Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1083: Take the knife

Shui Lingling wrote a letter, and the Wushen Palace was announced to the world.

Two months later, the White Emperor City Xiahou must hold the King of the Kings, the title of the White Tiger King, not mentioning Xiao Chen.

Winning Qiong had to be angry. It was originally the closing ceremony of Xiao Chen’s king. The three holy places were dragged down for half a year. Towed to Xiahou, the seal of the king, Xiao Chen only became a foil.

At the end of the letter, Shui Lingling expressed a concern. The three holy land and the three kings of the Terran, the Jiang family, the Yan family, and the Lin family seem to have a connection.

In the last period of time, he will attack him and prevent him from appearing at the Seal of the Kings.

"I send someone to **** you back!" Win Qiong also expressed his concern. If the King's ceremony is missed, it will automatically give up.

In the future, it is quite difficult to get the King of the Qinglong King.

Xiao Chen puts his hand in the hand: "No, the secret treasure of the Dragon Soul, give it to me first."

Emperor Haotian said that within three years, there will be no prospective emperor to shoot him. This is the rule between the big men.

This is a promise that Tian Tianzong stood behind Xiao Chen and promised him a very heavy weight.

If there is no such sentence, it is not very early to show the attitude of Ying Zongtian, Xiao Chen’s path is definitely more difficult than now.

The emperor could not take the shot, and Xiao Chen would be fearless. If this level could not pass, he would not have the face to attend the Feng Wang Festival.

Win Qiong some blame for seeing Xiao Chen, according to what he said, will contain the secret treasure of the Dragon Soul, one by one turned over.

In addition to the holy secret treasure there are several complete, the king secret treasure is all fragments, a complete no.

Most of them are not damaged, and they are far worse than the half-handed dragons cut by Xiao Chen.

Looking at Xiao Chen's careful look, each piece contains the secret treasure of the Dragon Soul, Win Qiong is a bit embarrassed: "How, can these be?"

In the eyes of Win Qiong, these are basically a bunch of broken, and at most some of their own materials have some value. In the eyes of outsiders, it is worth noting that, except for the specialized refiners, they will be a little bit interested, and there will be no warriors to buy these things.

Xiao Chen looked up: "Yes, thank you very much, it should be more than that."

When I heard Xiao Chen’s words, Win Qiong’s somewhat worried look disappeared. Yan Yan smiled: “There are some but not many, your 30 million black stars have not been spent.”

There are still some, that should increase the power of the two dragons, there should be no problem.

After all, the materials of these secret treasures can't be compared with the dragons that used to be the fairy. The dragon soul does not have the power of the dragon ghost.

Thirty million black star coins have not been spent, almost in the morning of Xiao Chen, the secret treasure containing the dragon soul is not easy to find even if it is a fragment.

Three days, it is indeed a short point. Winning Joan can help this step is not easy. Let Xiao Chen go and find it himself. I am afraid that half of the three days will not be able to get it.

Win Qiong threw a hand and sent a space ring: "Your 30 million black star coins, I will not, these are mostly discarded in the Tiansheng Building warehouse, basically no cost."

Xiao Chen took the space ring, but there was not much happiness in the eyebrows. Even Tianshenglou could only get such a secret piece containing the dragon soul.

Then he wants to gather the power of the ten dragons, Qinglong to cultivate the back of the cultivation, and where to go to find these secret treasures containing the dragon soul.

Win Qiong seems to see the doubts of Xiao Chen, saying: "As the saying goes, the dragon is in the Yuan, the dragon is hidden under the Jiuyuan, and the secret treasure of the Dragon Soul is more in the sky."

Tianxinghai, where there is vastness, the islands are densely covered, the ancestral gates are numerous, and the strong are numerous and self-contained.

For many warriors in the Kunlun world, it is also a mysterious place.

It seems that in the future, I really have to take a trip to the Starry Sea. Xiao Chen’s heart is secret, and the dragon is in the Yuan. This sentence will not be wrong.

Farewell to win Joan, Xiao Chen came to the room with the secret treasure of the Dragon Soul.

Without wasting time, immediately start running Qinglong to raise the body and devour these secret pieces.

The number is too much, and it takes a whole day to go, and Xiao Chen is completely swallowed up. As he expected, the impact of the three dragons on the basis of the force of the three dragons increased the power of the two dragons.

Collecting the secret treasures containing the Dragon Soul is indeed a shortcut for practicing Qinglong.

Xiao Chen got up and felt his strength. His face showed a satisfactory look. He could immediately attack the strength of Wulong. Without martial arts, he could barely compete with the great master.

The operation of the gods, the slightest outbreak, do not need ten times the strength, can compete with the great master, can save a lot of physical strength.

The wooden box containing Wannianyan crystal will be taken out again. Xiao Chen’s eyes show a little heavy look. He said to himself: “Jiaojiao should be back.”

In four days, with Stuart's ability, the resurrection is more than enough.


Not expecting in the heart of restraint, Xiao Chen jumped out of the window and unfolded the magical wings of the free wing, flying away toward the Jianfeng Peak.

One step, it is the distance of a hundred miles, close to two thousand miles, Xiao Chen took a dozen steps, and the Jianfeng Peak is already far away.

Hurrying to catch up with the mountain, the rapid pace, so that many swordsmen of Jian Jianfeng, are one of them.

Xiao Chen repeatedly entered the Jianjian Peak, the swordsman who came here, looked in the eyes, which is not calm and calm.

Even in the face of the big master's ridicule, not angry, at least the surface is quiet, and the steps have never been so fast.

Looking at Xiao Chen’s expression, I can easily capture a trace of tension from a glimpse.

"What happened in the end, how did Bai Xiaoshan come so rushed."

"Isn't it because of the upcoming battle, the pressure is too big?"

"It is said that Wen Ziran, this time is a big show, and many older masters are defeated under his knife."

"The younger generation of swordsmen, these years is indeed a prosperous. Unfortunately, I have a lot of martial arts and heroes, but the top masters, now in addition to the missing Yan XIII, really can not find the characters who rival them."

The color of tension that Xiao Chen’s face is rare, and the expression of haste, make the swordsmen feel puzzled and speculate.

Into the mountain village, under the guidance of the door boy, Xiao Chen saw a calm face, holding the moon shadow knife to drink tea Situ Leihong.

"Oh, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou is coming, how do you feel that you are not good at Wen Ziran? Would you like to take the knife back in advance? To disappoint you, there is no Wan Nian Yan Jing, this knife will not be for you."

Situ Leihong smiled, but the tone was not loose.

After the words were not finished, Stuart Lei Hong’s moon-shadow knife trembled fiercely. The strength of the road, far beyond the expectations of Situ Leihong, slammed out.

With a hand in his hand, Xiao Chen caught the moonshadow knife that flew in the air and closed his eyes to feel something. Inside the moonshadow knife, I saw a familiar figure, closed my eyes and floated on the lake.

Xiao Chen was a happy first, but he could call out a few voices in his heart. But he did not blink, but he could not help but rush: "Predecessors, what happened."

Situ Leihong turned his hand and grabbed a huge suction. The Moonshadow knife was once again held in his own hands, and his face showed a satisfactory look.


Can not be more than a second, the moon shadow knife broke free again, flew toward Xiao Chen.

"Rely!" Situ Leihong snorted without the master style. "Is this kid so good? You are hardworking to save the old man."

He sighed and saw the sadness on Xiao Chen’s face. Situ Leihong smiled and said: “You kid, don’t know how to be good or bad in the blessing. This is her chance. When she wakes up, you have this knife. The possibility of winning the list of gods."

Xiao Chen heard the words, his face suddenly appeared, and it was difficult to suppress himself. He can't ask for the list of gods. He doesn't care. As long as he is so sweet, he really lives and everything is fine.

"Stuart seniors, Da En is unforgettable!"

Xiao Chen squatted on his knees and bowed to Situ Leihong.

Men's knees, Wanjin is not awkward.

In addition to this, even if he killed Xiao Chen, he would not kneel down to a third person.

In the eyes of Situ Leihong, in any case, he suffered from this embarrassment, and he was treated as a coquettish one.

Situ Leihong’s face was so embarrassed that Xiao Chen’s face was so embarrassed that he waved his hand and dragged Xiao Chen up.

Helplessly said: "You kid, really..."

Some can't say it, and sighed, Situ said: "I have countless people reading this life. For a knife, I dare to be so persistent, and only you. The knife is taken, now you can use it with confidence. Help out, Wen Ziran, you can add two percent to the game."

What Xiao Chen thinks of, put the wooden box with the Wannianyan crystal and hand it to the Situ.

When I opened the wooden box, Situ Leihong’s face changed slightly. He smiled and said: “This is the apprentice of Xiao Xiaotian. It’s also a wonderful person. This war is a bit interesting. Let’s go, you don’t want to be emotional.”

Suddenly, Situ Leihong glanced at him and saw that Xiao Chen was preparing to pull a knife in the hall. He was shocked to put down Wannian Yanjing and shouted: "Don't move..."


When the words were not finished, I saw a flash of light, and the whole hall was smashed by the knife.

Within the villa, a knives rushed away, stunned the clouds and inserted them into the sky.

Casting Jianfeng lined up with a long line of swordsmen, looked up in horror, unknown.

Some swordsmen have long swords in their hands, squeaking, humming a few times, directly breaking, and the whole cast sword peak is in chaos.

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