Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1303: Flower of life


At the bottom of the abyss, Xiao Chen hurriedly stepped on seven steps. Every step he took, he rose a hundred meters. After seven hundred meters, he felt that gravity was too much, and one turned and fell.

Not far from the moon ice cloud put down the life and death, smiled: "Yes, it has improved a lot more than three days ago, if you go out, your body can at least increase by 20%."

The height of the abyss, Xiao Chen estimated that it is about five kilometers, placed in other places, he can fly in a breath.

Here, gravity is one hundred times outside, and Xiao Chen is trying his best to climb 700 meters.

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Xiao Chen said: "Life and death, how is it going, how is this secret law reliable?"

The biggest gain of this trip, Xiao Chen has high hopes, can you condense the heart of the emperor in advance, and look at the life and death of the hands of the moon ice cloud.

"It’s only a third of the time. The text inside is too sloppy and embarrassing, but in all likelihood, it’s impossible to make a mistake. The life and death decisions can really bring people together in the heart of the emperor.” Yue Bingyun replied truthfully.

With her natural understanding and vision, since this is said, it is really wrong.

Xiao Chen couldn't help himself. He was most afraid of the fact that he had been in the Great Perfection. He had been delayed for too long and missed the opportunity of becoming an emperor.

Now it seems that as long as there is a life-and-death decision, within two years he will break through to the great perfect emperor, there should be no big problem.

After that, I spent two more years preparing, and then I ran through the fire and smashed the door of the Emperor.

Although the plan is wonderful, there are risks, it is difficult to tell, and it takes only two years to prepare, or it is too short. The fire and the catastrophe were a little careless, and they died for a lifetime.

It’s hard to make up your mind when you are a perfect person and ready for the 100th year. Even if it is a arrogant leader, at least five years of preparation, will be sure to go to the fire.

However, how to say it is also good news. If there is no life and death decision, Xiao Chen estimates that he wants to be in the realm of Dacheng Zhundi, at least three or even four years.

By then, the time left for him is almost equal to zero.

Retracting the line of sight, before a new mural painting by Xiao Chen, began to use the sword that the blood sword king left 50,000 years ago to hone his soul.

Now half a month has passed, his 50% soul is almost infinitely close to 60%.

It is necessary to know that the **** sword is half-step Wudi's cultivation, only 70% of the swordsmanship, and only 60% of the swordsman.

Xiao Chen now only has the realm of Dacheng Zhundi, but the soul of the knife is so deep, I want to know how terrible it is.

Moon Ice Cloud saw this scene, but he secretly shook his head. After she tried it once, she did not use her sword to hone herself. The pain is not to say, and it is extremely dangerous. It feels like the soul is dancing on the tip of the knife.

Only Xiao Chen, this courage and perseverance, use this sword to hone themselves.

In the past, when the days are not in a hurry, and in a month, the soul of Xiao Chen’s sword finally broke through 50% and reached 60%.

It is said that after the sword soul reaches 10%, the sights revealed by the eyes can be turned into tangible blades, and one eye can kill people directly.

Now that Xiao Chen has reached 60% of the soul, the most obvious change is the powerful momentum. Has completely surpassed Dacheng Zhundi, Yue Bingyun estimated that even if it is a great perfect emperor, standing in front of Xiao Chen, will feel the shudder from the soul.

The body is also a fast-paced, Lei Long step was thoroughly cultivated by Xiao Chen to the realm of Dacheng, and between the rest, he can walk out of the 18 steps, each step will leave a dragon-shaped afterimage, for a long time.

As a dragon, electric light burst, this hegemony of the body is also fully reflected.

When fighting against the enemy, you can infinitely encourage the momentum of Xiao Chen, and perfectly match his various swords.

Thanks to the help of Jing Yuanshi, Xiao Chen’s cultivation is also a thousand miles away. In just one and a half months, it is not far from the peak of Dacheng’s emperor.

Xiao Chen, who has improved significantly in all aspects, was full of ambitions and prepared to rush to the abyss, but got a bad news.

For a month and a half, Yue Bingyun finally finished watching life and death. After reading it, he gave Xiao Chen a head.

Life and death will be cultivated to the ninth weight, then you can help the emperor, and gather the heart of the emperor in advance. But the premise is that there must be two things to assist, that is, the flower of life and the fruit of death.

This is not surprising. Some special martial arts and exercises in the world need to be combined with some foreign bodies to cultivate.

But unfortunately, these two kinds of heaven and earth treasures have disappeared 10,000 years ago.

Without the flowers of life and the fruits of death, there is no way to cultivate life and death, even if it is the first heavy, it cannot be cultivated.

Moon Ice Cloud closed the life and death ruling: "I originally thought that there is no such two kinds of heaven and earth treasures, but it is only a little difficult to cultivate. After reading it, I know that there is no flower and death fruit, and there is no way to formally cultivate. ”

"The flower of life, I am impressed in the home of the devil, that is, the hometown of the blood sword king, there should be some. But the death fruit is really extinct, and there have been no deaths in 10,000 years, some ghosts and great emperors I have been buying the death fruit for a long time, if any, it has already appeared."

The devil sea, where is that?

Yue Bingyun explained, Xiao Chen only knows that most of the life there is a mixture of people like the Blood Sword King, or a mixed blood, far away from the Star Sea and the Black Sea.

From the hands of the moon ice cloud to take over the life and death, Xiao Chen himself pondered, his face looked a little depressed. The treasures that have been hard to come by, but did not expect, in exchange for such a result, it is really unwilling.

"Xiao Chen, I can help you find the death."

At this time, the demeanor in the fairy ring was like a big determination, said openly.

"Do you have a death fruit?"

"I didn't have it. It was Lei Di who killed a ghost emperor. There was a death fruit in the spoils. When you practiced to the Dacheng Peak, I will take you to the place where the Emperor of Lei Di."

Xiao Chen’s heart was a joy, and the death fruit that was determined to be extinct by Yue Bingyun had landed, so as long as he went to the magic sea to get the flower of life.

Life and death can still be cultivated, and everything has hope.

"You don't want to be too early, the magic sea is not as simple as you think. Can you get the flowers of life? It's really hard to say." Jiao Jiao said with a slight sorrow.

"Why, have you been to the Devil Sea?"

"Crap, the treasure of Lei Di is in the sea of ​​demons, I will never go."

Xiao Chen slightly shakes, and Jiao Jiao has been reluctant to go to get the treasure of Lei Di himself. I don’t know if there are some special reasons, there will be the factors of Lei Di’s legacy in the magic sea.

Seeing that Jiao Jiao is not willing to say more, Xiao Chen is not good to ask.

In the remaining days, Xiao Chen simply studied the life and death decision. Under the pressure of gravity, the body was upgraded. He felt that he could jump out of the abyss and planned to leave here with the moon ice cloud.


Xiao Chen wakes up and is still practicing the moon ice cloud. The moral meaning is that the eyes of the moon ice cloud flashed a hint of reluctance, and at the same time some apologetic words: "I seem to need a period of adaptation to get out."

"Without such trouble, I will take you out directly."

The moon ice cloud did not understand what it meant, and it was hugged by Xiao Chen. It broke away from the shackles of gravity and flew away, and flew over the abyss.

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