Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1060: Little white shot

The two men were only one move, and the storm that could be caused was impressive for many of the swordsmen present.

Seeing that the two went out of the city, the city suddenly flew hundreds of figures and chased the past, do not want to miss the scene of the war between the two sides.

When chasing out, Xiao Chen and Qin Shaoqing, who are hundreds of miles away from the city, have officially made a lot of moves.

Above the Scorpio, there is always a bright moon hanging high, fifty miles in a circle, all covered in a night.

But in this night, the sky is not dark, whether it is the thunder of the will of Xiao Chen, the lightning that overflows from time to time, illuminating the sky.

It is still Qin Shaoqing's body, the flame that has never stopped resting, this night does not appear dim, but bright and abnormal, forming a kind of wonder.

Below the two men's hands, there is a mountain range that stretches for miles. The birds and beasts in the mountains have already been soaring, and the flowers and trees are destroyed.

Qin Shaoqing's swordsmanship has an unparalleled destructive power. The swords are swaying, and the trees into pieces are directly smashed into pieces. The ground becomes a loess, and the grass is gone, and the cracks spread.

In the Baili Mountains, after a while, the aftermath of the two men was turned into a bare stone mountain.

Such a horrific scene, so that the Tianding City knife, who came to watch the battle, all shunned it all the time, fearing that it would affect itself and some troubles.

There are no shortages in the four seasons, but it has been made by Xiao Chen, but it can't help Qin Shaoqing, the other side's swordsmanship, killing moves endlessly.

Moreover, in the face of powerful destructive attributes, all the power of killing and shooting has increased a lot, completely violent means, the four seasons are indispensable.

Can not form a life-long killing, the four seasons of reincarnation of more than killing tricks, so that Xiao Chen is a little bit passive.

As a last resort, Xiao Chen had to open the will of the immortal Thunder, and there was no shortage of knives.

Hundreds of Thunder Dragons, gold scales, double-headed, snarling, shaking their heads and swaying, live and even, can even swallow the thunder and lightning, interfere with Qin Shaoqing.

The dragon's interest is not really a dragon's breath, but it is a purple thunder, but the power is not low.

Occasionally, there is a thunder and lightning, scattered in the hill below, the peak of a kilometer high, disappeared in an instant, as if the monster bite off.

The thunder of the robbery knife method is boundless. Every morning, Xiao Chen throws a punch and pulls out a palm. The knife flashes. The next moment is the appearance of Lei Long, which resists the aggressive Qin Shaoqing.

On the sword of Qin Shaoqing, it is full of fire. Every time it is waved, the flames are smashing and flourishing. It is a violent flame.

The horrible destructive power is described as earth-shattering. It is not an exaggeration. The Baili Mountains below the earthquake are shaking, and countless boulders are rolling.

Seeing each other's brontosaurus seems to be far and wide, and each time they can steadily block their swords. Qin Shaoqing's brow wrinkles and is unwilling to entangle in this.

On the 9th, the gold is destroyed!

A long drink, the flames of 50 miles behind him, quickly gathered together, condensed into nine three-legged gold. Every Jinwu is like a big day, and it is dazzling.

Jianguang pointed out that the nine huge flames of Jinwu slammed into nine gold lines and smashed the past toward the hundred Thunder Dragons.

Rub and rub!

Jin Wu was extremely fierce, and the three feet were torn apart, and they smashed each piece into two halves, mourning.

Xiao Chen’s heart sank, and the other party’s Jinwu, which was condensed by its own life, was above the divinity and far beyond his brontosaurus, becoming the nemesis of the brontosaurus.

"God thunder, oh!"

Mindful thoughts, Xiao Chen gathered the remaining Thunder Dragons quickly, and the power of the will on the Purple Leifu continued to bless.

A golden **** of thunder, generated from the air, turned into a smear of knives, screaming toward the nine golden scorpions.

The power of the thunder of God, appeared on the spot, let these nine Jinwu like the day, blow out, the flames of the flames are faint.

The machine can not be lost, Xiao Chen stepped back, the pupils were miniature, the soul bow appeared in the right hand, hit the broken star arrow, pull the bow and pull the string.

The power of a dragon, flowing in the body, in the body bones, thunderous rumbling sound.

The injection of 10 million pounds of force made this soul mourning and chilling, and expelled the heat from the air in the air.

Qin Shaoqing's look changed, looking at the long bow in the hands of Xiao Chen, the heart felt a little bad. When the long sword is received, the force of the law in the body is surging, and it is necessary to pull nine golden and black ones.


After all, one step later, Xiao Chen let go, the broken star arrow Guanghua flashed, and even the nine Jinwu, this Qin Shaoqing spent a lot of painstaking killings, directly destroyed.

Xiao Chen Lei Long was destroyed, but this change also allowed Qin Shaoqing's nine Jin Wu to be completely destroyed, and did not ask for cheap.

The two of the Scorpio, once again caught in an anxious state, and several times, they all know each other's difficulties, and each has become cautious.

Bai Lang and Lin Yan stood side by side and sighed: "Xiao Xiong lacks a good knife. If not, it will not be so passive."

"This Qin Shaoqing is really powerful, the young disciple under the sword king door, really can not be underestimated." The wind shook his head, the air in the morning, under the offensive of Qin Shaoqing's fire, the original defensive, occupying the wind.

The flame knife Wang Mensheng Lin Yan, smiled: "The so-called too easy to fold, Qin Shaoqing offensive although fierce, can be more than a hundred strokes, if there is no overwhelming advantage, he will be defeated."

Bailang nodded: "Yes, the key now is that Xiao Chen can not insist on a hundred strokes. The hand has no weapons, the body of flesh and blood, hard to pick up Qin Shaoqing contains the sword of destructive attributes, in the strong body, but also stick to When I live."

I rarely talk about the solitary, not very optimistic, Shen Sheng: "It's a little difficult, I see Xiao Chen now body, it is a bit unbearable, and after a hundred moves, it will collapse."

"With the flesh and blood, hard to pick me up three hundred strokes, even if it is the copper body, you should not be able to stand it now."

Qin Shaoqing looked calm and looked at Xiao Chen sneer.

Xiao Chen’s face is calm and there is no explanation. His body has reached the third-order sacred peak, and in addition to swallowing many gods, he is no weaker than the body of the emperor.

Although the opponent's offensive is overbearing, the flesh is not hurt now, but his body is going to collapse, and no more than two hundred strokes will be made.

Seeing the interference of the words, did not work, Qin Shaoqing snorted, the offensive in hand was not even more fierce.

In the blink of an eye, the fifty strokes passed, and the mountains that were hundreds of miles below were broken by the half-slurry. The people who saw it were terrified.

Seeing Xiao Chen is still alive and alive, and his face is clear, and he is not confused.

Qin Shaoqing’s heart could not help but be anxious. Whatever his own situation is clear.

His swords are unrestrained, and every move is a killing move. Every move can exert the fierce power of a volcanic eruption, but the consumption is huge.

In the absence of Xiao Chen, the power of the law in the body really runs out.

At that time, even if you have the ability to do the whole thing, you can't make it out. You can only sit still.

I can't afford to lose it, or else this face is too big to be lost.

At this time, the change has suddenly occurred, and Xiao Chen, who has been defending in a defensive posture, has been defending. Suddenly moved up, grabbed the panic of his heart for a moment, and rushed to kill.

I saw eighteen dragons, hovering around him, the horrible dragons permeated, a piece of blue-colored knives, all the way to the ground, straight down.

It is the strongest move of Xiao Chen, there is no shortage of Qinglong, the dragon is righteous!

The power of this outburst is not inferior to him, the powerful sword of the volcanic eruption.

A piece of knife and knife fell, a full eighteen knives, and the chain kept squatting, not giving him time to consider, and not giving him the opportunity to kill.

The last knife fell, Qin Shaoqing's entire sword, completely disrupted, spit out a blood, flew out.

The gods of heaven, the gods and gods, ten times the strength!

It’s hard to catch the other side, the loopholes of the mind, and unexpectedly, hurt the other side, how can Xiao Chen miss it and give the other party a chance to make a fatal blow.


At this time, there were two smudges of light in the heavens and the earth, and the sword was meant to pass through the soul.

The timing of the two moves, very coincidentally, was just the moment when Xiao Chen’s light was attached, and it was all a fatal blow that the two had no reservation.

Xiao Chen, who has already consumed a lot of injuries and suffered serious injuries, could not completely avoid it.

"The king is defeated, Xiao Chen, you can hide and endure, insight into the heart, how the eyes are like a torch, I have never said, and you are alone."

Qin Shaoqing sneered, slamming the body's injury, flashing a sigh of relief. Instead, Xiao Chen killed the past and the three formed a round.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Xiao Chen, who had just gained an advantage at once, was in jeopardy.

White Wave and other people's faces changed greatly, apparently did not expect that the two would be so mean. It’s obviously too late to go to the rescue at this moment.

"Xiao Chen brother, despite the hands-on, these bad guys Xiaobai help stop."

In the battlefield of the hustle and bustle, a fragrant wind blows, a delicate figure, rushing in like a rush, and between the electric and the flint, draws a long sword at the waist.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly the snow feathers are flying, a touch of Jianguang, shocking people, scorning. When you feel free to slip, you will stop Gu Jianheng and Liu Kun's killing.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and looked at Qin Shaoqing, whose face changed dramatically. Cold channel: "Under the sword king, you can also get out of your garbage. Today you are not only losing your own face, but also the face of the entire Xuan domain swordsman."


Xiao Chen, who has no scruples, the power of this boxing dragon, slammed, and knocked Qin Shaoqing, who had been killed, into a mountain.

When the mountain peaks and collapses, and the rumbling rumbling, he will be buried in the whole, and he will not know it.

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