Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1298: Who can solve the problem?

The smiling face knife can't laugh out, it can't be mad, and the face is a panic.

Wan did not expect that under such circumstances, Xiao Chen could still act.

The development of the matter did not give him much opportunity to consider, among the broken coffins. An ugly image, a blood-sucking monster that makes people feel trembled, and smashed into the face of a smiling knife.

Although the feet are involved in the inability to move, under the efforts, the hands can still barely wave.

The smiling face knife devil took out the nine-ring sword, and did not hesitate, it was a knife cut in this quasi-impedible blood-sucking monster.

The screams rang, the bloodsucking blame opened the **** eyes, staring at the smiling face of the knife, and angered the beast-like hatred.

In this weird environment, this quasi-imperialist blood-sucking monster, although subject to the mysterious drag below, can be much more flexible than the smiling knife, and can be moved a little.

The two sides quickly battled, and the smiling face of the knife was nervous. In this environment, it is generally good that he can play ten percent of his strength.

Imagine that once you are defeated by the blood-sucking monsters, you will be sucked into the adult, and you will be chilled.

The whole person's potential is all motivated, and the hunting of the nine-ring knife and dance is desperate to stop the advance of the vampire.

However, this quasi-imperialist vampire, powerful and terrible, resilience is terrifying, and it is only a matter of time before the death of the knife and the sword.

Think about it before, this smiley knife and the devil still eat Xiao Chen, arrogant. In the blink of an eye, it was used by Xiao Chen to force the edge of death.

The other old people who had been yelling at Xiao Chen had been stunned by Xiao Chen’s gaze. They looked over and suddenly became chilling.

"White robe brothers, have something to say, don't be impulsive." Someone pleaded for mercy, this time, no one dared to look directly at Xiao Chen's gaze.

"Yes, that's right, don't be impulsive. I don't know how to live and die with a smile. Now it's a sin, we have nothing to hate."

The vampire monster forced the dangerous face-to-face knife magic, and when he heard this, he immediately had the urge to vomit blood.

Xiao Chen did not pay attention to these people. His eyes stayed on the cold face of the blood-stained sword, and he did not shake it, leaving others slightly relieved.

Now offended by Xiao Chen, what is the end, the face of the knife that is being forced to die is the best portrayal.

"I advise you not to do this, otherwise you will die very badly!"

Xiao Chen sneered: "I don't do this, you won't kill me? Don't think that you are half-step Wudi, you can control everything, this gift, I will send you one."


In the same way, Xiao Chen walked three steps, punched out with one punch and one hand, and got a quasi-emperor-level blood-sucking monster to the edge of the blood-sword.

Compared with the panicked smile knife, the blood-stained sword is very calm, struggling to wave a long sword, and with all kinds of ingenious trajectories, the blood-sucking monster of the quasi-prefecture can not get close.

Xiao Chen is not surprised by this. With this move, it is not difficult to solve the smile of the knife. It is not possible to solve the **** sword of the half-step Wudi.

He can only drag him a little, but Xiao Chen wants this effect, and there is not much pleading.

In the same way, continue to show up to the cold, such a person who threatens Xiao Chen to be equally big, naturally can not let go.

The screams sounded, but the smiley knife couldn’t hold on, and the blood-sucking monster bit his neck, and the vitality dissipated a little bit, suffering great pain.

Can not blame Xiao Chen's means of cruelty, in order to compete for this life and death, now has reached the final step.

It’s not that you die or that I am dead, there can be no kindness, and the killing must be decisive.

Feeling, the blood-sucking monster of the quasi-imperiaric level, after the blood of the smiling face knife magic, dried up, the strength has become stronger.

As soon as his head turned, he immediately walked toward Jin Liangqi, who was closest to him. His footsteps were very slow in the air. Compared with Xiao Chen, it is a lot slower, but after all, it is moving, and Jin Liangqi and others are unable to move in one step.

No more observations, Xiao Chen turned around, and in the middle of the air, headed for about seven or eight hundred meters from the futon.

On weekdays, this distance, Xiao Chen, a heart, can arrive in an instant.

But now this kind of rapid decline, and the feet are bound by the force of the constraints, Xiao Chen is very hard to go. Pentium power, above the Qinglong battle armor, the blue dragon road is gleaming, for this life and death, Xiao Chen is working hard.

"Oh, this life and death will fall into the hands of this kid."

The cold and **** swords that are fighting with the quasi-imperialist vampires are watching the futons getting closer and closer to Xiao Chen, and they are all burning in the eyes.

Can be biased and helpless, with their flesh, can not be separated from the power of the share. What's more, there is also a blood-sucking monster of the quasi-imperialist level, entangled with them, and even more innocent.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

Step by step close to the futon, watching the life and death of the futon, and immediately reach out and hold. Xiao Chen’s tight face was not revealed by a smile.

"Get you, life and death!"

With a light drink, Xiao Chen, who is already close to the futon, does not hesitate, and reaches out to the dream of life and death.

But when Xiao Chen’s arm is only half a meter away from life and death, the change is sudden. Everyone who has been falling down, the soles of the feet are stable, bottoming out!

Suddenly, the body of freedom was restored, and Xiao Chen was slightly wrong. His footsteps were awkward, his body was affected by inertia, and he rushed toward the front.

Xiao Chen reacted very quickly, and his toes turned around one by one, and then he reached out again and took the life and death in his hands.

But at this time, the **** sword and the cold, the two half-step Wudi also broke out in madness, each vacated and temporarily escaped the harassment of the quasi-impedible blood-sucking monster.

Throw a horrible sword trick and kill him in the morning.

Two half-step Wu Di, unreserved shots, can be described as the ultimate in terror. The tension is so cold, and even the greatest power that the Jade Star Stone can extract is used in the sword.

Let the green cross-swords be even more unstoppable, even the air is slightly cut.

There is no doubt that he has only one purpose, that is, he does not give Xiao Chen any chance, and he must kill Xiao Chen.

Compared with him, the cold blood sword, the sword that is thrown out, is even more horrible. The sword did not arrive, the coldness, it penetrated into the bones of Xiao Chen's bones, so that he was a cold person and numb.

Xiao Chen, who has already held the life and death decision, can’t help but panic, under these two swords. He felt overwhelming murder, unparalleled swordsmanship, and swordsmanship, each with its own horrible power.

Even if it is a single person to play, Xiao Chen estimates that there is no way to resist. At this moment, the two-and-a-half-step Wudi jointly displayed their own killings.

Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a glimpse of all the time. When the blood was frozen, the speed of taking out the golden feathers was too late.

Above the emperor's road, the corpse is everywhere, and he will fall on this road, and become a stepping stone for others?

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