Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1295: The road to the emperor is traversing the wild

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He was smashed in half by his sword. His sword was entwined with emerald green light. He was smashed into two halves of blood-sucking monsters. Green crystals appeared on the wound, covering the entire wound. The body in two halves can't be merged together.

The green crystals are still infiltrating and spreading. After a while, the whole body is crystallized.

He took the sword back to the sheath, suddenly bursting into a burst of sound, but it was all the blood-sucking monsters on the ground, all broken into a grain of green crystal.

Rubbing and rubbing, the cold feet step on these crystals, squeaking them, and they are broken.

The reason for this strange scene is not because of the special effects of the cold sword spirit, but that he used part of the energy of the jadeite stone.

These vampire monsters, although not hurting him, but his swordsmanship is still a little worse than the **** sword.

With their own strength, it is still not easy to kill these blood-sucking monsters. After using the jadeite stone, it will be easy, and one shot will result in a large film.

Feeling his hardship, the remaining blood-sucking monsters in the cave house are all flustered and start looking for new targets.

Taking advantage of these retreating blood-sucking monsters, I froze with a slight frown: "These should be the food of the blood-sword kings of the year. They are all evil people, but the strength is not so high. If you encounter the blood-sucking monsters of the quasi-prefecture level, It’s a bit difficult, but I have a jade star stone, which has a big advantage over a **** sword.”

Walking, seeing the murals, the cold look, and the **** sword are generally the same, are extremely pity.

These 50,000-year-old works of the Blood Sword King are still an extremely rare asset for the swordsman.

It is a pity that he has now reached the realm of half-step Wudi. Under the circumstances that the cultivation is impossible to grow, the kendo cultivation is no worse than some small heavenly emperors. The meaning of the sword contained in the mural does not help him much.

However, if you are lucky, you can find a piece of mural that the Blood Sword King has wholeheartedly cast, which should still be of great help.

Between the walks, the cold squat saw a stone room on the left side of the passage, pushed the door in, the long sword came out of the sheath, the green sword light with the majestic sword meaning, sweeping the clouds in the peak of the stone chamber.

A scream screamed, and when the sword was swept away, the blood-sucking monster squatting inside was dead.

I looked at the stone room and showed a disappointing look in the cold eyes. I did not see the presence of the futon inside. Explain that this is not the cultivation room of the Blood Sword King. It is just a place to store some things. Search for it, and find a stone box.

"Fine stone!" After opening the box, it was cold and bright, but then it went down.

Jingyuan Stone is a heaven and earth spar that is produced along with Wangpin's veins. It is a necessity for Wudi's daily cultivation. For the ordinary people, the precious and unusual things are not used for his half hair.

The robbery failed, and his cultivation could not be increased.

"First collect it. If I succeed in finding a life-and-death decision, I still have the possibility of becoming an emperor. At that time, these fine stones will be used."

Comforting myself, I feel very good, and I have collected these hundred fine stones into the space ring.

In the half-step Wudi and the Great Confucius, walking in it, unimpeded, and quite rewarding. Following the entry of Xiaocheng Zhundi and Dacheng Zhudi, it was a bit bleak. Dacheng’s emperor was okay, and Xiaocheng’s emperor met the blood-sucking monster, and there was almost no living.

There are already a lot of people who have retired, and for them it has become a hell. In the face of the blood-sucking monster that can't kill, there is no way. After meeting it, you can only wait to die.

Xiao Chen and Yue Bingyun went smoothly, and Xiao Chen later thought of a way to exude his own death mood, and those blood-sucking monsters took the initiative to avoid it.

"It seems like there is a fight in front!" Yue Bingyun said.

After walking for so long, many of the fights were heard. Yue Bingyun spoke specifically this time because he felt familiar with the sound.

Xiao Chen listened for a moment and said: "It is the group of people who followed us first, and looked at it in the past."

The figure flashed, and in a wide stone room, Xiao Chen saw the old man who had bet with himself, and was struggling with the attack of a blood-sucking monster with ten people.

The fierce fighting sounds and the powerful warriors have attracted the blood-sucking monsters, and the number of blood-sucking monsters besieging them has reached hundreds.

Faced with these, the blood-sucking monsters that can't be killed, all of them are sweating on the forehead, and the body is scarred.

"Xiao Chen brothers, speed retreat, these blood-sucking monsters can not kill!" After seeing Xiao Chen, the old man in black did not have a happy face, and the opening called Xiao Chen himself to retreat.

"Nothing, you stick to it for a while."

To put it simply, Xiao Chen rushed in and the death swordsman opened. The blood-sucking monster that blocks the road, without the enemy of Xiao Chen, is easily solved by a face-to-face, cut into several pieces, and can no longer be revived after breaking the vitality.

After a few breaths, the blood-sucking monsters in the stone room were fleeing by the murder of Xiao Chen, and no one dared to stop.

Xiao Chen did not pursue it, and after helping the group of Wu Emperor to break the fence, he took the knife and returned to the sheath.

Such a scene can be described as shocking people, how can they kill the blood-sucking monsters, but in the hands of Xiao Chen, it is like cutting melons and chopping vegetables, and the death is clean and neat.

"This..." The old man in black and other people, some incoherent, can not understand.

Xiao Chen said truthfully: "These blood-sucking monsters, afraid of death, are a life-threatening door. I am lucky to have a little bit of death."

Others are ashamed. As a result, the old man in black breathed a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly: "Xiao Chen brothers, listen to you earlier, don't come to this drowning."

Xiao Chen glanced at the horrible body on the ground. Some of them were acquaintances from a while ago. They talked with him very much, and eventually died because of greed.

Can not say that greed, but the emperor's road is rugged, fell on the road to find the opportunity, for the road to the emperor, add a bunch of bones.

Looking at the rest of the old man, Xiao Chen said: "I will send you back to the hole."

The old man in black heard the words, and he felt gratified in his heart. He said: "No, if we run at full speed, these blood-sucking monsters can't catch up with us in the channel. This time, we are trapped and greedy, surrounded by I can't get out of the stone room."

There seems to be another hidden feeling inside, Xiao Chen brows one pick: "How to say?"

An old man pulled out a stone box, and when it opened, it shone and shone.

"This is Jingyuan Stone!" Yue Bingyun recognized it at first sight. Some people were surprised: "The quantity is much better, more than one hundred pieces."

The old man in black is a little shy: "More than that, there are a few stone boxes behind, and the number is thousands. Together, because of these fine stones, they are killed by the blood-sucking monsters. The secret room."

"If you don't, you won't be able to rush."

Xiao Chen discovered that most of the wounds on several people were left by swords and fists.

"Xiao Chen brothers, saved me and waited for a life, we don't want these fine stone. Dear, there is any help you want in the future, and the old one will be fine."

Several people were deeply attacked and depressed. After a few words with Xiao Chen, they left the stone room and wanted to get out of the cave.

Looking at the passing people, and then look at the bodies on the ground, Xiao Chen’s mood is also complicated.

The road of the emperor, when the real corpse is everywhere.

These quasi-emperors are outside, they are all the people who call for the rain, and when they go to a place, they can receive a very high courtesy and become a hegemon.

Well, that door, the door of the most sacred emperor, the temptation is too big, always makes people forget about life and death, but also to keep chasing.

One day, will he also fall on this road to the emperor? In the ocean where the endless bones are piled up, an inconspicuous wave is stepped on by the descendants and walks forward.

"What about these fine stone?" Yue Bingyun is obviously fascinated by this fine stone. This is a special spar that is produced along with Wang Pin's veins.

For the practitioners of the Quasi-Emperor, the use is naturally greater, and the moon ice cloud is not surprising.

Xiao Chen didn't think much, calmly said: "Since you promised to help me, there is still a cold sword to deal with the **** sword. These ones are half of them."

Moon Bingyun smiled and said: "One person is half, too greedy, just give me a box."

"Good luck, the fine stone in this stone room, there are so many, hahaha, all I am smiling."

At the entrance to the stone room, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared, and it was a fierce smile.

The look of Xiao Chen and Yue Bingyun cannot be changed at the same time.

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