Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1348: Congenital Thunder

Seeing that Jiao Jiao looked wrong, Xiao Chen suddenly reacted and quickly apologized.

No way, it is really this mysterious amethyst is too attractive, or else Xiao Chen will not even talk about what Jiao Jiao said, did not hear a sentence.

In fact, Xiao Chen was quite unexpected, after the harvest of the Longmen Treasury. For Lei Di's legacy, Xiao Chen did not expect too much, and the two had a sword and a sword, it is difficult to have any real help.

Who knows, once entered this Lei Di treasure, it was attracted by this mysterious Amethyst.

"This is the innate Thunder, after the Thunder will reach 10%, after crossing the bottleneck of the will, it will be transformed into a soul crystal. The will is completely substantive, becoming a purple crystal, which is a measure of the strength of the Emperor. One."

Xiao Chen stunned, after the sword soul was raised to 10%, the knife field will be formed in the future. The ascension of the will is to be completely substantive and become the innate Thunder.

The innate Thunder and the acquired thunderbolt will code are completely different from the two different meanings. The control of the energy of the thunder is different.

Yan Jiao continued: "What you see is the innate thunder crystal of Lei Di. It has reached the fourth stage. The inner spirit has formed the thunder soul. It is the most formal treasure in the treasure of the thunder."

The ordinary Wudi wants to completely realize the will of his own property, and the difficulty is no less than that of the heavens. And it requires a very high level of understanding and opportunity. It is not that you have cultivated your will to the realm of great perfection, and you can be substantive.

Mulberry not only left the innate Thunder, but also reached the fourth-order, but also raised the soul of the thunder, its value is high and can be imagined.

In the heart of Xiao Chen’s heart, he himself is a warrior specializing in the nature of mines, and the Thunder will reach the realm of Dacheng very early. He said: “Gangjiao, with my current strength, can I absorb the innate Thunder that Ledi left? ?"

Yan Jiao smiled and said: "Nature can, or else I will take you to the Thunder's legacy, but I can't absorb it all. After you get to the Emperor Wu, you can completely engulf and inherit."

After she reached out, the beautiful purple crystal flew away from Shitai to the hands of Jiaojiao: "Grow this thunder crystal into your knowledge of the sea, devour it a little bit, remember not to be too anxious, otherwise a little bit Explosion can make you feel hurt, and if you are serious, you will become an idiot."

Jiao Jiao looked at Lei Jing seriously, handed it to Xiao Chen’s hand, and repeated it several times. “You try it first. I will continue to help you find the death fruit. For so many years, I don’t remember where to put it. It is."

Xiao Chen’s look is slightly dignified. It’s hard to imagine that the energy of the Thunder will be completely substantial.

This has completely subverted the common sense of the past world, ignoring the physical rules.

The purple thunder crystal, quietly floating in the palm of Xiao Chen, the more interesting nature is the bright purple light inside.

According to Gengjiao, this is the thunder soul. Only after the innate Thunder has reached the fourth stage, can it be condensed.

The innate Thundering with the soul and the thunder crystal without the soul, the difference between the two is a realm.

Finally, some understanding, when the Lei Di, who just became the king of the emperor, can go to challenge the supreme king, but also lost a trick.

Such a stunning person, the common sense can not be described in him.

For the time being, I don’t want to be too much. In the cave house of Lei Di’s legacy, Xiao Chen found a futon, sat down on his knees, and put his hands together. The congenital thunder crystal lay quietly on the palm of his hand.

Xiao Chen knows the thunder of the sea and has an inexplicable intimacy with the innate thunder. Without the deliberate control of Xiao Chen, he is eager to inhale Lei Jing into the sea.

The big ones have a good meal, but they need Xiao Chen. They intend to suppress this impulse and let them gradually absorb the innate Thunder.

The gorgeous purple thunder crystals slowly floated up to the height of Xiao Chen’s forehead. In the eyebrows, there is a huge suction, covering the thunder crystals, and quickly approaching the sea.

Endless knowledge of the sea, Xiao Chen that the will of the transformation of the shape, purple Lei Fu, with Xiao Chen's mind, a little scattered, forming a dense purple light point.

Like the purple light point of the Xinghai, wrapped in the innate Thunder crystal, like a moth to the fire, the former servant rushed over and stuck to the crystal surface.

Thousands of purple small spots, like a newborn baby, stuck on the surface of the crystal, the mouth is sucking.

The whole process of absorbing thunder crystals is natural, and there is no need for too much deliberate guidance by Xiao Chen. It is like a talent.

Let Xiao Chen save a lot of effort, just enough to control the amount of absorption is enough.

With the energy in the thunder crystal, it was absorbed by Xiao Chen a little bit, and his body surface showed a purple lightning brilliance. In the air of the entire Dongfu, there was a rush of electric current.

Xiao Chen can clearly feel that the Thunder will, which has not progressed for a long time, is increasing rapidly at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the Thunder can be mastered, but the time of a few breaths is a strong circle.

If you can't hold it a little, it's easy to be addicted to it. I don't know where the bottom line is.

Fortunately, Xiao Chen was calm enough. After feeling almost the same, he immediately forced the light spots attached to the thunder crystals back.

This is something that requires a lot of perseverance to complete, and the difficulty is like letting a person who is addicted to drugs stop the movements in their hands.


The brilliance of the eyebrows flashed, and the purple thunder crystal was forced out by Xiao Chen. The open eyes, Xiao Chen, took a sigh of relief and looked at the thunder in his hand, only slightly smaller.

If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find this subtle difference, and you don't realize anything different from what you used to.

"It took only a little bit of absorption." Xiao Chen collected the innate Thunder, and muttered to himself: "Look at the will of the Thunder, how much has been strengthened."

The mind is moving, the shape of the Thunder will be transformed, and the purple symbol is flying from the eyebrow.

Xiao Chen took it in his hands and played it. This purple ray is more powerful than the previous one. There are a few other differences, but it can't be said at the same time.

After half a ring, Xiao Chen’s eyes lit up and finally remembered where it was different.

It became more real, and the purple ray symbol was lying in the palm of your hand, and it looked like a symbol, not a metamorphosis of the thunder.

Although it is incomparable with the completely materialized innate Thunder, this progress can be seen after all.

Some of my heart can't help but look forward to it. If the purple ray is completely materialized in the future, will there be some charm of the Thunder charm in the misty lake, and it will have an unexpected effect.

Let Fu Xi back to the sea of ​​knowledge, Xiao Chen got up and felt a little, although the repair did not increase.

The progress of the Thunder will increase at least 20% of his combat effectiveness, and the most direct performance is the power of the Thunder's soul.

"found it!"

At this time, Jiao Jiao made a surprise cheer, Xiao Chen brows a pick, and quickly went over.

As he expected, what he was looking for was the death fruit he dreamed of.

This is a fruit that is completely condensed and grows together. At first glance, you can feel the meaning of death, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

No one would like this atmosphere except for the ghosts and corpses who specialize in the way of death.

"Really the fruit of death!"

But now Xiao Chen, seeing this genuine death fruit, is full of joy, happy.

"Hey, I didn't lie to you, I said that there is here. But after the flower of life, I can't help you, I can only rely on myself."

Xiao Chen collected the death fruit: "This does not have to worry, as long as there is no extinction, I have confidence in the Sea of ​​Devils."

How to find it, of course, to exchange resources, to change ten times the price of ten times, you can not find it.

After all, although the flower of this life is precious, it has not reached the point of the sacred medicine.

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