Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1078: perturbed

The Buddha's voice has been scattered, and Xiao Chen is leaving. Offering the Thunder's will containing the soul of Dacheng, you can leave the bitter sea without struggling with it.

I can see the stunning knife that just flashed past, and confirmed the head of the Tibetan king, which was cut by the Qing Emperor.

Xiao Chen’s heart showed a sway, and some things were unwilling to think about it. It did not mean that I didn’t want to know the answer.

"Why, the Buddha's voice has been scattered, are you not leaving?" asked the city.

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Don't go, don't leave, wait a minute, I will take you directly through this headless vulture."

In front of the city, she said: "Do you have a way?"

"Wait." Xiao Chen did not answer, sitting cross-legged on the bow, calmly practicing, quietly waiting for the knife to come again.

On the occasion of the knives of the previous knives, the Qinglong in the ring of 乾 躁 躁 躁 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When the city was seen, he had to sit next to him with helplessness, and he took out a green bead in his hand and stared at it.

Among the transparent beads, there is a soul that is fixed in it and keeps moving.

Although the ghosts have the ability to collect the souls after death, there is no ability to resurrect. Can only be trained into the ghost of various combat classes, and after practicing the ghost, it is not the original soul, but there is no existence of mind and memory.

"Who is this person, do you want to be resurrected?" Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the city.

On the beautiful face of the city, there is a hint of nostalgia: "This is my mother. When she died, I was only six years old. My master has kept the soul after her death, but the master can not save her." ”

"Huangquan Road, I have been thinking about it very early, but I can't make up my mind all the time. I always make excuses for myself. It is too dangerous for Huhu Lake. If the strength is strong, go."

"Oh, actually, I know that I am afraid that this last hope will be shattered and I will not face it. If you are not coming to Huangquan Road, I don’t know when it will take this step. Some things must be seen before. ""

Xiao Chen heard that the sorrow in the words of the Allure, the other side knows that even after crossing this bitter sea, waiting may be just a sad ending.

As she said, some things must always be seen before they can be safe.

"Three raw stones, returning to the grass, the other side of the flowers, you collect these, is to want to resurrect the spirit?" The city of the front turned and asked Xiao Chen.

Seeing Xiao Chen’s slightly unexpected look, Allure smiled and said: “Don’t be surprised, this secret method is actually passed from my ghost family, but it’s useless to the soul.”

"But look at your look, it seems that you don't see much joy. Aren't all the three things collected?"

I did not expect this observation of the city to be so careful, Xiao Chen said truthfully: "I missed the time, I did not expect Huangquan Road, it will be March when I leave."

Originally intended to collect three things, set back and forth within three months. In that way, I can participate in the Knife List competition, and then I will get Wan Yan Yan Jing, and I will be resurrected.

After two months, it happened to be the royal ceremony, and everything was planned.

But who knows, just Huangquan Road will go on March, plus the previous January time, this time the knife-class competition will be started.

Wannian Yanjing, certainly can not get it, do not know how to tell Situ Leihong.

Allure smiled and said: "It seems that you are really a little troublesome. Situ Leihong is very difficult to speak. Even the face of the king is not sold."

There is no way in Xiao Chen’s heart. I can’t help but ask the lord to take a look.

"The bitter sea is boundless, turning back is the shore..."

The Buddha's voice sounded again, and many of the bones and ghosts in the bitter sea were struggling with pain.

Xiao Chen on the ghost ship, but waiting for a long time, while resisting the Buddha's voice, while quietly looking forward to.

Did not let him down, that touch illuminate the entire Huangquan's knives, once again, shattered the Buddha's voice, the black and white world, the color of the re-photographed.

In the Qiankun ring, Qinglong made another violent vibration. Xiao Chen said nothing, and when he turned his hand, he would hold Qinglong in his palm.


I saw a glare of light coming in. Xiao Chen and Allure closed their eyes at the same time. When they opened their eyes, they suddenly found that the knife was not there, and the Qinglong order became dazzling.

The color of the surrounding 100 meters is incongruous with other black and white worlds above the sea.

The Qing emperor ordered that the knife that had existed for a thousand years was actually taken in.

At the same time, Allure was surprised to find that the same size of the bones of the ghosts, which had previously been on the ghost ship, had become small as an ant.

The distance from the headless Tibetan king is not far away, only ten miles away, and it takes little time for both of them.

"Let's go, I will take you there."

The ghost ship took two people, vacated and flew all the way. The distance of ten miles was almost half a mile of tea, and it flew over.

The two talents who were close to each other found that the broken head of the Dizang King had always had blood flowing out, and the sea of ​​bitterness in front of him was the blood.

Seeing it here, it’s shocking and creepy.

Flying over the headless Tibetan king, the other side's pressure completely disappeared, Xiao Chen reached out and took a trick, holding the top of the green dragon in his hand, a smile on his face.

In any case, this unexpectedly harvested knife is indeed a big surprise.

If you encounter it in the future, the unbeatable opponent will release the sickle light, I am afraid that the emperor can do it.

Behind the Dizang King is a six-revolving land with six broken giant vortexes, each representing a reincarnation of the afterlife.

Reversing from the right, it is faintly heaven, spiritual road, humanity, animal path, hungry ghost road and **** road.

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the six broken pieces did not look like a model. It was impossible to carry out the reincarnation. The worry in the heart was also turned into nothingness.

I was about to speak, but I saw that the Allure still came, representing the whirlpool of the reincarnation of heaven, throwing the beads that sealed her mother's soul into it.

"You, this is..." Xiao Chen is somewhat puzzled.

The broken six rounds of reincarnation did not seem to affect the city, laughing: "It is a thought, rumors into the heavens, the next life can be born directly in the fairy world, from the body, not suffering from the six reincarnations."

The reincarnation was not there. There was nothing to look at here. Xiao Chen accompanied the city for a while and turned and left.

I just don't know, at the moment of turning around, the humanistic reincarnation vortex broken into several flaps, suddenly reunited together, a complete reincarnation vortex.

Baoguang gathers, the mysterious channel opens, I don't know where to go.

Xiao Chen felt it, and looked back. The complete reincarnation channel only existed for a moment, and it was already broken, and nothing was seen.

Allure followed and looked strangely: "What happened?"

"Nothing!" Xiao Chen smiled, and in his heart, the six reincarnations were really broken. There is only this life between heaven and earth, and there is no future life.

The two men successfully crossed the bitter sea, and they met with the little white people again on the bridge. After a brief explanation of the incident, they began to set off.

Going back to the road, according to the direction of the Allure, directly put the ghost ship on top of it, and go retrograde toward the upstream.

After half a day, the water was broken and passed through a fog. Several people miraculously appeared in the land of the Nether, where the yin and yang were isolated.

Allure explained with a smile: "Don't be surprised, the **** is broken, and some space cracks have formed. Some of the cracks are not too dangerous. Instead, they are the shortcut path for the nine-pronged purgatory, but only we want the ghosts to know."

When I got back to the ground, a few people took a long breath, and the nine purgatory was finally alive.

Allure returned the reincarnation flag to Xiao Chen, and smiled: "Fell, your seal of the king ceremony, there are only two months left. At that time, if there is no accident, I will go together to join in the fun."

Except for the allure of the heart robbing, the whole person seemed to be a lot easier. After all the people greeted them one by one, they calmly left.

The Jianzongbang contest, which is half a month away from the knife list, calculates the time. It should be too late to go back.

Xiao Chen used the wing of freedom, the magical power of the world, and made it uninterrupted. Finally, before the contest was held, Xiaobai was sent over.

He himself was not so lucky, and the contest of the Knife List was completed seven days ago.

Wen Ziran, the great disciple of Knife Wang Xiao Xiaotian, successfully entered the top ten, and now has spread throughout the Xuan domain, famous.

Xiao Chen took a trace of embarrassment and came to the Jianjian Peak. I don’t know Situ Leihong, can you get through it.

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