Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1307: Dismantled dragon station

Batu is so wide-minded, and there is no choice but to say that the moon and the ice are a pretty face.

Misunderstanding is a bit big, Xiao Chen quickly said: "I want to say that Batu brothers have passed."

Batu smiled and quickly apologized. Yue Bingyun ignored him, but his face slowly eased down, not looking for him to calculate.

"Walk away, since the brothers of Xiao Chen came, they will play in the dark city. I will take you to the city government office to do the arrogance. With this arrogance, you can enjoy the privileges of the older generation of Emperor Wu, that is the privilege. It is really enjoyable."

The city government of the Dark City is only a superficial force, and the manpower is assigned by the forces represented by the 13th Thieves of the Black Sea.

In the identity of Batu, go in and help to do a arrogance, but hand in hand.

When Xiao Chen lined up outside the city gate, he also heard about some things about Tianjiao, such as Zhao Feng and Sima Lingxuan, who could fly directly through the city gate because of their arrogance.

But the first thing he came here was Batu, their group, the corpse who had been on the road to the emperor.

There is a jade in the body of the corpse, and there is a secret of the cave. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be other treasures that are neglected. Xiao Chen is lucky and wants to see it again. Can he gain something?

"Wait a minute, this time I am looking for Batu brothers, in fact, there is something to do." Xiao Chen rejected Batu's words and said seriously.

The smile on Batu's face was slowly accepted, and the dignified road said: "What can I do to help, and I am bound to define it."

"The corpse that you once found on the road to the emperor, is it still there? If you find something in the body, can you tell me one or two?"

Bato listened to this, could not help but smile: "The body, nothing, the space ring on the finger. It is all a bunch of broken, we are a big loss, is it the jade that is given to you, extraordinary ""

Since I am planning to come here, Xiao Chen is not prepared to hide, nodded: "Take me first to see, the pile is broken."

Batu smiled, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes, and then waved his hand: "You bring Miss Ice Cloud, go to the castle and visit, remember to have a good reception."

It seems that Batu is a big old man, but his mind is slow and delicate. It is inconvenient to know that these things are not convenient for outsiders to listen to, and there is no trace of the moon ice cloud.

Yue Bingyun smiled, but did not care much, these days and Xiao Chen get along. She already knows that Xiao Chen got the inheritance of an ancient quest for dragons, but Xiao Chen also told her truthfully that this savvy savvy person is hard to learn.

The threshold of savvy is too high, and even if the ordinary division is available, it is useless. At the most, it will open up some horizons.

As Batu came to his own private treasure chest in the castle, in one of the old rooms, Xiao Chen saw the "broken" that Batu said.

Broken bells, big shovel, decaying knives, all kinds of metal iron balls, a wide variety, and so on.

At first glance, it is indeed undoubtedly broken, but in the eyes of Xiao Chen, all of them are dusty treasures, so that he can not help himself.

This is where the tattered, this is a complete dragon station, but it was destroyed by the destruction. After refining and repairing some parts, the folds are reorganized. This is a ready-made dragon station.

The bell is called the dragon bell. With a single shake, you can automatically summon the escaped spirit. Dealing with some evil dragons, can't let them, honestly on the dragon platform, calling the dragon bell becomes a necessity.

The decaying knives are the essence of the dragon platform, the dragon head.

There is also the iron shovel, which is the ready-made basic platform of 斩龙台. If you want Xiao Chen to make money by himself, at least it will take ten years to prepare.

It’s just that these things, in the eyes of the military, are really worthless and have no effect at all.

Even if it is a general geographer, I don't recognize these things, and the cognitive ones will not be used. They must be used in conjunction with the Cave Secrets.

"As far as this is concerned, it is arrogant, I and a group of brothers, fighting for a corpse back, I did not expect that the ring is full of a bunch of broken." Talking about this, Batu seems quite depressed .

Xiao Chen gave up the dragon bell with some reluctance, saying: "This is not a broken, it is all baby."

Seeing that no outsiders are present, they will tell Batu about the things of the cave secrets and the real value of the piles.

"The secret of the cave, I can leave a copy of the Batu brothers, these parts of the dragon platform, I also hope that the Batu brothers give their personal feelings, I said that I bought it."

After listening to Batu, his face changed: "You can't look down on the brothers. Don't say anything else. Without you, my Batu and the friends have already lost their lives." At the time, Xiao Chen brothers also You can take the shot and take us away from the body."

"Don't say anything, this pile of things, you can take it when you take it."

Batu’s boldness made Xiao Chen feel embarrassed. The other party not only did not have a copy of the secret of the cave, but also handed over some of the dragon’s parts to Xiao Chen.

After the dragons are fully assembled, Xiao Chen seeks dragons in the acupuncture points. In the face of those evil dragons, they will no longer have to be afraid of their feet.

The significance to him is extremely significant. Even when he reaches the realm of Emperor Wu, and looking for the spirit of Wang Pin, this dragon will bring him great help.

"I don't say much if I am grateful. In the future, Yan Shiwang or Batu Brothers, if there is any help, I will definitely be on call." Xiao Chen accepted the parts of these dragons and said very solemnly.

Batuhaha smiled and said: "Well, let's just say, but there is a problem now, it is very troublesome for me."

"What problem?" Xiao Chen brows slightly wrinkled, and asked some doubts.

"If you say that you have a relationship with the saint, don't rush to deny it. If my other people make a joke with her, they will definitely turn their faces on the spot. And..."

Xiao Chen was speechless. He thought that he would ask serious questions and quickly interrupted: "This is Moti..."

Batu brows and picks up, smirked and said: "Well, don't say no, I understand that I understand."

The more he looked darker, Xiao Chen said with helplessness: "Forget it, don't say anything about this, you take me to do the Tianjiao order. This is going to stay in the dark city for a while, after the combination of the dragons and dragons, Leave again."

The scattered dragon station, the age is too long, and many things have to be repaired. It is a relatively large project. You also need to buy a lot of gods, if you have a arrogance, you can get a considerable discount when you buy in Dark City.

And some of the gods, the general channel can not be purchased, with Tianjiao makes it easier to enter those special channels.

Batu patted Xiao Chen’s shoulder and smiled: “This is good to say, go, I will take you to the city government now.”

Strolling in the castle, in the castle, in the dark, Xiao Chen can feel the atmosphere of some masters. There is also a line of sight that seems to be the power of the Emperor Wu, who has been staring at him in the dark.

However, it seems that because of Batu's reasons, that line of sight is not malicious, and there is no excessive speculation about Xiao Chen.

Coming to the central city of the Dark City, relying on the signs of Batu, all kinds of strict guards, and powerful levels, all the way to release, unimpeded.

Let Xiao Chen feel the body, the strong position of the Black Sea thief, along the way, but see a lot of half-step Wudi masters, are stuck in the gate, accept strict cross-examination and inspection.

When I came to the ancestral hall of Tianjiao, Batu and Xiao Chen, when they were about to walk in, there was a sudden sound behind them, and they stopped Batu.

After listening to Batu, looking back, I couldn’t help myself: “Mother’s, this guy actually came to the Clan.”

Xiao Chen’s heart is a slap in the face. Isn’t it the handling of the Tianjiao order?

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