Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1382: The peak hits the hole and wears the void

When the huge waves fell, Xiao Chen started the reincarnation battle flag and swayed on the sea.

Killing, dying, destroying, sorrow, despair, the mood of five different attributes, blending with the stars, bursting with five colors of light.

Under the night, with the wave of Xiao Chen, the reincarnation of the battle flag above the sea surface, the earth-shattering energy burst. Between the swaying, the starlight exploded, the ground roared, and the whole space was shaking.

"However, the power of this round of battle flags, although it can hurt the general Emperor Wu, but it is not enough to make the other party feel jealous."

Holding the battle flag, Xiao Chen is vacant, and the next rain in the sky is screaming.

The raindrops are mixed with the stars falling down, and in the night, when the stars are visible, a dreamy gorgeous scene is formed.

Xiao Chen was allowed to fall from the raindrops and conducted a calm review of the power of the reincarnation flag.

Yan Jiao explained to Xiao Chen, not to mention the supreme, Wu Di has three major realms, namely the small heavenly Emperor Wu, the big heavenly Emperor and the King of the Emperor.

Each realm has a small realm with three heavens. Together, it is the Emperor Wudi’s nine heavens.

One heavy day and three heavens are the small heavenly emperors. Every time they break through a heavy day, they must face a powerful thunder. In the past, they will make great progress and reinvent themselves, and all aspects will have new insights and breakthroughs.

If you don't pass, you will naturally die under the thunder, but the general Emperor Wu, who does not have the full grasp, will rarely choose to break through.

At this level, very few people can still maintain the enthusiasm and hard work before the emperor.

Wudi has a long life and is highly respected. He is high on the top and admired by the world. Under such conditions, most of them cherish their lives.

Of course, there are also madmen who are perverted and will go through two or even triple thunders in one go.

In history, such people are generally not mad, but the kind of peerless arrogance that leads to the existence of an era.

On the 9th Heaven, there will be a big breakthrough on the third day and enter a new realm. If you can pass the nine-day, you will be called the Supreme Emperor.

After the Supreme, is there any more peak? No one is sure...

Although Xiao Chen is not yet an emperor, he has gathered the heart of the emperor, but he has the power to swallow and cultivate Hongmeng. The body has reached the realm of half-step golden body.

It’s really only half a step away from Wudi, and the difference is not big.

He can estimate that the current reincarnation flag can hurt Wu Di, a small heavenly emperor of the Emperor Wu, but he still can't make the other party jealous and become a real card.

"Pseudo-Emperor is a fake emperor, although I can control it freely, but it is still a little worse with the Emperor."

Xiao Chen in the air, some distressed said.

Suddenly, on the top of the flagpole, the five stars that lingered, the flash of light in his mind, thought of an idea.

Will kill, destroy, die, grief and despair, five kinds of artistic background with star power, thoroughly integrated, will form the strongest blow of the reincarnation flag.

When I think of it, Xiao Chen holds the flagpole and volleys the volley. He uses the power of Hongmeng to motivate this round of the battle flag and begins to absorb the star power between the heavens.

The **** flag is unfolding, fluttering, and the rumbling sounds.

The scattered stars in the sky, under the mad absorption of Xiao Chen, completely merged together and condensed into five beams of light through the sky.

Five light columns of different colors lined up side by side, and they fell in the back of Xiao Chen. Above the surface of the sea, suddenly there is a continuous, endless water curtain that reflects the starlight.

Let this thousands of miles, the water curtains of thousands of miles, colorful, gorgeous, let people look at it with fascination, like a dream paradise.

The five artistic conceptions that are completely integrated together make the gorgeous reincarnation flag become simple and simple.

Xiao Chen, who can hold the flagpole, feels that he is holding a mountain in his hand, which is extremely heavy and full of explosive power.

Inside the seemingly ordinary battle flag, the five forces are struggling to maintain balance, like a silent volcano. Once it breaks out, it will be earth-shattering.

The sweat on his forehead fell down, and Xiao Chen felt a little hard, and felt that the balance was hard to maintain.

Forced to calm down the mind, Xiao Chen burst into a bang, the flag is a roll, the battle flag is like a rifle, and a little bit against the front of the void.


The water curtain behind it was sputtered out and turned into a rainy day, and it fell.

At the point where the flag is pointed, there is no sound, and there is a complete black hole, and there is no crack or gap in the edge of the hole.

Hole through the void!

Xiao Chen, who is screaming at the gas, looks at the black hole, in his mind, these words appear immediately.

This black hole in front of you is very different from the cracks in the space.

In the past, martial arts, even if the power is stronger, it is just to make the space a little unstable, squeeze out a trace of cracks, and it will not be long before it will be automatically stitched.

This black hole is completely full of space for the hole, and the strength is very large, it will be impossible to suture for a while.

Space is like a complex building. The space in Kunlun is not only strong but also resilient.

Being able to see the void, at least the realm of Emperor Wu Ditian, or the peak of a treasure.

The reincarnation flag can achieve this, and it is already possible to remove the previous pseudo-word. It is a real treasure.

And it can also let Xiao Chen, as he pleases, control freely.

Thinking of the triumph, Xiao Chen couldn't help but laugh, and now he can compare the emperor. One day, the pain of collecting gas and destroying the throne, officially promoted to the Emperor, the power is not comparable to the five major races of the Hongmeng Emperor.

After laughing enough, Xiao Chen calmed down and said: "Now think that those are a little far away, the important thing is that in front of me, I finally have a card that can be called with the small Tianwu Emperor!"

The reincarnation flag was collected, and all the visions disappeared, the night was gone, the sun was reappearing, and the warm eyes swept over unscrupulously.

The whole sea is golden, and Xiao Chen looks at the endless sea and feels good.

"It's time to go to the ancient dragon tomb!"

Xiao Chen packed up his mood, took out the chart, found the ancient dragon tomb, and then stroked it on an island.

It is the largest island in the Dragon Tomb, Baolong Island. All the warriors who go to the Dragon Tomb adventure will take this as the final destination.

Or recruit a companion, or buy an remedy, where you have all the things an adventurer needs.

No matter what kind of star dragon tombs to explore, it will be the last stop, even if you want to explore the ancient dragon tomb.

A toe point, Xiao Chen launched the wing of freedom, stepping on the dragon's step, rushing toward the Baolong Island, the speed is like a purple electric light.

If you are a dragon, come and go without a shadow.

With the fastest speed, Xiao Chen spent half a quarter of an hour and rushed to Baolong City.

Coming to the restaurant that leads to the underground city, Xiao Chen spent a lot of money and got the news he wanted from a big perfection.

"Oh, there is indeed a group of Wudi, ready to explore the ancient dragon tomb, the half-step Wudi of the entire Dragon Tomb, all have heard the news and rushed over."

Xiao Chen looked across the street, some sullen middle-aged humanity: "Half-step Wudi rushed to do what?"

The middle-aged man who received Xiao Chen’s 100,000 black star coins smiled: “Nature is doing cannon fodder.”

"This is also OK, cannon can also be rushed to get it?" Xiao Chen did not understand.

The middle-aged man pouted and looked at Xiao Chen, a very young look. He said, "That's where you have to look. It's going to the ancient dragon tomb." Don't say, you rush to go. I also have to look at the Emperors and would like to use you."

"If I am half-step Wudi, I will go, the land of imprisonment, how much temptation. The military is like this. There are always some opportunities. If you know the danger, you will still be unable to resist the temptation."

Xiao Chen nodded and understood the truth. This is what you want.

These martial artists need some cannon fodder to explore the road in order to be cautious or not enough. Those half-step Wudi did not have the ability to enter the ancient dragon tomb, even if they knew that they would be used as cannon fodder, they still wanted to use the strength of the Emperor Wu to explore the ancient dragon tomb.

"Tell me where I am, I rushed over." Xiao Chen snorted and said a word, the other party could not believe it.

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