Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1385: Ten steps and ten fists forced back Wudi

After so many half-steps of Emperor Wu, who was beaten to the ground, Xiao Chen was able to go forward and not humble, and attracted many people to look at it.

Many people lying on the ground are moving, not knowing the mysterious man with a mask, where is the big breath.

Hong old man’s eyes flashed a different kind of awns, and some of his hearts were unpleasant, cold and cold: “This is what you asked for, and I was killed by a palm, but don’t blame me for picking up.”

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I am dead, how can you blame you, the predecessors have to do it."

When this was said, some of the half-step Wudi who were healed on the ground could not help but laugh. In this case, Xiao Chen has a mood to ridicule, do not know how to describe this young man.

"Then I will fulfill you!"

Hong Lao snorted and swiftly shot, seemingly unpretentious, with a thunderous thunder, lightning-like rushing toward Xiao Chen’s chest.

Xiao Chen’s eyes were condensed, and in the short moment of the other’s shot, it was clear that the other side really used the power of ten roads, but each one was pure and concise, containing the attributes of flame.

For a moment, Xiao Chen’s mind quickly thought about it.

The power of the ten Dao Meng, you have just ten powers, if you use it all, you can lightly block this palm, but this exposes the card that you will also be able to use.

His body has reached the point of half-step golden body. Gathering the Qinglong Battle Armor, the defensive power alone can rival the ordinary Wudi Golden Body, but there is a gap in resilience and can block this palm.

However, the Qinglong armor can't be condensed, otherwise Yiling will recognize at a glance that when he used the Qinglong armor against the Tianling body of the Wanxiong Island Di Xinhan, the other side looked in the eyes, it is impossible to not know.

If you want to find a way, you can neither expose your own Qinglong armor, nor expose your own power.

Then, you can only do this.

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed a firm gaze and made an action that no one expected. Faced with the strength of the 30-year-old strength of Hong Lao, Xiao Chen took a step forward and suddenly slammed a punch.

Yes, Xiao Chen faces this strong Emperor of the Emperor Wu, and chooses to defend it!

A fist banged out, driving the power of the twenty dragons swimming in the body, the dragon screamed, like a thunder rushing, among the small pavilions, a dragon-shaped airflow, crazy surge.

A violent punch hit the palm of Hong Lao’s hand, like a blast on a mountain that was not moving. The other side did not move, and the palm of the hand took the body and continued to print to Xiao Chen.

The dragon scorpion was interrupted by the body, and the dragon-shaped airflow rotating behind it was also disintegrated and turned into a raging wind, scattered everywhere.

Xiao Chen spit out a blood, took a step back, looked at the sneer, and the old man who had the same momentum, screamed: "Come again!"

Another punch was made, Xiao Chen banged in the ordinary palm of the ordinary, and took a step back, the shock from the earthquake, and once again injured Xiao Chen.

Injury and injury, this time the blood spit out twice as much as before. Two punches smashed out, it looked like no effect, and the old man was still in the palm of his hand. There was still no pause. It was only a slight decrease in momentum, and it was still quickly printed in Xiao Chen.

"Come back!"

Xiao Chen’s teeth were bitten, under the mask, his brows were wrinkled, and once again he gathered the power of the twenty dragons, and his left hand punched him up.

The rumbling of the rumbling sounds, Xiao Chen will spit out a blood every time he takes a step back, and at the same time, he makes a punch and does the seemingly useless efforts of others.

In the blink of an eye, ten steps were taken. The entire mountain village was shaken under the roar of Xiao Chen. However, this mountain village is obviously unusual and has a strong ban, otherwise the pavilion will be overturned for the first time.

"This guy!"

Everyone's face was dignified, and no matter whether it was the half-step Wudi who lost the election, or the half-step Wudi who passed, the eyes flashed a surprise.

Because they were surprised to find that under the bombardment of Xiao Chen’s fist, the momentum of Hong Lao’s palm was obviously weakened.

Starting from the seventh punch, Hong Lao’s body has a pause that can be caught by the naked eye.

The cost can be extremely heavy. Every time a punch is made, the young man with the mask will be hurt more seriously. Nine punches rushed out, and under the superposition of injuries, no one knows what the consequences will be.

This is indeed a method, but if you change them, you will never dare to try.


Another burst of punches, Xiao Chen, who has retreated to the edge of the pavilion, relied on a perseverance to blast this last punch.

The power of the Twenty Dragons, in the body, a dragon-shaped airflow in the pond, rapid hovering, water waves.

This time, the body dragon was not forcibly interrupted, and there were twenty dragon-shaped airflows behind him, and there was no collapse.

Everything is due to the fact that Hong Lao’s power has been exhausted!

The wind whistling, the dragons linger, and the morning of Xiao Chen blocked the other hand's strength, but instead took the other side and took a step back.

When Hong Lao’s heart was furious, he wanted to take another hand and directly smashed the stubborn young man in front of him.

Can think of it, there are so many people watching, and they also said clearly, only a palm, only 30% of the strength.

An angry hand, flashed back.

After watching Xiao Chen for three seconds, the other party did not fall down. He was a little unwilling to say coldly: "Good, you passed."

The silence of the four parties, silent, no one thought, Xiao Chen was able to pass the test. Moreover, the old man who used up his strength, took a small step back to the hard life, although Hong Lao was certainly not hurt, but an Wudi was repulsed by a great man.

Speaking out, it will definitely be a horrible stone, causing a big storm.

More importantly, Xiao Chen is standing at the moment, and those who have passed the test have not passed the test. After picking up this palm, he will fall to the ground, either failing to pour or stand up.

And Xiao Chen did not stumble on the ground from beginning to end, even if it was obviously seriously injured at the moment.

If these people know that Xiao Chen can hold this palm with a slight injury as long as he is willing, I don’t know what kind of expression it will be.

Dissipate your own enormous strength, the dragon is not there, the wind is dissipated. Xiao Chen knows the internal injuries of the internal organs, the internal organs, all of them are broken, and some meridians have broken.

The injury is heavy enough. If it has not reached the half-step golden body, Xiao Chen really dare not come so hard.

However, it was finally stunned. Even if he did not use the power of Hongmeng and the Qinglong armor, he still caught the arm of Emperor Wu.

"Wait a minute, take your mask down for me. This time we act, it matters a lot, but we can't allow people who are unclear to come in."

Just as Xiao Chen was preparing to heal, Hong Lao suddenly spoke and said something that made the atmosphere tense.

Hong Lao’s heart had a sigh of Xiao Chen, and he couldn’t clearly see Xiao Chen’s shot.

I only said that recruiting half-step Wudi in advance, but I have never said that I have to ask for identity, and Long Tomb has never had the rules of asking others to be at home. This is an unwritten taboo between the military.

But he is the Emperor Wu, even if it is awkward, he has to follow him.

Xiao Chen’s heart sank, and he did not expect the other party’s monarchy to be so careful. Even the unspoken rules between the warriors must be deliberately broken.

He did not believe that the other party would not know, this taboo, the other party also stepped from the emperor to Wudi.

"Sorry, the mask underneath can't be picked, it's hard to kill." Xiao Chen responded coldly, and at the same time mobilized the reincarnation flag hidden in his body, ready to run.

In the old eyes of Hong, the murderous flash of light, suddenly everyone felt a huge pressure, this is the power of the emperor!

"It seems that you are really trying to misbehave, a mask only, what can't be picked, if you don't pick it, I will help you pick it!"

Did Emperor Wu of a heavy day really think that he is invincible?

The other side is aggressive, and Xiao Chen’s heart is also in flames. It’s really a **** that can be squeezed at will. When the mind is moving, it is ready to sacrifice the flag of the reincarnation directly to fight the other side.

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