Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1290: Kicking a kick

"Would you like to go up and help!"

The party and Xiao Chen lived together for a few days. Although they couldn’t talk about any life and death, the feelings were still a little bit. Xiao Chen’s temperament and heart gave them a lot of good feelings.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Chen is difficult, hesitant to take a shot, after all, facing a great perfect emperor, so that they dare not be too rash. Only when you have to go together can you have enough deterrent, otherwise it will not be effective to go alone.

The black-haired old man who has a relatively deep relationship with Xiao Chen looked at the untouched moon ice cloud and waved his hand: "First wait, Xiao Chen let the moon ice cloud not shoot, certainly not want outsiders to intervene, maybe It is he who is sure to confront Wang Zhen."

"No, Dacheng Zhundi can win the Great Confucian emperor?" Others spoke up and said no.

The old man in black also has some doubts, but he is still firm: "Look, if Xiao Chen really has a life-threatening danger, we are not too late to go up. We so many people, together to kill the past, as long as the unity of Wang Zhen will surely flee." ”

During the inter-month, the ice cloud and the Xia Luo group of people have already retired far away. The face of Xia Luo’s face showed a cruel look. Looking at Xiao Chen, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and it was a mocking look.


Another violent lightning strikes the sky, and Wang Hao stepped forward and suddenly shot. I don't know if it is the first action of lightning, or the first movement of his body, the lightning that is entangled in the flames. It seems that he is moving at the same time, and even the shadows are invisible.

But he is fast, Xiao Chen's speed is faster than him, with the flow of shadow gloves Xiao Chen, shot speed, 20% higher than the original.

At the moment when Wang Zhen’s footsteps had just moved, the Moonshadow knife was pulled out at this moment, and then it was sent first, and a knife flashed. Wang Zhen, who was the first to take the shot, was forced out of the shape by Xiao Chen, flashing toward the rear, avoiding the knives of the fast-moving meteor.

Let it accumulate a half-weather, prepare for a long time, a thunder blow, halfway through the middle, the momentum fell.


The blade of the moonshadow knife can't stop tremble. Xiaochen's clothes are windless and self-dancing. The whole person's momentum is anti-customer, and Wang Zhen is overwhelmed.

Such a scene, but half a breath of time, but shocked all the warriors watching.

In the battle with the Great Manchurian emperor, Xiao Chen was so fast, he took the upper hand. The moment before, the momentum was like a rainbow, and the horrible Wang Zhen was oppressed by Xiao Chen.

Spring knife, peach blossom is unbeaten! Summer knife, burned out eight wild! The knife of autumn, the Iraqi smile! Winter Knife, Miles Snow Cream!

Once in a good position, since the moment is not forgiving, Xiao Chen's body turned, thunderously sounded, and a hundred peach blossoms appeared. Among the thousands of petals, he took the knife and killed Wang Zhen.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons of reincarnation, all kinds of visions have taken turns, all of them have become the slash of Xiao Chen, and they have poured out.

Wang Zhen avoided it and had to pick up the trick in the case of a big drop. Under the full force of Xiao Chen, he was slammed and flew out, and his mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

Many of the warriors onlookers, the look is a bit wrong, the biggest power that Xiao Chen broke out is even stronger than Wang Zhen.

Wang Zhen, who was retreating, his face sank and his body burned with raging fire. When he was moved, he had a huge force of heaven and earth and was mobilized by him.

"Thundercloud Storm!"

With a loud scream, the thundercloud between the Tianzhu and Wang Zhen's traction, formed a horrible flame whirlpool, the flames are endless thunder.

Pushing the palms forward, this horrible thunderstorm vortex descended from the sky and directly smashed toward Xiao Chen, like a storm, and quickly fell.

The space is trembling, and there are many tiny cracks. The power of this move is imaginable. Wang Zhen also intends to use this trick to completely reverse the situation and re-enter his own momentum. Otherwise, a person's momentum will always be the bottom, and his strength can only be used to 70%.

Xiao Chen secretly stunned, and the great perfection of the emperor, the power of the heavens and the earth that can be mobilized, is indeed shocking. If the other party is strong, he will not be sure to defeat the opponent.

In the knowledge of the sea, 50% of the soul of the sword and Dacheng's Thunder will be perfectly integrated.

There was a burst of screaming in the air, and Xiao Chen’s body flashed countless lightning, and the 50% Thunder knife soul was released without any reservation.

There is no shortage of knives, no shortage of dragons, and dragons are righteous!

A strip of Qinglong virtual shadow appeared in Xiao Chen's body and quickly hovered.

In an instant, the dragon shadow will be decided, the dragon will not stop, and the dragon will shoot. Xiao Chen holds the right hand of the knife and gently turns it. The blade is in the middle of rotation, and the eighteen pieces are like the real shadows, all condensed into the blade.

Forming a touch of the sky, the knives of the land, the horrible Longwei, Xiao Chen, in a white coat holding a long knife, straight down and cut down.

With a bang, the huge whirlpool of thunder fire, under the knife of Xiao Chen, was broken into two halves.

With 50% of the thunder and the soul of the sword, with the energy of the eruption of the dragon, the energy that broke out once again surpassed Wang Zhen. The knife light that fell with the trend, Wang Zhenqi flew out, and the wolf smashed into a mountain.


After receiving the knife and returning to the sheath, Xiao Chen swelled a round of fiery red moon, facing Wang Zhen, ten miles away, and took a shot.

Thousands of fires, all the enthusiasm of the heart, the arrogance of Xiao Chen’s heart, all vented.

This palm seems to be an unknown prophet. When Wang Zhen was ten meters away from the ground, the ground exploded. The sky was soaring, the dust rolled, and it rushed into the sky, and Wang Zhen rushed into the sky.

Under this circumstance, the real injury is not light. The millennium contains a sad mood, and the exertion of the fight is tangled and painful. The millennium fire is purely an explosive **** trick, and the power of one palm will erupt in an instant, and it will be motivated.

However, this is not the case, but it will not disintegrate the fighting power of the great perfect emperor. The great perfect emperor will merge the soul with the heavenly mark, the body will be less harmful, and the holy body will go further.

The original martial arts that could have killed Dacheng’s emperor could only make the great perfect emperor seriously injured. The original serious injury can only be regarded as not heavy.

In the heart of the move, Xiao Chen condensed the Qinglong battle armor, the whole body strength as a dragon roar, rushing in the body.

Wearing a mighty armor, Xiao Chen ran up and ran. Every step, the blood swayed, the shaking of the sky shook, and the body swayed, and some could not grasp.

Speaking out a lot of blood, I don’t want to, I’m going to prepare for the morning when Xiao Chen rushes again. Suddenly saw, like the gods, Xiao Chen, who rushed toward the running, was shocked.

I can think of it again. It’s already too late. The speed of Xiao Chen’s running seems very slow, but it’s amazing.

When he did not give him a reaction, he slammed sideways, using the Qinglong battle body as a knife, and deriving the lack of a knife, smashing into Wang Zhen’s chest. Putting all of his internal organs into a scar, and breathing all at once, he will not be able to breathe.


Just in his body, when he was about to fly out, Xiao Chen reached out and grabbed Wang Zhen’s ankle and swung in the air, throwing it away in the summer.

All the actions of Xiao Chen, together, like a flowing stream, there is no pause, a few strokes, but four or five breaths of time.

Xia Luo screamed, and quickly flew back, but several other Dacheng emperors in the summer home, but did not dare to retreat, to join hands to catch the flying Wang Zhen. In the loud noise, one line was hit and smashed, and each spit out a blood.

Looking coldly at the summer runaway, Xiao Chen’s body shape flashed and fell from the sky. The 50% soul of the sword first destroyed the momentum of the other party, and then trapped the person with murderousness, so that it could not move, it was a step to step him out of the air.

In the mourning, Xia Luo was in pain, and he whispered to him: "I have to spare people and spare people. Let me put a horse, I promise not to find you trouble."

Xiao Chen listened to this statement, and could not help but feel very funny in his heart. He had to spare people and spare people. This is the export that Xia Luo said, and his face is really thicker than the city wall.

"Go, I don't mind if you are looking for me. Your guarantee is not rare, but you can't just remember the truth."

Xia Luo heard the words, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly thanked him: "Thank you for raising your hands, I will roll it..."

But when the words were not finished, Xiao Chen kicked his foot and kicked him like a ball to the starry sky. Even the screams didn't have time to pass, so I didn't know where to go.

I didn't say that you let yourself roll, the white clothes dazzled, Xiao Chen looked back, and the rest of the Xia Jiawu people, immediately scared the soul to fly, scattered and fled.

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