Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1421: Fighting for Longmen

When Xiao Chen’s eyes were condensed and his toes were a little, he flew toward the colorful Guanghua.

Knife and light wielding, the colorful and colorful soul of the knife, was infused into a piece of the blade in the hand, until the Guanghua in the hand absorbed.

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, all the illusions disappeared, and the konjac in his hands was consumed.

His gaze became sharper and he spurred as if he could break through the void and tremble.

Some can't wait to settle their minds in the sea. Xiao Chen found that next to the Thunder, the illusory knife became more solid.

"Seven out of six, a very powerful effect, and then a magic stone, you can definitely promote 80% of the soul of the sword. There are nine pieces of the best konjac stone, maybe you can directly cross, 90% of the soul, condense your own knife domain ""

Xiao Chen said with great joy, I did not expect the effect of the best konjac stone, it would be so good.

In fact, this is also a reason. If you change the Emperor Wu to use this magic stone, it is definitely not the effect of Xiao Chen.

First of all, Xiao Chen is the first time to use the best konjac stone, the natural effect is extraordinary. Any natural treasure, the first use, will be the most effective one, and then it will slowly weaken, until the end, no effect.

Second, related to Xiao Chen’s state of mind, his heart is like water, and he is not affected by the negative demons. All the devils, one that does not stay, can naturally achieve the best results.

If there are a lot of devils that can't be killed, the impurities of the konjac will not be so clean, maybe half of the colorful essence will not.

The state of mind, in the realm of the Emperor Wu, the more you go up, the more you will find that the state of mind is cultivated, it will bring more powerful effects to the military.

Putting aside his thoughts, Xiao Chen took out the second best konjac and began to practice.

The first time he spent half a day before destroying all the devils, this time it only took two hours to do.

The progress that can be made has made him stunned, seventy-nine, and he is still far from the 80% soul.

This blow, smashed his dreams, Xiao Chen frowned: "The effect is weakened, and I still think about ten konjac stones, breaking through to the knife field, too naive."

If it is a grand ceremony, it can make the soul of the sword rise to the knife field, then he will be more emboldened in the face of some Wudi's teasing.

The Emperor of the Second Heaven, without the reincarnation of the battle flag, can have a battle.

Some helplessly sighed, Xiao Chen continued to absorb the third fast magic stone, after the absorption, his sword soul successfully reached 80%.

Xiao Chen didn't have much joy. This third piece of konjac, his soul is only 80%, not even 80%.

If you go on like this, let alone the 10% soul, it may be 90% soul, which is an unreachable goal.

"Eight into the soul of the sword, it is impossible to make an absolute suppression. Compared with the 70% soul, there is no essential leap."

Xiao Chen's brow wrinkled, and took out the remaining seven pieces of the best konjac stone, all of them, and fell into meditation.

How to do!

Within a month, you will be told the world, telling everyone to rebuild the Dragon Gate, but also to send invitations. Has already exposed the card of the rhythm, no more than a hole card, how to live in those small towns.

Anxious, I can't think of any way, the effect of the konjac stone, in turn, decreasing. The absorption is repeated again and again, and the effect is weaker.

Why do I want to absorb it again and again, why not concentrate together and absorb the seven pieces of the best konjac.

When the eyes were bright, Xiao Chen’s mind flashed a glimmer of light, and such an idea came to light.

"What do you want to do, don't mess!"

In the ring of the fairy spirit, Yan Jiao saw that Xiao Chen had seven pieces of konjac stone, all of which were side by side. It seemed that they had to be refining at the same time, and they were shocked.

"I plan to refine and spell the seven pieces of the magic stone."

"Stupid, you really intend to do this. The konjac is originally a heaven and earth evil. It is not a good thing. Refining a piece is just enough. You want to absorb it at the same time. Is it really your own life?"

Jiao Jiao reprimanded: "Don't think that you are smart, think of this, I have tried it before. The magic stone is refining at the same time. This is the limit. As long as it exceeds this amount, it is not mad. It is a direct flight of souls, or it becomes a waste person. No one has any good end."

"Even if it is refining three at the same time, it is also an extraordinary protagonist with spiritual strength. Very few people can do it in other races."

Xiao Chen had some hesitant expressions. Hearing this, he made a little firmer.

He traversed, and the two worlds were born again, and the mental power was more than twice as strong as the average human being. In addition to the specialization of the purple thunder, let him be more powerful, has become a mana.

On the spiritual power, even the Emperor of the Protoss, there are not many people who are stronger than him. Of course, in terms of the use of mental power, he is certainly not as good as the Protoss, only the strength and quantity.

When the gods were dismissed, they could all return without success.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen’s confidence is a little more: “Gengjiao, I will never act recklessly, but this time I have to be a boss. The reconstruction of the Dragon Gate is of great importance. I have no corresponding strength. Supreme, but also can not live in the group."


Not waiting for the return of the devil, Xiao Chen eighty percent of the soul of the knife, flashing from the eyebrows. At the moment when the 80% soul of the sword appeared, all the swordsmen of the entire Star Island felt an invisible force, and the swords in their hands trembled.

The knives that radiate out are not screaming.

Fortunately, this moment comes quickly, and it goes fast. When the soul of the knife touches seven pieces of the best konjac, the scattered knives disappear immediately.

Above the mountains, the black mist haunts, the windy winds, the terrible devil head, the unpredictable in the black fog, such visions attract all the warriors around the mountains.

"What happened? Why did the morning peak of Xiao Chen practice such a terrible magic?"

"The devil is so horrible, take a look, the dark side of my heart, then it will rush, and the killing will not stop."

"Oops, Big Brother, Xiao Chen, it won't be mad!"

Yue Chenxi, Xuanyuan Zhantian, Gongyang Yu and others, gathered one by one at the foot of the mountain, all nervous and worried.

Some people can't help but want to rush to the mountain and take a look.

"Stand up, no one is allowed to move!"

Suo Ming Xiu Luo blue seal, silently appearing, watching the dark clouds covering the mountains, the unpredictable devil, his face suddenly changed.

I heard that the day before yesterday, he was looking for a dusty collection of the best meteorites. This little guy, wouldn’t it be the way to go?

"Blue predecessors, what the **** is going on, Xiao Chen is not angry!"

The blue dynasty did not speak, and his hands were sealed, and the handcuffs quickly changed. The power of the body was surging, and the terrible momentum emanated from him.

Then, on the sky, a huge enchantment directly blocked the world and the mountain peaks that Xiao Chen cultivated.

All of a sudden blocking such a large place, the blue dynasty seal is also a little hard, wiped the sweat of the forehead, calmly said: "Today's business, all give me confidentiality, Xiao Chen can not be disturbed by anyone now. Slightly poor pool, this The little guy is completely destroyed."

"Several of you, all of them go to the periphery. If you find a suspicious person, you can do it directly after a warning is not heard. This mountain is personally guarded!"


I have never seen the blue dynasty sealed so nervously. After hearing his orders, Yue Chenxi and others did not say anything, scattered out and kept on the periphery.

The blue dynasty seals himself, and he personally stays at the foot of the mountain to protect the law for Xiao Chen.

He looked at the mountain, the terrible black magic, and the heart had a lingering saying: "This little guy, that is the taboo that I dare not touch. In the end, I absorbed a lot of the best gems, three, or beyond the taboos. Four pieces?"

If Lan Chaofeng knew that Xiao Chen had refining seven pieces at once, he would definitely be desperate to stop Xiao Chen.

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