Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1393: Killing Hong Lao

"Ye Chen, I was really told by you, this group of Emperor Wu, too mad to kill us a group of half-step Wudi, what benefits can be obtained."

In the rapid escape, Wang Yuzhu still has some problems, but he just thought that this task would be more difficult.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Emperor Wu will kill them by hand.

I don’t think about this scene. Why is it that killing them a group of half-step Wudi can get any benefit.

In the past, there was no Wudi. Recruiting a half-step Wudi to explore the ancient dragon tomb. Although the death rate is extremely high, there has never been a case of slaughtering half-step Wudi.

Even if you look at a certain baby, you should go straight to the strong, and how the half-step Wudi will fight with the real Emperor Wu, and eventually will be sent.

Of course, Ye Chen, this monster, can only be a special case.

Xiao Chen sneered: "Do you think it is an accident? I don't think it's unexpected. When I was testing the second time, these Wudi's indifferent expressions on the high level, I knew everything was done."

"What to do now, relying on us alone, wanting to go out alive, is it too difficult?"

Wang Yuzhu said with concern, not to mention the fierce beasts along the way, the land of thick fog, they will be able to kill them both.

"Do not worry, just follow me." Xiao Chen said calmly.

Suddenly, a screaming laughter echoed in the back. "Kid, you know that you ran now. Was it not very embarrassing at the beginning? Run and run, there is a kind of stop for me, the old man pinches you with one hand!"

In the laughter, with a thick emperor, the mountains and the sea are coming.


The emperor was filled with air, and the ground under his feet was directly smashed in the scream of Hong Lao, forming a wave-like storm and swept toward the two.

Wang Yuzhu's face changed: "Oh, this old guy chased it, we can't escape this."

Looking back, Hong Lao’s hands rip open the void, and his body shape shuttles through the void. Although the distance of the shuttle is not very far, the speed is faster than the two people’s body.

In addition to the interference of the storm behind, the two were caught up by the old man, but the time is sooner or later.

Only this guy has caught up with one person?

Xiao Chen opened the eyes of the hole and looked back. It was only this Hong Lao who caught up.

If you want to come to other Wudi, you should go to chase other people.

"Mask boy, aren't you kind of kind? Dare to be in front of so many people, and I will fight against each other, let me lose my face, and run now."

The anger that had been suppressed for a long time in Hong’s heart broke out completely, and the snoring sounded like thunder, which shocked people’s hearts and panic. Anyone who heard this voice could feel the sorrowfulness in the words.


Xiao Chen closed the eyes of Dong Tian, ​​and turned around, so he stopped.

Wang Yuzhu was shocked: "Ye Chen, are you crazy?"

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, his face sank, and his eyes were murderous: "A heavy Emperor of the Emperor, you are optimistic, how can I kill this old guy!"

The distant side has been chasing the old man of Xiao Chen. Suddenly, Xiao Chen stopped and his face suddenly filled with joy: "Bunny rabbit, I really dare to stop, thinking that I can't kill you?"

After saying that I estimated the distance, I went two steps, one kilometer, and then the sword stabbed out, pulling out a crack in the space, and it was fleeting.

He is ready to cross the space and suddenly appears, giving Xiao Chen a direct blow.


Xiao Chen brows his head and senses that ten meters in front of him, the space cracks a gap. The speed at which the crack spreads is swift and incomparable. Almost at the next moment, Hong Lao jumped out of it.

It was just out of the expectation of Hong Lao. In the face of the torn space, suddenly killed him, Xiao Chen did not seem surprised at all, as if he had already guessed it.

In the hands of Xiao Chen, I don’t know when there was a battle flag with five stars shining.

That is what secret treasure, Hong old eyelids jumped, feeling a bad feeling.

"Wait for a long time, give me to die!"

Xiao Chen’s mouth was slightly tilted, and a cold smile was evoked. The reincarnation of the flag in the hand, in the moment when Hong Lao jumped out of the crack in the space, suddenly slammed it and rushed to kill the past.

The next moment, Wang Yuzhu saw a scene that must be forgotten.

I saw between the sky and the sky, all the dark clouds disappeared, and in the dark night, thousands of stars, a beautiful and beautiful picture.

Five stars of different colors form a skylight column, and suddenly fall from the sky, forming a colorful, gorgeous and gorgeous light curtain behind Xiao Chen.

The light curtain is endless, as if it were a dream.

Xiao Chen, holding the reincarnation flag, is like holding a shotgun, the infinite star power carried by the five artistic conceptions, which makes this hit to the peak.

There was no time to react, and the old man with the long sword was still holding and leaping down.

The chest was slammed into the flag, and a black hole with a large bowl was seen on his chest. It was smooth and smooth without gaps.

"The hole is empty, you are the treasure in your hand, how is it possible!"

Hong Lao glanced at the wound in his chest, and there was a look of extreme horror in his eyes. He couldn’t guess at all. How can a powerful and perfect emperor can control the power of a treasure.

If he knew that Xiao Chen could control the emperor and give him a hundred courage, he would not dare to catch up.

Xiao Chen smiled coldly: "Don't really think that you have become an emperor, you are invincible in the world, a heaven, only the supreme I have seen is not so arrogant!"


The flag was smashed, like a slap in the face of Hong Lao, and he flew directly from the air, and half of his cheeks immediately shattered.

After the old man left, there was still a black hole in the air, which remained for a long time. The space cracks that Hong Lao had previously torn have already healed quickly, and this is the real hole in the void.


After landing, the blood of Hong Laokou couldn’t stop, and there was only one idea in my heart. Only when he meets with the Red Hair Emperor, can he return to his life, and in his current situation, it is not the opponent of Xiao Chen at all.

The black hole-like wound on the chest could not heal with the resilience of the Emperor Wu of the Golden Body. The whole heart was directly wiped out. If you don't hurry to find a place to heal, Xiao Chen will not shoot, he will die.

After Xiao Chen stabbed it out, he knew that he was wrong and still habitually pierced. For Wudi, the heart is not fatal, and the location of the heart of the emperor is.

But it doesn't matter, this old guy has no power to fight, no way to live.

Xiao Chen started the reincarnation battle flag, and the sound of the waves rang, and the whole space fluctuated.

Look at the direction of Hong Lao’s departure, the battle flag in his hand, and throw it forward.

The battle flag is like a javelin flying, and the entire starry sky between the days and the sky is moving with the reincarnation flag.

The five-color starlight overflows, and the air is like a raindrop that floats down. The old man feels like he can't run. He is now incomplete in the flesh, and even the power of Hong Meng can't be mobilized. The space is like water, full of resistance.

Looking back, the scene that I saw in this eye became the last scene he saw in this world.

Like a meteor, the reincarnation flag, with a bang, inserted the position of the heart of his emperor, and the battle flag penetrated his body and nailed him directly to the ground.

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