Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1081: Fair war

Ouyang Feng looked at Ouyang Long, who had re-declined on the ground. He was shocked and speechless.

The picture in fantasy did not appear. Xiao Chen was not beaten by his own old man, but his own old man was defeated by the other three.

"Hey, how are you!" asked Ouyang Long on the ground, Ouyang Feng asked worriedly.


The wind was scattered, and Xiao Chen’s face was expressionless and calmly fell. Many swordsmen who had been onlookers had just opened a way.

"I killed you this bastard!"

When Ouyang Feng saw Xiao Chen landing, his eyes were red and bloody. When he was desperate, he rushed toward Xiao Chen. The whole body was flawed and there was no rule.

Xiao Chen flashed a little, and the clothes swayed, and between the hair and the light dance, you could hear the ringing of the knife ringing and ringing, and easily avoiding each other.

Then he grabbed the backhand and would pass it by, rushing past the Ouyang wind, and gave it back to the students, throwing it hard.

The mountain peaks vibrate, Ouyang wind falls heavily on the ground and slams it. It spits out a large mouthful of blood, and the face is instantly white.

The sound that Xiao Chen just showed, the calm Ouyang Feng, the body was scared and shivered.

"Xiao Chen, I believe that I will swear, I will never find you trouble again from now on!"

Taking advantage of Xiao Chen, who walked step by step, Ouyang Long felt a sense of fear in his heart, pulling down the old face and asking for mercy.

Xiao Chen did not move, stopped, and looked unpredictable.

Ouyang Long bit his teeth and took the space ring in his hand. He said: "This is the resource that I carry with me. There are three million black stars in it. All kinds of gods are tens of thousands of pounds. I beg you, let go of our father and son today, I Make sure you are no longer in trouble."

When Xiao Chen reached out and grabbed it, he grabbed the space ring into the palm of his hand and quickly left the place.

These two fathers and sons are not good and reasonable people. If you say this in your mouth, you will never do this.

Xiao Chen has the heart to kill two people, but he can cast a sword peak here, but he really does not want to see blood. After all, if you can resurrect, you must rely on Situ Leihong.

Behind the two, there is a nine-pronged sect of the Zijian Swords. The strength and foundation of the Zijian Swords are not comparable to the top nine sects of the Tianzong.

In the Xuan domain, in the other's base camp offended the Zijian sword faction, but also a trouble.

A few flashing moments, Xiao Chen stepped on the thunder dragon, and disappeared into the figure of many swordsmen in the Jianfeng Peak.

"I know why today, why must I be!"

Looking at the Ouyang father and son on the ground, the other swordsmen sighed softly, the same as the swordsman, and saw Ouyang Long defeated in the hands of Xiao Chen.

These people's minds, more or less, will be a bit ridiculous.

If it is a normal battle, there may be a shot to help, and even stop the knife.

Can look at the strength of Xiao Chen, lamented the speed of the other party's growth, these people have concerns in their hearts, can only watch Xiao Chen leave.

Moreover, the two are so embarrassed today, they are also looking for themselves. The so-called self-satisfaction cannot be lived, and there is not much sympathy.

Flying out of five hundred miles in one breath, Xiao Chen stopped at a tree tip and closed his eyes to delay the battle.

Just three strokes, all can be regarded as the martial arts beyond the level of the heavens. Under the blessing of Dacheng's soul, the power is more than doubled.

It is the strongest three killings of Xiao Chen. The most important thing in this battle today is to rely on Dacheng’s soul.

If it is not a great soul, there will be no shortage of bright moons, and it will not explode such powerful power. In one fell swoop, the momentum of Ouyang Long will be suppressed.

If Ouyang Long also comprehended the swordsmanship of Dacheng, this battle will be played.

Three strokes defeated the opponent, but Xiao Chen kept a calm thinking and had a clear understanding of his own strength.

After a while, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, revealing a fascinating look in his eyes, and he was satisfied with his toes.

Two days later, Win Qiong, who received Xiao Chen’s letter, met in the largest inn in Tianding City.

Going together, there are Jin Dabao and Lao Jiu. The two look good. Obviously, the batch of black goods is very satisfactory.

Win Joan sat down for a while and went straight to the point: "The long fruit auction is completed, deducting some of the agency fees from my Tiansheng Building, and you can have 30 million black stars in your hands."

Jin Fatzi envied the way: "It’s really more people than the dead, fat man, I’ve tried my best to sell those black goods to a price of five million black stars. You didn’t do anything in this guy, thirty million black. Star currency will automatically arrive."

Thirty million black star coins, so Xiao Chen was also shocked a little, so a lot of money, afraid of being comparable to the property of some prospective emperors.

However, there were not many accidents in my heart. In the Jianfeng Peak, I heard the swordsmen say it. The auction of longevity fruit, there are several old emperors near Shouyuan.

The quasi-imperialist natural wealth is thick, and after death, nothing is obtained. For Shouyuan, he is willing to spend money.

Xiao Chen drank a glass of wine and said: "I am giving you a long fruit. There is no requirement, 30 million black stars. Within three days, I will spend all of it."

Jin Dabao and Lao Jiu, mouth open mouth, "What to do, 30 million black stars, it will be spent in three days."

Win Qiong is also puzzled, and the pretty face is full of doubts.

"Help me to collect the secret treasure containing the dragon soul. The level must be at least holy. If there is a king, don't let go."

Win Qiong Xiumei's eyebrows, some embarrassing words: "The secret treasure of the dragon soul, this can not be found, these 30 million black star coins are afraid of not spending enough."

Xiao Chen nodded: "I know that the secret treasure can be."

Win Qiong Zhan Yan smiled: "Can it be broken? That is really easy to do. Tiansheng Building is located in Kunlun's store, and there are piles of defective treasures every year."

After chatting for a while, the topic went to Xiao Chen and Wen Ziran's duel.

In just two days, Xiao Chen’s news of Wen Ziran’s battle was spread throughout the Xuan domain.

To say that Xuan Yu, who is the limelight of the people, can be compared with Xiao Chen, naturally it is non-warren.

The Knife List has been established for ten years and has been inherited for tens of thousands of years since ancient times.

In the last millennium, there should be no younger generation, and they will be in the top ten. Wen Ziran has won the top ten and won the sixth place in the case of a large group of swordsmen.

Once it was transmitted, it caused a sensational effect.

"That said, how do you think of challenging Wen Ziran, with your character, will not be so ostentatious." Win Qiong smiled and asked, apparently guessed another hidden situation.

When Jin Dabao’s eyes turned, he smiled and said: “Xiao Xiong, there are a few wins to win, I’m going to open the fat man, I don’t take the opportunity to make a profit, it’s a pity.”

If Xiao Chen thinks thoughtfully, he said: "I don't know much about Wen Ziran. I can't say a few wins, but I have to win this battle."

Suddenly, there was a footstep sound from the downstairs. The Tianding City Shaocheng Lord, surrounded by a group of guards, appeared on the floor.

A glimpse of Xiao Chen smiled and threw a heavy wooden box against him. Xiao Chen reached out and opened it. After the opening, the heat wave spurted out of it, and the flame hit people.

If it is not the strength, it is already the same as before. If you open this box, you will definitely be hurt.

Xiao Chen has always been calm and extremely visible. He can see this thing, but his mood is not excited. He closes the box quickly and his face looks a little bit different.

"Xiao brother doesn't have to think about it. This is what my brother told me to send it. Five days later, he will fight with you in Tiandao City. It is a simple battle. I don't want you to be disturbed by any foreign objects."

There is nothing else in the box. It is the eternal Yanjing that Xiao Chen dreams of, and Wen Ziran is so brave, but it is unexpectedly unexpected.

In the heart of this knife, who has never met before, I feel a lot of goodwill, and Wannian Jingjing has indeed made him without any burden.

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