Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1047: Best not to move

The debate on the sword has been arguing all the time.

Unlike other weapons, the knife is born out of the sword, and there are swords in the world. There is such a direct relationship that it is difficult to avoid being compared by future generations.

Respect for the master, let Xiao Chen do not want to cause trouble here, everything is resurrected and beautiful.

Xiao Chen looked at the man who spoke, holding a six-foot sword, wearing a purple robes, and two purple essays floating on his head, posing with the wind, flowing and free.

This person is only forty years old. It is a handsome young man in the younger generation, and he has a strong sense of sharpness.

Xiao Chen Xingping calmly said: "Although it is a knife, there is no intention to fight with the sword here. It is also a matter of mutual quest and Master Situ, there is no disrespect."

The purple shirt swordsman, but a cold smile, said: "You see the swordsmen on this mountain, all on foot, for the master to cast a sword, no one is jealous, no one is noisy, no one dares to fly from the sky."

"Even the strong masters of the Grand Master class are respectfully lined up in the mountains. You are a knife, descending from the sky, but it is very powerful, but this is not disrespectful."

Other swordsmen lined up are also glaring, falling from the sky, they have made them unhappy, and the comers are still a knife, naturally more dissatisfied.

Xiao Chen holds the moonshadow knife and vows: "I am sorry, I don't know there is such a rule here. I will line up the mountain, enter the door, and then apologize with Master Situ."

"The master only sees five people a day. In January, he only casts a sword. You have a knife to come here to make fun of it. I want to take up our quota? Let's go." The purple shirt swordsman ignored Xiao Chen's concession and aggressively picked up people. Come.

"I am not casting a sword here, you don't have to misunderstand."

Xiao Chen held the hand of the Moonshadow knife and shivered slightly. After all, he did not get angry. He whispered a word and turned and walked down the mountain.

I don’t want to let hopes that are hard to come by, so I lost.

"The stubbornness is not good, let you roll, not to let you go!"

The purple shirt swordsman gave a cold drink, and his feet flashed, and a gorgeous sword array was formed. Hundreds of purple swords flew out from the array. Flying around him, the crisp sword kept ringing and creaking.

The sly sword meaning, suddenly filled the mountain peaks, the grass twisted, do not dare to look up.

This person gave a shot, a sigh of sword, turned into a rainbow light toward the ****, sharp and aggressive, can wear mountain gravel.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dry, and he turned quickly. The moon-shadow knife was in front of the first gear. As a knife, raising the hand, it was the sword scabbard, sharp and comfortable.


The staunch swordsman slammed on the scabbard and made a sound, such as the broken sword, which turned into a cut-off sword, and did not hurt Xiao Chen.

It was easy and easy, and it blocked the purple swordsman and the aggressive sword. This scene suddenly caught the attention of many people.

"Oh, actually, it’s a master. It seems to be a good kick. But I picked Ouyang Feng from the Purple Swords and chose the wrong person."

"Xiao's younger generation, Ouyang Feng is one of the young talents who have the most potential to go to the Jianzong list. In addition to the disciples who have been personally trained by Sword King, there are not many who can win him."

"The wind son, it really is a glance like a torch, you can see it at a glance. This white knives are in a bad heart, to cast a sword peak, and a little temptation will reveal the horse's feet, deep hidden."

"Ouyang Gongzi, the sword has reached the peak of 90%, and it has already condensed the soul of the sword. Maybe it can be received by Master Situ."

"The rules of Master Situ are really strange. If you look at people and cast swords, you will not have a sword and you will not even give face to Emperor Wu."

"Master Situ, but even the characters that the soldiers can cast, are fully qualified not to give the face of the Emperor Wu, the King of the Emperor is still almost the same."

All kinds of arguments kept going, Xiao Chen listened in the ear, could not help but smile, this swordsman on the Jianfeng Peak, how deep the stereotypes of the swordsman.

Xiao Chen calmly said: "You don't need it, you are struggling. I am not here to cast a sword, nor to play a game. I just want to ask for a master."

Ouyang Feng Shen Sheng said: "I was tempted by a trick, and I dare to argue. When the swordsman on my sword peak is all scorpion, you don't roll today, I will hit you."

Stepping forward, Ouyang Feng jumped out of the queue and pressed tightly toward Xiao Chen.

The purple shirt dances, the sword array at the foot of Ouyang Feng, spread out, and a ring is set. If you look carefully, you will find that this is a large sword array formed by the 981 small sword array.

The sword array is interlocking, and the 81-year-old sword light dances back and forth in the purple-flying array, which gives a powerful sword meaning and is infinitely close to the sword soul.

Ouyang Feng, who is in the center of the array, is full of swords. When he walks one step, he draws countless swords in the sword, as if he is the king of the sword.

This is the famous purple scorpion sword of the Purple Sword School. It is a kendo master of the Purple Sword School. According to the evolution of the sword field, it is faintly seen, and it has such a similarity with the sword field.

Ouyang Feng embraced the long sword, step by step, pressed toward Xiao Chen, the sword wind whistling, the momentum is compelling.

After the convenience is a cliff, up to Wan Hao, he forced this, obviously wanting this way to get rid of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s heart is helpless. Sometimes, the more you don’t want to cause trouble, the more trouble you come to.

He repeatedly retreated, the other party not only did not appreciate, but more and more excessive. Obviously, they were forced to fight back, but they were filthy, hidden, and bad.

In front of this goods, if it is not for the resurrection of the devil, out of the sword peak, Xiao Chen used to be half polite with him.

In the eyes of a murderous flash, Xiao Chen still endured, the eyebrows know the sea open, purple Lei Fu 篆 rotation, derived a spring thunder in the sound of the sky.

No shortage of knives, no shortage of seasons, spring knife!

When the mind is moving, the peach blossoms fall, and the sky suddenly turns into a pink space. Looking up, the long river of petals is ten miles.

The floral fragrance is fragrant, the fragrance is overflowing, and the blossoming pink petals all contain the soul of Xiao Chen Xiaocheng.

Spring is full of vitality, unlimited vitality, above the hillside, those flowers and plants that are bent by the sword, stand up and bloom, and rise wildly.

In the depths of the peach blossoms, Xiao Chen stretched out a folder, and thousands of peach blossoms gathered into a peach tree branch, above the branches, seven or eight flower buds, containing cockroaches to be released.

Xiao Chen reached out and waved, and the peach branches passed through the murderous sword, and they slammed into the purple swords of Ouyang Feng.

The spring thunder rang again, and the seven or eight flower buds on the branches, with the thunder bursting, in the sturdy sword, proudly open.

A small sword array of nine hundred and ninety-eight, one after another, stopped running, and a large array of interlocking. Being forced by some kind of more powerful force to stop the operation.

Ouyang Feng's face is white, purple scorpion swords, crazy operation in the body, but the sword array at the foot, is not listening, by the small peach, the suppression of the movement can not.

Ouyang Feng in the center of the sword array, his face is not gloomy, and he stretches his hand and pulls his sword.

"I advise you not to move. This nine hundred and eighty-one sword squad has been completely destroyed. It just happened to be suppressed. If you move one step, this balance will be broken immediately."

"The first and foremost, you must not only face your own purple sword array, but also face my spring knife, and you will die without a whole body in a moment."

The mountain wind hit, Xiao Chen holding the moon shadow knife, faceless expression, still calm and incomparable.

"You are a bastard, where is the guy, I am an elite disciple of the Purple Sword School. You dare to offend me at the Jianfeng. I really don't want to live, and the **** is a pass, I thought I would be scared."

It was easy, and Xiao Chen took the shot and lived. Ouyang Feng was all graceful and smashed.

"Ouyang Xianyu, don't move!"

A cry came and heard, under the mountainside, an old man with a long sword. In one step, there is a crisp sword, and the body is like a sword. The sound is still floating, and people have already come to the mountain.

Xiao Chen’s heart was moved. The comer was a swordsman of the Grand Master class. Looking at Xiao Chen at a glance, Jianguang was as real as he was, giving Xiao Chen great pressure and trying to retreat Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is a soul of the sword, and the will of the immortal Thunder has reached 40%. Although the momentum is not as good as the other side, it will not be easy to regress.

The body is straight, the heel is tied to the ground, and the morning is not moving, and I don’t care to look at this person.

Ouyang Feng in the sword array, after being told by the old man to drink, check it out, and the back is cold and sweaty, not scary.

Xiao Chen said that the half point is not fake, his purple sword sword power is how strong, he knows best, that can suppress the peach tree branches of the purple sword, the power will only be more horrible.

Two or two superpositions, it is supposed to erupt the earth-shattering aftermath, but because of the ingenuity of the interception of the peach branches, a delicate balance is formed.

If the balance is broken, what will happen to him in the sword array, I will shudder if I think about it.

Seeing the old man coming, Ouyang Feng, like a savior, hurriedly said: "Hey uncle killed this guy and rescued me."

As soon as this statement came out, the swordsmen who lined up on the peaks could not change their faces. What Xiao Chen said is actually true. A peach tree branch breaks the purple sword array and will not be able to move the Ouyang wind.

Next to the closed front door, the warriors who entered and exited the small door were also attracted by this scene.

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