Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1397: Ancient secrets and exile

Longmen totem, Xiao Chen heart shocked, these four words he is not the first time to see.

In the original treasure house of Longmen, Xiao Chen got a jade slip, which records the various refining techniques of Longmen and the construction method of Tianlong City.

There is an introduction about the Longmen totem, but I didn't understand it at the time, including the stranger and I couldn't understand it.

Intuition tells him that the Longmen Totem is very important, but there is nowhere to ask for an answer. The perfect answer is that the answer will be here.

Xiao Chen said with a little excitement: "Predecessors, can you tell me exactly what the Longmen Totem is? Why did he make the Qinglong Wushen always stronger than the other three sacred beasts?"

Tsing Yi old man said: "This is a long story, first from the human martial arts. The world's hundreds of people, each has their own strengths, or physical strength, or is naturally good at manipulating a certain power, or amazing understanding, Only all aspects are unremarkable."

"God is fair, although the Terran is unremarkable in all aspects, but there is a martial art. Although the late effect of Wuhun is not obvious, but in the early stage, it has indeed accelerated the cultivation speed of the Terran martial artists and strengthened the combat effectiveness."

"When it is late, everyone is practicing the law of heaven, the law of heaven and the power of Hongmeng, reaching the same starting line."

"Slowly some families have learned to use the blood contract to control the martial arts innately. For example, signing contracts with some ancient sacred beasts to change the martial arts of themselves and their descendants, and the sacred beasts of the Four Holy Lands are all like this."

Xiao Chen nodded, and he all understood that he even saw in the Qinglong order that Xiao’s ancestors surrendered to Qinglong.

However, there is still no point in saying why the Qinglong Wuhun is stronger than the other three sacred beasts and can suppress these three great souls.

"As for the Qinglong Wuhun, why is it stronger than the other three sacred beasts, the secrets are all on the totem built by this ancient Qinglongwang. This totem pole, through the ceremony, can be linked to the already exiled The Qinglong family in the land."

"This is a special kind of grace. The ancestors of your Xiao family passed the test of the ancient Qinglong King. The ancestors of the other three families were all worse than the sorcerer who controlled the sacred beast through the contract. The sacred beasts of the land are connected."

The place of exile, and the place of exile, what is the meaning of exile.

Xiao Chen has been listening to these four words more than once, but why Kunlun is called the exile.

The cemetery of the ancient Long Tomb did not have much scruples. When he saw Xiao Chen’s question, he said aloud: “The end of the immortal era, the new era will come, and all the old orders will be destroyed.”

"Kunlunjie, in the period of the immortal era, commanded all the worlds, is the center of all the great worlds of the universe, and is called the Yuanshi Tianjie. After all the broken, all the order will be disrupted, the new primitive heaven will be born, old The original celestial world will be declining and ruined, becoming an exile in the universe and not being accepted by the new era."

For the first time, Xiao Chen heard such a detailed explanation. The exile land was so.

It is no wonder that the existence of those suspected martial gods in the ancient times left the world without leaving any clues. They are also afraid of the imprint of the land of exile, and are not accepted by the new era.

But this piece of selfishness, but it is terrible to the top of the Kunlun world, as strong as the Great Emperor, will send a slightly sad words, the supreme can have a peak?

Above the Supreme, of course, there is a peak, just not in Kunlun!

Perhaps these great emperors know that only he can't do it himself, he gambles on everything and pin his hopes on himself.

Xiao Chen said: "Listen to your words, as if you have seen the end of the immortal era."

The tomb guard nodded, and there was no undulating look. At this moment, there was some sad expression: "It is a human tragedy, six broken, the palace collapsed, one can do everything, the Buddha, the mana exhausted, the magical power Disappeared, turned into a meteor fallen. Strong as Xianjun, Xianzu, immortal life, reversible change of life, but also a batch of pigs and dogs died."

"All the sacred beasts and the unsuccessful strong ones, as long as they have the ability to flee from Kunlun, fleeing from the Yuan Dynasty, which is a paradise-like land, is the end."

Xiao Chen listened to the words of the grave guards, and simulated the end of the picture in his mind. The immortal died like a pig and a dog. In one sentence, he said the sadness of the last days.

Next, Xiao Chen asked questions about the Nether and the Qing Emperor. As a result, the two problems were not known to the grave guards.

Nether, the tomb guard only knows that it is a mysterious force, I don't know when it suddenly appears. And because of the lack of ability, and left in the ancient dragons of Kunlun, there have been many wars.

Later, the ancient dragons in the Kunlun world were in the passage of time, and all of them were destroyed because of various reasons, and they did not understand the origin of this Nether.

As for the Qing Emperor, when the cemetery only said that he saw him 10,000 years ago, he was shocked by the strength of the other party. The impression was very deep, but there was not much understanding.

After all, he is just a grave guard, similar to the existence of the spirit, and there is no such complex feelings as human beings, and he will not think too much.

"You said that the lords of the Longmen dynasty will choose this place before dying, as a place of burial, why?" What Xiao Chen thinks of, some excited said.

"With the Qinglong Wuhun, it is also a half dragon, can be buried in the Qinglongwang Tomb Palace, can be the luck of Fuze's descendants. And in their hands, I have the jade Jane I gave, as long as I can, I can pass it to the tomb at any time. Palace is coming."

Xiao Chen learned the secret of the cave, knowing the land of Feng Shui, and choosing the truth of the descendants, there is no doubt about this.

Now that the focus has come, he continues to ask: "So, as long as the lord of the gantry who will die, he will choose this place as a place of burial, no accident."

The grave guard nodded and said there was no accident.

"But I found out that the Qing Emperor is not here. Does it mean that this is not dead? He may have left the world like the peerless powers of the ancient times."

The grave guard shook his head and said: "No, you want to get it. If he really left the world, he will definitely erase all traces of his world. But I listen to you, he still has legends in this world, There are all kinds of stories circulating, and if all the traces are erased, then nothing will exist."

"Even if he is the closest person, he will not remember the existence of this person, how can there be any deeds."

Xiao Chen couldn’t help but feel frustrated. Didn’t he guess wrong.

"You have enough problems, but I have finished all of them. You can go now."

Also have to chase him away, Xiao Chen could not help but depressed: "How do you always drive me away?"

"This is the place where the dead are peaceful. Naturally, the living is not allowed. I thought that you are like the ancestors to strengthen the totem of the dragon. Now the dragon is not there, you are not dead, I naturally want to chase you away." The tomb guards have a dull tone, and there is no such thing as a mellow one.

"The dead can stay here, then why don't you go."

"I have already said that I am not a human being. I am a grave guard who naturally wants to stay here."

Xiao Chen is speechless, yeah, the other party is not a person, he still tangled with him for a long time.

But in this place, the king of the emperor dreamed of coming, he was so hard to come once, so he returned empty-handed, really unwilling.

“Can there be the secret treasure of the dragons, or the secrets of the ancestors left by the Xiao family?”

"There is indeed, but I am sorry that I can't give it to you. The first owner of the Tomb Palace has regulations. Things that enter the Tomb Palace are not allowed to be taken away."

Xiao Chen is a happy first, can hear what the regulations, can not help but laugh in the heart, or can not get anything.

The guardian of the grave made a face that could not help. "I don't care. It can be stipulated that the things of your ancestors are all yours, and you can follow the rules in the tomb."

"Let's go, don't think too much. After all, it is the tomb of the dragon family. It is not the treasure house of your dragon gate. It is the right way to want the baby to go to the Dragon Hall of your Dragon Gate. But when I meet for the first time, I will give you a little gift. Meet up."

The guardian of the tomb was lightly on the forehead of Xiao Chen. Before he could talk, Xiao Chen was given the ancient dragon tomb.

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