Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1372: This hate is not killing more than killing

The golden light in the eyes slowly dissipated, and Xiao Chen’s mind was moved, and the seven-fold aperture behind him returned to the body at the same time.

In an instant, the sea of ​​intelligence has been completely squeezed into the adult-type spirit, as if there is life.

The great perfection of the emperor is to let the spiritual power condense, and merge with the heavenly place to become the embryonic form of the heart of the emperor.

Xiao Chen now understands that the great perfection of the emperor, why can only the embryonic shape of the emperor, and can not form a true heart of the emperor.

Because the great perfection of the emperor, did not experience the raging fire, the spiritual strength of the cohesion, and the existence of no soul and jealousy, is an incomplete fusion.

The birth and death, the use of the flower of life and the fruit of death, let the warrior through seven times of life and death, once more dangerous, refined layer of aperture, in the end is the soul and the hustle and bustle.

When the soul and the spirit are cohesive, the Yuanshen will be formed, that is, Xiao Chen is now in the sea, and it is like a golden little man with life.

The water is everywhere, the golden god, sinking slowly toward Dantian.

In the process of sinking, Xiao Chen felt that some of the green spots in the body were inhaled into the golden gods.

Those green dots represent all kinds of primitive vitality. Even if the arm is broken, only these green spots are still there. It is not necessarily difficult to rehabilitate the broken limbs.

Xiao Chen understood why it was difficult to be killed after reaching the Emperor Wu.

The appearance of the heart of the emperor will once again transform the flesh and absorb every cell of the body into the heart of the emperor, just like a backup.


There is a crisp sound in the body, but it is a golden **** and a dragon-shaped heavenly print, which are completely integrated.

In an instant, the various radiances that had been converged in the body by Xiao Chen, uncontrollably radiated, powerful pressure, sweeping the Quartet.

The heart of the emperor, successfully condensed!

Like getting a new life, the first is that the bottleneck that has long plagued Xiao Chen has been broken in an instant, and it has entered the realm of the great perfection.

The flesh is reborn, and it has already reached the body of the peak of the Holy Body, and goes further.

The original clean face, temperament changes, giving people an explosive sense of oppression, the gas field is terrible.

However, his state of physical body, there has been no precedent in the past, saying that it is the golden body of the Emperor Wu, but it is a little bit of a fire, and there is no physical reconstruction and remodeling.

It can be much stronger than the general sacred body, and it condenses the heart of the emperor, so that the body's ability to recover is not in the ordinary body of the Emperor Wu.

Called a half-step golden body, it should not be overemphasized, a separate presence and the special column of Xiao Chen.

"The heart of the emperor!"

Eight and a half-step Emperor Wu, looking at the stone monument, proud and stand, the style of the white emperor Xiao Chen, who is comparable to the Emperor Wu, all exclaimed.

It is indeed the heart of the emperor. When they reach this realm, they are no stranger to the Emperor Wu, and even the Supreme has dealt with it.

For the circle of Emperor Wudi, it is no stranger to seeing it. Seeing the state of Xiao Chen now, the key is revealed at a glance.

Only the success of the storm, the Emperor of the Emperor, can only condense the heart of the Emperor, actually appeared in Xiao Chen.

The four-party mixed-blood warrior was even more shocked and dumb, and the blood sword king condensed the heart of the emperor before he became a empire.

Many people have always thought that it is just a legend that cannot appear in the real world.

But today, above the towering stone monument, the white youth standing, but silently proves that this is not a legend, it is a true fact.

The momentum of a person will be suppressed at the place.

It was too late to understand the mystery of the heart of the Emperor. Xiao Chen’s eyes swept away and stared at the eight-step Wudi in front.

Looked again, still unconscious, and there are all the bruises that are covered with small yellow hair.

These people are all hurt for him, and they are even more desperate. On the same day, he was able to stop the scene of twelve half-step Emperor Wu, and he was vividly remembered.

Xiao Huang Mao and Jiao Jiao, in order to protect him from being disturbed, spelled full of scars.

I just want to go my own way, but these people are struggling, killing them all the time and touching the bottom line of Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, can go to this step, you are really not easy, you go, I am not waiting for you." The half-step Emperor of the Protoss, under the strong oppression of Xiao Chen, began to seek.

The flower of life has been refining by the other side, and it is no longer meaningful to fight with each other at this moment.

The most important thing is that at this moment, Xiao Chen condenses the heart of the emperor, promotes the great perfection of the emperor, and advances in strength, shaking the confidence that these people will win.

"Yes, let's go, we don't bother you."

Eight and a half-step Wudi, all of whom were old-fashioned, quickly understood the truth, and opened their mouths to let Xiao Chen leave, saying that it would not be difficult for him.

The original purpose was to prevent Xiao Chen from getting the flower of life, not letting the other party enter the Great Perfection, not to kill Xiao Chen.

But now Xiao Chen not only succeeded in refining the flowers of the birth, but also promoted the great perfection of the emperor, but also unexpectedly, and condensed the heart of the emperor.

The task has been smashed. If you don’t make any sense, it’s better to let Xiao Chen leave.

Xiao Chen listened to the mouths of these people, and laughed loudly. What is shameless, this group of people perfectly interprets these two words.

"Why are you laughing!"

Seeing Xiao Chen not answering, but laughing, eight half-step Wu Di, angry drink.

Xiao Chen put away his laughter and said coldly: "Why can't you laugh, there are things in this world that are more laughable than this. I don't know what my friends are doing, and I have been humiliated for three times and five times, for no reason, to stop me from taking flowers."

"Forcing me to be broken for ten times in ten days, I will be able to pass the life and death, but I will come up with a high sentence. Let me leave, I am not embarrassed, have you so shameless people!"

Hearing this statement, the eight-step Wudi Emperor, all furious: "What do you want, don't push us out, don't give your face a shame."

"Don't think that the promotion of the great perfection of the emperor, the world is invincible, and we have eight people together, killing you more than enough."

"Get out of the way, don't blame us for changing our minds."

Xiao Chen shook his hand slightly, and the moonshadow knife in the hands of Jiao Jiao flew into his hand. At the same time, he also turned into a streamer into the moonshadow knife.

Let the moonshadow knife increase greatly, the blade is covered with purple luster, and the light shines on the sky, immediately causing a rolling lightning.

Xiao Chen stood on the stone tablet and violently took a knife and pointed it coldly. "Now, kneel down, give my friend an apology, I will leave you a whole body, otherwise don't blame me for being too embarrassed!"

When this statement came out, I was shocked by the crowd. This morning is too much domineering.

It was necessary for eight and a half-step Wudi to kneel down to apologize to Duo, and the apology was over, and they only left them with a whole body instead of letting them go.

The confidence that comes from wherever he came is so arrogant.

"Jokes, ask us to kneel down, what do you count, it is almost the same as the Lord Ray."

"It’s so young, it’s so arrogant, today we teach you to be a man.”

Eight half-step Wudi, all angered, too lazy to make concessions, a few people whispered a few words, they decided to take the same shot, to teach Xiao Chen.

Eight people can see that Xiao Chen is now unusual. After he decided to take the shot, he was not making a reservation.

Prepare to join forces and not give Xiao Chen a chance to delay, directly hit the other side, and then humiliate.

Xiao Chen sneered in his heart. His martial arts, exercises, will, and body were stronger than the other eight. Why had he been beaten before?

It is because there are too many differences in repairing, and there is absolutely no way to break through the power. Even if you try your best, you can't afford to be cheap.

But now his strength, a qualitative change, repaired into a leaps and bounds, successfully broke through the Great Perfection.

More condensed out of the heart of the emperor, plus the advantages of the front, defeating the eight half-step Wudi, there is no difficulty.

This group of people, still do not know, thinking of a blow will kill.

Just right, just like him, one by one, it is inevitable that someone will escape. These people are damned, leaving one person, he will blame himself for a lifetime.

This hate can't be done, killing is not stop!

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