Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1369: Not wearing the sky

On this side, Chu Chaoyun helped Xiao Chen with a few words and made a strong enemy.

On the other side, the team of eight half-step Wudi competing all the way. Can lose the opportunity, in the complex terrain of the demons, lost the trace of Xiao Chen.

I looked for it several times, and I ended up with no results. I was angry and angry. I wanted to go back and look for the troubles of Chu Chaoyun, but I found that I had no idea where I ran.

All of them were empty at once, and they were already angry and became more annoyed.

"Forget it, don't chase it, we will guard him outside. The magical paradise will be closed for ten days. At that time, the people inside will be forcibly transmitted. When he comes out, we will take him directly, no. Crap him nonsense."

A three-sacred strong man with a mask said coldly.

"Just do it, don't be afraid of him."

"Absolutely can't let this guy become an emperor, otherwise we have to be stepped on foot to see his eyes, can't wait to eat us."

Several people quickly exchanged a few words, and after reaching an intention, they quickly made a unified decision.

Keeping outside the stone monument, Jing and other people's magic parks are closed, and Xiao Chen is forced to send it out.

Deep in the park, in an inconspicuous valley, Xiao Chen laid a simple illusion and completely covered himself in this complicated environment.

Come over, look at the singularity of the full of scars, Xiao Chen face is gloomy and terrible.

"How is he." Xiao Chen opened his mouth and asked Mu Xiyan, who was healing for Duo.

Mu Xiyan shook his head, his face was sad, and his voice was trembling. "The injury is too heavy and too heavy. It is so numerous that it can't be treated at all. The whole body is completely destroyed."

Xiao Chen heard the words sinking in the heart, above the body surface, the body of the arrogant and arrogant has not seen a trace of perfect place. Unexpectedly, internal injuries will be more serious than this terrible trauma.

"Let me see."

Going over, Xiao Chen used the pulse method on the comprehension of the truth to see the wounds in the body.

God knows to swim, Xiao Chen sees the body of the arrogant, the internal organs, almost all broken, like a group of meat sauce is creeping, seeing people, inexplicably heartbroken.

Finally, I understand a bit, why did Mu Xiyan say that she could not be treated at all.

In addition to these internal injuries, the meridians are even broken, tangled and blocked, so that the power of the law is completely inoperable.

If it is not the blood of the arrogant, there is still a mysterious force, and it has been slowly recovering the injury of independence and loneliness. At this moment, the arrogance has long since died.

However, in the midst of it, the drowsiness of loneliness is instinctively resisting the recovery of that mysterious force.

Xiao Chen’s heart is moving, and some understand that this mysterious force is completely occupied by the body of the arrogant.

In the future, he will be alone and arrogant, and he will only be able to cultivate his magical spirit and live in this world in the way of blood, and live the life he does not like the most.

The instinct from the heart, let him in the drowsiness, resisting the mysterious power to treat the body.

But if it is so resistant, when the power of life disappears completely, the solitude will be completely saved.

If you let Xiao Chen choose, he would rather let the solitude and arrogance, and become a demon, but he may not find a way to remedy.

Xiao Chen let go of his hand, for a long time without words, in his mind, alone and arrogant face the twelve half-step Wudi, the picture of the screaming, still playing back.

Twelve half-step Wudi, besieged alone and proud, but he can only watch, the shame of this scene will not be forgotten in this life.

go! go! go!

The sound of words with blood, still ringing in the ears, every word, let the twelve half-step Wudi seize the opportunity to seriously hurt the one-of-a-one.

Can be alone and proud but has not forgotten, even after the Gorefiend has disappeared, still do not forget to let Xiao Chen leave.

Xiao Chen thought that if he was not alone, he still remembered him, maybe the injury would not be as heavy as before.

Hey, self-blame, killing, all kinds of emotions permeate in the heart. At this moment, Xiao Chen seems to have great enthusiasm for strength.

There has never been such a moment that he is so eager for strength, and there is no such thing as he wants to kill some people.

Xiao Chen opened the entrance of Xianling Ring, let Xiaojiao come out, please say: "Little Jiaojiao, don't let him die, don't let him die anyway, please, please."

When you come out, you have to lose your temper, you can see Xiao Chen’s eyes full of complex looks, and the inexplicable pain will hurt.

Even in the same year, on the road to the emperor, there was no hardship in the morning.

It can even be said that since ancient times, there has not been any arrogant arrogance, like the road of the emperor like Xiao Chen, so hard to go.

"I tried my best." Jiao Jiao whispered.

There is a kind of help, even if you can't wake up for a moment, the power of life should stop.

Turning a hand, Xiao Chen's palm, the flower of life and the death fruit appear at the same time.

The breath of life and the breath of death, when they appeared, they fought each other, forming a black and white air mass on the palm of their hands and confronting each other.

When she saw this scene, she was shocked and said: "You choose, start breaking now, time is too short."

The Devil's Paradise will only be open for ten days. After ten days, everyone will be forced to send it out.

If Xiao Chen is forced to interrupt in the process of concentrating the heart of the Emperor, there is no doubt that he will fail. To bury him, the only way to become emperor in five years.

Ten days, it’s too risky.

Xiao Jiao shook her head: "Xiao Chen, don't be impulsive."

Xiao Chen’s gaze revealed a firm, calm voice: “I have no impulsiveness. In fact, this is my last chance. Even if the injury is all right, after ten days, facing the eight-step Wudi who is outside, I There is still no chance."

"Only by concentrating the heart of the emperor and becoming a great emperor, I have a chance to defeat them."

"The road to the emperor, if there is a little difference, it will be ruined. If it is possible, I don't want to take such an adventure. But these people, hard and hard, I have no retreat."

"I don't share the sky with them. I am willing to gamble on the lives of this group of people at the cost of the failure of the emperor. It is not that they die or I die!"

In the mind, there are eight appearances of the half-step Wudi. In the morning of Xiao Chen’s eyes, he shot a thick murder.

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen did not hesitate, and directly swallowed the flower of life and the fruit of death.

Hovering in the middle of the air, sitting cross-legged, fast running and long-awaited life and death.

Strong breath of life, as well as a strong atmosphere of death, like two huge army, launched a fierce battle in the body of Xiao Chen.

Competing for the dominance, no one wants to see anyone, the conflicts that exist all the time, let Xiao Chen suffer, and several want to vomit blood to give up.

Xiao Chen kept the last waking, using life and death to try and taming the strength of these two giants.

Only by letting the two forces be perfectly tamed and consumed, life and death can only be carried out one after another, until the end of the reincarnation, for Xiao Chen directly condensed the emperor's heart that Wudi had.

In the midair, there are thousands of visions, one will be Senlu Purgatory, one will be a paradise on earth, unpredictable and incredible.

I was worried about it, and it was too short for ten days.

Beyond the stone monument, the eight-step Wudi of the various ethnic groups sat cross-legged, and each of them kept a cold eye on the exit of the Devil's Paradise.

At the exit, every time you get out of a mixed-race demons, you can feel the heroic killings of the mountains and the sea, and scare the warriors of these people, and the atmosphere is dare.

After careful walking, I will sigh with a big mouth and look at the eight murderous half-step Emperor Wu, who feel a deep fear.

The eight strongmen of the Wudi Emperor are here, even if they are the strongest of the black iron monsters, they will be beaten in a flash.

There have been many discussions in the distance, and it is obvious that what happened in the Paradise has been thoroughly spread.

For the white knives, they were able to escape under the sniper of the twelve-step Wudi, and they all felt a little surprised.

The last moment of the madness of the singular arrogance is also infected with countless people. This life can be made to a friend like Duoao, who is really lucky for the white knives.

Everyone's heart is a little envious. In this world where people are as thin as water, if you want to ask for an ordinary friend, you have to have some interests to entangle.

Can be alone in the last moment, but gave up the opportunity to escape, directly come forward, with life to help Xiao Chen you earned a chance.

It’s a pity that looking at the current situation, no matter how hard the two are in the magical paradise.

When the ten days passed, the two were forced to send out, and in the face of the eight-and-a-half-step Wudi’s joint attack, it was still impossible to escape.

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