Honor me a hundred cups, still you a thousand cups, dare not drink!

The huge Jinwu, exudes the golden light, Xiao Chen's powerful six hundred percent soul, let Jinwu's momentum, sharp to the extreme.

With this thousand cups of fire, not only the oppressed Liu Yang, the knife king, the legs and legs are soft.

Even the descendants of other thieves were sluggish and felt great pressure and heart pounding.

At the same time, I felt a little scared. Fortunately, it was not myself who was ridiculing Xiao Chen. This thousand cups of wine was over, and I was shuddering when I thought about it.

Hundred cups of millennium snow under the belly, Xiao Chen's entire head was slightly dizzy, for a long time did not drink so energetic. I haven’t been drunk for a long time. When I was drunk last time, I couldn’t remember it.

Regardless of his identity as the Qinglong King, after he was in charge of the Qing Emperor, it was a meteor to control him for five years without becoming an emperor.

This time, I was drunk, I didn’t care about anything, let me be arrogant, let me go!

The hair and the clothes are constantly dancing, and the powerful knife is matched with Xiao Chen. The tyrant of the overlord who has been restrained in the heart for a long time is released without any scruples.

"Ha ha ha ha, the **** sea, the sky is arrogant, there is no one who dares to drink with me!"

Xiao Chen holds a glass of wine, his face is reddish, and Liu Yang, who is scared and stupid, can't help but laugh and laugh, and laughs unscrupulously.

The change of the previous wine glasses shocked hundreds of warriors in the war-torn restaurant hall, which gathered the strongest group of warriors in the Black Sea.

But when they came to the heights of the restaurant and secretly saw the situation on the second floor, they couldn't help but be taken aback.

"I am going, who is this, mad!"

"It’s crazy, there’s no madness. For the first time, I think this Liuyang is very pitiful. Who would dare to pick up this thousand glasses of wine!”

"This white knives, it seems that the person who has recently made a lot of noise, the one who cut off the head of the Zongwutang Iron Man directly is him."

"It turned out to be him. I heard that it was said that Xia Yang’s stable situation after the Thunder King was won by his domineering. At that time, he was really shocked by a large group of people."

Chad Xiao Chen, the appearance of the waves, these sneak spectators, whispered, the eyes are full of worship.

The strong is respected, no matter where it is.

In the second floor, Ba Yan looked shameful. This Xiaochen brother estimated that he was really drunk. He dared to say anything, and in one sentence, he was offended by the presence of Tianjiao.

"Oh, but crazy enough, I like it!" Ba Yan grinned.

Xiao Chen’s words heard by Liu Yang, his face was red and white, and some were self-confident. Previously, there was a run on the run. Xiao Chen didn't give him a cup of respect. Now thousands of cups are pressed, and the intestines are revered.

Let him face it alone, such a huge knife is hard to match.

"Don't laugh at me in the Black Sea, I want Zhao Feng to accompany you!"

Unexpectedly, the first one standing on the stage of Tianjiao was actually Jiang Feng, who had once planted in Xiao Chen’s hands.

Xiao Chen was drunk, and Jiang Feng stood up and laughed. "I respect you for a hundred cups!"


In the long laugh, Xiao Chen waved a hand, suddenly a hundred cups of millennium fire, and went out to fly toward Jiang Feng quickly.

Every cup of golden wine contains the strong knife of Xiao Chen, and the hundred cups fly like a hundred knives.

Jiang Feng's face was heavy, he didn't dare to have a slight shackle, his body shape flickered, his hands changed, and a cup of cup was taken over, put in the mouth, and drank directly.

Only after drinking thirty cups, I felt that my footsteps were stunned, my mind was faint, and the strong momentum of the millennium fire made him drunk.


After drinking more than a dozen cups, Jiang Feng couldn't hold on again. The movements of his hands were slowed down, and he was hit by a cup of fire for a thousand years. He was bruised and bruised.

Everyone knows how strong the stamina of the finest wines is, even how many cups of coffee can stand firm.

"I will accompany you!"

"I Liu Yun, accompany you to drink!"

But everyone's **** nature was inspired by Xiao Chen. With Jiang Feng taking the lead, they stood up one by one.

For a while, the second floor was empty and it was a mess.

One by one, the black sea arrogance, all drunk, drunk, the millennium fire, this kind of spirits. Drinking a cup on weekdays makes people feel dizzy, even drinking dozens of cups, not wanting to get drunk.

In the chaos, some people's eyes were red, and there was gas in their hearts. The sword was pulled out and killed in the morning.

This is the first shot, the most miserable Liu Yang, the long knife out of the sheath, a flash, it is killing shots.

Xiao Chen laughed a little, gently floating, picking up a scattered millennium fire, and drinking it all, he gently evaded the past.

Reaching for a drink, the shape of the erratic, showing the thunderstorm step, even walking seven steps, Lei Long 斩 with the moon shadow knife, violently smashed the past.


Liu Yang, who was blocked by a knife, flew out by Xiao Chen, and slammed into the wall of the restaurant, a little embarrassed.

Xiao Chen Heng Knife stood on the wine table, stepping on his feet, taking another drink, and smiling with disdain: "It is just like this, I want to attack me!"

"Go together!"

A group of people drunk, saw Xiao Chen standing on the wine table, blood flowing, can no longer resist, all killed.

"It's good."

Between half drunk and half awakened, Xiao Chen feels unfettered. There is a kind of arrogance that has never been seen before. It flows through the blood. After the volatilization of alcohol, this liberation has been expanded by a hundredfold.

Three laughs, waving the moonshadow knife, directly killing the past.

The swords and swords, the visions are numerous, and there is chaos in the fierce battle. Xiao Chen is among the people, shuttles and flies away.

Such a chaotic battle, watching the thieves outside the building, stunned.

A good party has turned into this appearance, and it is estimated that no one has thought of it.

What is even more unexpected is that Xiao Chen, who was drunk, released all his hands and feet. One person's strength, against so many arrogance, but not how to fall into the wind.

The powerful sixty percent of the soul of the sword, even let him occupy a glimpse of the initiative in the situation, half empty, thousands of cups of millennium fire, has long been scattered.

Among the wine glasses, there is the meaning of Xiao Chen's sword. In this chaos, there is no broken. Instead, with the chaos, the ups and downs, flying around.

Xiao Chen was completely mad, releasing all the pressure, and drinking a cup of millennial fire from time to time.

After two hours, in addition to the solid restaurant main body, other wine tables and shelves, screens, all kinds of decorations are broken, the ground is a mess.

I couldn’t afford to be arrogant, I don’t know if I was completely drunk, or I was fainted by Xiao Chen’s injury.

In the swaying, Xiao Chen white clothes dyed blood, a scarlet, many of them are their own, but more of these thieves.

Xiao Chen, standing on the wine table, drank the last cup of millennium fire, and looked at the drunken eyes. He found that no one stood and could not help but laugh again.

Only in this laughter, there is more bleakness, and more lonely than an outsider can understand.

The world is full of my generation, and I am reminded of the years of the rivers and lakes; the peak of the emperor road, the infinite scenery, the lack of life is a big drunk.

With a big laugh, Xiao Chen went straight down, and the hollow glass of the hand slammed into the ground and fell.

When the chaos started, he went to Bayan, and he quickly flashed over the scene. He looked at the scene of the wolf. He smiled and said: "I really shouldn’t bring him. The person who presided over the party really should. Cried."

Up to now, the person who hosted the party did not see Ba ​​Yan, and it was just what he wanted. He didn't see the best.

Carrying Xiao Chen, I am ready to leave this right and wrong place. I accidentally cut all the Tianjiao, and this is a bit too big.

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