Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1377: Hong Mengwei

In the face of the blue man's foot, Xiao Chen seems to have not seen it, continue to smash the broken signboard.


The blue man's strong foot kicked heavily, but Xiao Chen did not fly out as expected. In the loud noise, the blue man’s foot seemed to be kicked in a vast mountain range, and the huge rebounding force shook back.

The painful mourning sounded, and the blue man spit out a blood, and the blood was spurted up by the shocked blood. After landing, he could no longer climb.

The blood in the mouth kept flowing, the coughing sound continued, the face was pale, the blue man looked terrified, the heart visited, and the horrible found his own internal organs, all of them were broken.

It is no wonder that the blood can't stop flowing out of the mouth, and all the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are broken. Even if the **** Luo Luo is coming, he can't save him.

How could this be the case? He has a quasi-emperor level of cultivation, and he is barely an influx in this dragon grave.

This kick kicked out, not to say that the other side kicked, but how can you not kill yourself!

"No, he is going to die!"

Several masters of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, holding the blue man to explore, each face was terrified, completely unresponsive.

This year, how strange things are there, the blue treasurer himself kicked himself to death?

Many of the warriors onlookers saw this scene and felt a little creepy. It was too weird.

"Go, when you meet a master, you have to ask the wind to grow out."

The warrior of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, carrying the body of the blue man, looked at Xiao Chen, who was still smashing the fragments, with a strange face and a quick rush to go behind.

A group of people from the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce were also stunned, and it was not clear to the white youth who suddenly appeared.

The entire city is quiet, and the onlookers can’t speak. What I saw today is completely out of his cognition. How can someone kick alive and kick himself?

"Go, have I said let you go?"

Xiao Chen suddenly stood up and reached for a trick. All the pieces in the hands of the people flew into his hands. He reached out and touched a brand new sign to reunite.

The Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, the four sacred fonts, exudes a faint lustre, golden light, dazzling.

For Xiao Chen, who is proficient in the object, this little trick is nothing.

With one hand twisted, the signboard in Xiao Chen's palm, quickly spins up, forwards, and moves in the hands of the sign.


Among the signs, Xiao Chen secretly added a force to Hongmeng, and the ordinary signboard suddenly became a big killer.

These masters of the quasi-prestige level had no time to react, and the calf was broken by the bones, and the pain screamed on the ground.

It can be found that the masters of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce are not all on the ground.

Those who are kneeling on the ground are the warriors who used to step on the signboard with their ankles. The rest of the people won’t dare to shake the scene.


The sign that turned a few laps returned to Xiao Chen’s hand, swaying and standing on the ground. Xiao Chen Zhangkou contains the previous one, the power of Hongmeng, which has not been used up yet, whispered: "Go!"

Obviously, it is an understatement. After Xiao Chen’s opening, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and a powerful and powerful force spurts out like a thunder.

Along with the lightning and thunder, the remaining warriors of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce were directly blown up by these two words. The next moment, they did not know where to blow, and they could not see any shadow.

Those who used to talk about the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, but many of these warriors, all looked at it.

I don’t know at all. This is where the monks came from, did nothing, and lived to death in the blue man. Then, after opening, they directly flew a group of warriors hired by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

It is really ridiculous and jaw-dropping.

For the power of Hongmeng, Xiao Chen is also somewhat surprised. I did not expect that it was just a force of Hongmeng, and it was easy to solve this group of people.

The sign was handed to Jin Dabao, and Xiao Chen glanced at the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, who was lying on the ground. The martial arts said: "Since you dare to step on the signs of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, don't blame me for doing things. You are here for a day."

Insulting people, people are insulting.

Before I came to see the lively warriors, I realized that at this moment, why did Jin Dabao laugh out, and all the reasons were in the white man.

The signature of the monks is the greatest humiliation, and then they will go back in a more aggressive manner with greater humiliation.

It doesn't look like it sounds, but the means of the white man makes everyone feel scared.

Let the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce invite the thugs to come here last month. If it is really spread, the face of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is afraid to be completely exhausted.

"Let's let us, in this month, nowhere!"

Five Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce on the ground, screaming and screaming, and then want to use the law of heaven to mobilize the power of heaven and earth and fly away from here.

Suddenly, some people were horrified to find that Xiao Chen did not know the power of use. The power they used to mobilize with the law of heaven could not incite the ban of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen’s heart sneer, the power of Hongmeng is more powerful and pure power than the power of heaven and earth, and is the means that Wudi can use.

This group of the highest repairs is not the existence of the great emperor, and the desire to incite the power of Hongmeng is as ridiculous as the baby wants to promote the mountains.

"I said to you, I will be in January for a month, and no one can let you stand up!"

Stepping forward, Xiao Chen continued to shoot a hand on the shoulders of each person. Calling the power of Hong Meng again, the five people will be completely banned.

Without a month's time, the power of a singularity could not be dissipated. It is absolutely impossible for this group of people to climb up. Whoever dares to come to lift the ban, as long as it is not a master of the level of black iron, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

If it is strong, this scattered power of Hongmeng will be brought together into a torrent to give people a great lesson.

"Dabao, hang up the signboard." Xiao Chen turned back and said: "I will see, who else dares to come, the signboard of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce."

Who is the signature of the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce? It is the signboard of Xiao Chen. These people dare to marry his signboard, which is equivalent to slap in the face of him.

Although Xiao Chen does not see the slightest momentum on the surface, he can already be angry in his heart. People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, they will pay back ten times.

"Qinglong Wang, he must be the Qinglong King!"

"It turned out that he is the Qinglong King, our big boss behind the scenes, really domineering!"

A group of warriors from the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, once again looking at Xiao Chen, can not guess his identity. On each face, they all showed an admiring smile. The legend about the master was as good as ever.

Those deeds, one by one, three days and three nights can not be finished.

I saw a real person today, only to know that the rumors are not empty. The king of the most young people in the history of the Wushen Palace is indeed domineering and unpredictable.

Jin Dabao smiled and said a few words with a group of people, then took Xiao Chen to go upstairs and smiled. "Sorry, I didn't expect to see you once, I made you laugh."

Xiao Chen waved: "Don't, I apologize to you, I really don't know, open up new rudders, you will encounter so many difficulties and twists and turns. You can make the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, to achieve today's scale, really not easily."

The two walked and talked and went to the second floor wine table. Jin Dabao smiled and said: "The Qinglong Chamber of Commerce is really nothing. We have accumulated too little. After all, it is impossible to do it for hundreds of years. Compared with the big chamber of commerce."

Xiao Chen nodded: "This is no need to worry about it. It can only rely on the precipitation of time."

Jin Dabao remembered something and said: "Yes, I received your letter. I didn't expect it to be silent. I received an overseas seal in the Devil's Sea."

"This way, along the dark sea of ​​the Star Sea, the Dragon Tomb, and the Devil Sea, we can completely open a smooth sea business. The entire ocean world can have such a long business road, but this one. In the year, I guarantee that the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce will be able to live in one of the four major chambers of the world."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, he never doubted the ability of Jin Dabao.

"Who is so bold, dare to kill the principal of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, do you want to die?"

Just as the two of them were drinking and chatting, a thunderous sound suddenly appeared outside the building, and the half-step Wudi’s powerful atmosphere came out.

The entire shop was shaking and swaying violently, and people could not stand still.

Xiao Chen brows and picks up the drink in the cup. He smiles slightly: "There is always one, and the person on the table is slightly."


The wine glass fell heavily on the table, and in a flash, the shaking shop suddenly calmed down in an instant.

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