Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1337: There is still an accident in the change

The sudden war is just like a hit.

Still a vast land of bones, Yang Kai and Wu Ke were the first to fight together, and the other people on both sides did not hesitate. They chose an opponent and they fought together.

The middle-aged couple with swords fought a pair of demon brothers who also had a tacit understanding.

The fat man with half of his face, glimpsed at each other's glamorous woman, smiled instinctively, jumped forward and wanted to find this person to fight.

"Your opponent is me."

In the middle of the way, he was stopped by a middle-aged man with a long rifle, which made him depressed and angry.

The old man sighed and his body flashed, killing the old man who was equally old.

The silver shark's eyes are murderous, and the glamorous woman who is on the big fat man, this woman is beautiful. The blinking eyes in the eyes are extremely chilly, and people are chilling.

Duo Ao is fighting with a warrior who is also a mixed creature. The other party is also a young man. Both of them seem to know each other, and some old grievances.

Xiao Chen looked at this sudden chaos, and his heart felt a little weird. It was a bit too clever to open the road.

When I arrived at the place where I was buried, I ran into another team. I had so many opportunities before, but I didn’t hit it.

I don't blame him for thinking about it. He has always been cautious. Everything likes to think more and be prepared.

This temporarily assembled team is not familiar with each other, and anything can happen.

However, this chaos is open and everyone can't avoid it.

I can't help Xiao Chen think more, his opponent has appeared, and the comer is also a knife. Wearing a black tights, the sharp eyes have a vicissitudes of life.

Let people know at a glance that this is a knife who wanders around the world.

The black man took a long knife and walked to Xiao Chen step by step. He grinned and said: "It’s good, my opponent is also a knife, or a real knife, I can feel your knife. soul."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Unfortunately, I can't feel the soul of your knife. In addition to the sharp knife in your eyes, you can see the vicissitudes of the world, and there is a hint of confusion. It is a knife customer. Some confused."

The black knives were seen through, and they were slightly misunderstood. They smiled and said: "The eyes are really sharp. If you didn't have the perfection of the emperor, you really can't pick you as an opponent. But even if you don't, you die. In the hands of a real knife, it is worth it. You can shoot it."

Although there is a flaw in the mood of this person, Xiao Chen does not dare to be too careless, can be seen by Wu Ke, this black knife knife must have his extraordinary.

The left hand was slightly lifted, and the moon shadow knife was raised by half a point. Xiao Chen even walked three steps, leaving a residual image in one step, and each time he took a step, he shot countless dragons.

The blink of an eye came to the other side, and then exhibited the Qing Emperor's knife-drawing technique. The knife blade was pulled out of the sheath and waved a different trail of nine hundred and eighty.

The black knives were bright, and it was obvious that for the first time, they saw such a mysterious technique of pulling a knife.

However, he did not panic, and the long knife on his shoulder was unsheathed, and the knife was held in both hands, and there was no rush to shoot. He is feeling the killing of Xiao Chen, and there are more changes. There is always one true killing.

Even if the eighty-one trajectory is true, it is only necessary to find out that this contains a knife that Xiao Chen really kills, and if it breaks down, it can disintegrate this wave of offensive.

When Xiao Chen’s knife was about to hit him, the black knife slammed his hand and took a knife with his hands. Behind him, there was a waterfall that flew down. The knife was in a state of flux and the waterfall just fell.


Double-knife touch, all kinds of trajectory, all broken, Xiao Chen holding the knife's right hand, slightly numb.

"My flying hooligans are not bad. Although your eyes are sharp, you can talk about combat experience and knife skills. I am too far away from this. You will lose this battle."

A knife repelled Xiao Chen, the black knife knife consciously touched the strength of Xiao Chen, confidence increased, and quickly rushed over.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and the Qing Emperor's knife was only his starting style. Even the killing was not considered, and the other party was too light.

If you don't explain it, the other side will be a light enemy, so that he will win more easily.

The knife and the shadows flew, and the two of them went so far as you came to me.

The whole place of the bones is a mess, and everyone is fighting for it. No one can break their hearts.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same, and there are advantages and disadvantages in fighting each other, and no one has a big advantage.

For a while, I am sure I can't tell the difference.

After half an hour, the victory and defeat of the first battle was divided. The big fat man on Xiao Chen’s side, although trying his best, could not be the opponent of the middle-aged gunman.

By the middle-aged gunman, a shot pierced the chest, his eyes vie, and some died.

The world of warriors is so cruel, no matter how unwilling you are, many times, skills are not as good as people, and they represent death.

At this moment, in this burning and frenzied battle, even if you want to quit, you can't do it.

The middle-aged gunman sneered, took out a long gun, glanced at the battle between the fields, and joined his companions in the battle against the black-faced youth of the giant elephant.

The situation between the scenes was slightly biased towards Wu Ke’s side. The poisonous spider girl in Xiao Chen’s side also defeated his opponent, killed the other side and joined the battle to help his companions.

Xiao Chen secretly observed the situation between the scenes, and did not rush to end the battle.

For the black knife knives, he has already figured out the bottom, the other side is very strong, and the power of the law is relatively strong, but only 40% of the soul of the knife.

As long as Xiao Chen has unreservedly displayed 60% of the soul, he can suppress the opponent in an instant and then end the battle.

But he didn't do it for the reason. There is no such thing as this sudden battle. It seems coincidental, but it is not a coincidence.

Killing is staged in the brutal battle, and the strength of both sides is almost the same.

The two half-step Wudi, who were headed, did not have the means to quickly end each other. This battle can only continue without stopping.

In the fighting, one after another, the warriors died one after another. The middle-aged husband and wife of Xiao Chen and the black-faced youth of the giant elephant family died successively.

The people who died on the opposite side are also similar. The battle of glue is still not showing signs of ending.


In the screams, he was alone and his opponent, while hitting the opponent, came to a terrible end.

Looking at the opponent's fall to the ground, the lonely and pale face, a bitter smile: "Dead is good, this day has long been enough."

Said to crash into the ground.

"It's over." Wu Ke, the bald head in the open war, suddenly came.

Yang nodded and then flashed, suddenly shot, and killed the old man who had just defeated his opponent.

The old man in the old clothes was relieved, and before he responded, he was swept away and opened his sword.

Half-step Wudi's strength is all unfolded, and the rapid flashing is carried out. One sword kills one person, the force of the law is almost exhausted, and the silver-shark female swordsman and the poisonous spider female are not injured.

In the absence of anticipation and preparation, I did not understand what I wanted to understand, and I died in the open hands.

On the other side, Wu Ke, moving the same is not slow, killing the rest of the people on his side, one by one.

The change happens suddenly, without warning, and it is unexpected but not unexpected.

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