand and is as big as a mountain. He is suspended above his head.

The military seal is surrounded by a group of soldiers wearing armor and riding horses. Everyone is **** and rushing to the clouds in the sky.

When Ji Zong saw it, he quickly turned around and took a few disciples. He ran away and dared not stay longer.

This Xiao Chen really played big, the master-level Wu Sheng, has been able to send out the full power of the king-level secret treasure, once the secret treasure is made is completely serious.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the battle has spread and it’s overwhelming.

Think of Xiao Chen is also enough, even the two master-level Wu Sheng forced to sacrifice their own king-level secret treasure.

The light on the Big Dipper's seven-star flag faded a little, and the blink of an eye was completely lost. Xiao Chen’s heart sank and played big.

The rise of the just-concerned play, without reservation, suddenly used the star power in the star flag to completely use up the light.

"Can force me to be the second emperor, use the secret of the king of life, Xiao Chen, you should be proud of your death!"

The old man in the linen snorted, grabbed the flame fan, and gently swayed the flame, forming a 999-story flame tornado, which was as long as a kilometer and swept toward Xiaochen.

In front of the eyes of the sea of ​​fire, the flames of the sky, the power of a fan, there is such a momentum, the full power of the king-level secret treasure, really terrible.

The middle-aged man was shackled with his hands, spit out a word, and the **** military print flashed, and the 100,000 army, accompanied by the flame of the wind, rushed.

The horse is in the air, and the square of the earthquake is full of rumbling sounds. The ground is shaking violently, and I don’t know how many cracks are cracked.

Xiao Chen will recognize the Seven Stars flag to the sea, Shen Sheng said: "This ability, can not kill me. Magic Huang Er Lao, I am remembering you in the morning, Qingshan does not change, green water long flow, he will take you two Human head."

Big day mantra, burning vacuum!

In the sea of ​​knowledge, I have expanded my manpower by more than twice and burned it all at once. On the big day of Huanghuang, suddenly appeared in the night, turned into an ancient Yangzi, and fell into the sky.


The fire of the big day, spread out in the air, and the whirlwind of the flames of the sky, and the 100,000 blood soldiers, blasted together in the air.

Rolling waves, covering the sky, the mountains that stretched for hundreds of miles, was razed to the ground in an instant, and the various lights in the air bloomed like fireworks, for a long time.

After all the calm, you can see the shadow of Xiao Chen.

The old man of the Mai and the middle-aged man were sluggish, and after a long time, they collected their king-level secret treasure.

"Mr. Qin died under our eyes. This is really bad and I have to explain it to the drug **** valley."

The middle-aged man did not have a good air: "I also confessed to a bird. If I go, I will definitely be killed alive."

"I am distressed. Mr. Qin promised to give us the smelting of Dan, and was taken away by this kid. But it can add a king-class medicinal herb."

The Mai people sighed and said: "I really lost a lot this time. Don't worry about this kid. We havetened to go to the Tianwu wasteland to see if we can make up for the loss."

"Hey, if you don't agree with Mr. Qin, we are going to waste land in the Tianxu market. Maybe it has already gained a lot."

"This is not necessarily the case. The Tianxu wasteland, the ruins of the Xianmen buried in it, is the supreme faction of the immortal era. The emperor will enter, and we are only small people in it."

Xiao Chen, who rushed for hundreds of miles, stopped in front of an imposing city. The word "Ji Ge" was written on the gate of the city. It was one of the best cities in the chaotic domain.

There are countless warriors in the city, and the personnel are complicated. The masters of Wu Sheng’s level can be encountered everywhere.

Xiao Chen thought about half a ring, and now there are a lot of people who want to kill him. Instead of hiding outside, it is better to cultivate in this city.

Go to the Zhongzhou Wushen Palace and go to the Feng Wang Festival.

By relying on the huge flow of people, hiding it is completely a slap in the face of the sea. Even if there is a big man who knows Buddhism, it is not a simple matter to find himself.

Put on the celestial cloak, Xiao Chen walked straight toward the city gate, like the air, easily walked into the city.

I found the inn in the city, which was specially provided for the military. Xiao Chen paid the star currency and packed a room.

Until then, Xiao Chen was relieved, temporarily safe, sitting cross-legged on the bed and began to recover his injuries.

The middle-aged Dahan’s military road kills the boxing, the hegemony is boundless, the blood is soaring, and the wounds of the internal organs are always unable to be eliminated, resulting in the wounds not being automatically recovered.

At this moment, it is time to calm down, and it is time to drive away these **** colors.

The strength is harder to dispel some than he imagined, and the blood color is plunged into the internal organs. In a short period of time, it is so deep-rooted that it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.

After three days, he was relieved, and a flash of light flashed through his eyes. He quickly looked at Mr. Qin’s space ring.

Sure enough, the celestial abacus is quietly floating in it.

To play a certain computer abacus, Xiao Chen secretly, this time killed Mr. Qin, is considered to be guilty of the drug **** valley, and fear is a big trouble in the future.

The top forces in the sacred field of Yaoshen Valley are more powerful than the two sects. I think the comprehensive strength is weaker than that of Tianzong.

"Hey, what is this!"

Xiao Chen’s knowledge was attracted by a jade bottle in the space ring, interrupting his thoughts.

The jade bottle exudes a fascinating light, and the whole body is thorough and radiant, and it can't stop the aura of the medicinal herbs inside.

What kind of remedy, the aura is so strong.

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