Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1423: Kill the devil?

Hitachi is empty, and it is bright and bright.

Tianxing Island is as calm as usual, but it can be accompanied by a heartbreaking killing. The northwest side of Tianlong City, above the peak of Xiaochen, ignited the magic light of the sky.

The sky became dim in an instant, like a night, dark.

Only the black magic light, bright glare, attracts attention.

For a long time, the whole city was flustered and overwhelmed. This black cloud was so confusing and trembling.

"What is going on, is there a big devil to be born?"

"The horrible magic flame, such a scene, I only saw it in the Black Sea. A big heavenly Emperor Wu, who broke into the magic road, killed half of the sea, and finally got the thirteen thieves out, and joined forces People kill."

"But that's not, the peak of Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, how can there be such a terrible magic flame?"

"Don't the Qinglong King, go into flames!"

The city is boiling, this news, there is enough explosive, it is difficult to make people not surprised.

"It is estimated that the strength of the Qinglong King is growing too fast, and it is not unusual."

"Go, go see!"

If you are not afraid of death, you can't stand the curiosity in your heart, and rush toward the mountain. In an instant, the air figures flickered, the people took off, all flew in the same direction, and the scene was spectacular.

At the same time, in a few inconspicuous shops in Tianlong City, out of the ordinary old man, looking at the skylight.

Among them, there are the immortal holy places from the Zhoutianxing Palace, the Five Poisons, the Wanxiong Island, the Yinyang Dongtian and the Moon Palace, as well as from the ancient family, as well as the Four Seas Dragon Palace and other forces.

Without exception, all are elites, a few people, and even the strength of Emperor Wudi.

In just one year, Tianlong City became the center of the Western waters, and the speed of its rise was unprecedented. Every major force in the starry sea can be seen in the eyes, no one is taken lightly.

Even if you don't want to be an enemy of Tianlong City, you have to express your concern for this city. They have sent the emperor-level powerhouses in their respective doors to come to the town.

Can be instantaneous, in the case of bursts, such as the Tianlong City Xihai Dragon Palace was destroyed. The Wudi, who are hidden by these people, will jump out and will not let the Xihai Dragon Palace occupy all the sites.

For example, now Qinglong Wang Xiaochen suddenly went into flames. At this time, there is a strong emperor here, and he can make a good decision.

After half a ring, many emperor-level powerhouses, sneer, made a decision, one by one quietly heading for the mountain.

There are also a handful of Emperor Wu. After a long silence, they chose neutrality, such as Wan Yao Island and Moon Palace, as well as the strong people of Yin Yang Dong Tian, ​​and they did not move.

Xiao Chen’s mountain peak, strangers and other people, squatting with a group of rushed warriors, chose to kill the killer in the case of long-term persuasion.

"Moreover, here is the forbidden place of Tianlong City. If anyone dares to approach half a step, kill it!"

A stranger in the palm of the hand will be a powerful Xiaocheng Zhun Di, directly suffocated, cold and ruthless.

At the side of other people, more or less one or two of the bodies of the warriors who wanted to be beaten and killed.

Such a chilling and scary scene will finally be shocked by the people who come to see the excitement. After all, curiosity is heavy, and compared with life, it is important to say which one is important.

"Retreat, today, you can't be stunned. There is nothing to watch inside."

The blue and white words are calm, but there is a taste in the tone that cannot be rejected. It is a request, it is an order.

Against the backdrop of some corpses, let his words be full of deterrence.

Although the heart is unwilling, but some people still honestly retreat, after retreating 10,000 meters, not back, still watching.

Jin scale couldn't help but swear: "This group of people, really not afraid of death, want them to retreat, but for their good, I still don't want to go now."

Lan Shaobai's temple said: "Forget it, it has already retreated far enough, and they have got them."

The stranger worried: "There are at least five Wudi, passing through our blockade."

Lan Shaobai turned back and said: "I know that this is handed over to the master. The existence of the Wudi level is not something we can stop."

The stranger hesitated for a moment, and turned back: "Do you think that Xiao Chen, can you come back?"

Lan Shaobai did not rush to answer. After a while, he said: "I believe him. Although he is cold in appearance, his heart is warm after all. I don't believe he will break into the magic."


At the foot of the mountain, the blue dynasty seals the cold eyes and squats in front of the four people, saying: "Tianfu Academy, Donghai Dragon Palace, Wudujiao, Jiang Lao of the ancient family, I really don't know, this little Tianlong City actually hides

So many Emperors. ”

After seeing the blue dynasty seal, the four people looked a little stunned. I didn’t expect that the blue dynasty seal, which is known as the Shura Shura, would appear at this time.

Sinking and half-sounding, the elegant old man of Tianfu Academy said: "Blue predecessors, this situation you also saw, Qinglong Wang Xiaochen half foot, stepped into the magic road, this time to kill him, is the most suitable time. If he is truly demon, it will bring disaster to the entire Star Sea."

"Yes, his talent is also known to you. Once this demon grows up, I dare say it will endanger the entire Kunlun."

"Blue predecessors, you should not stop us, we should kill them with us and kill this devil in the cradle."

Lan Chaofeng said: "Nothing is noisy, isn't there a half-foot, don't you step in? The hat of the devil, don't buckle so early, at least until now, he hasn't killed one person yet. There is no formal break into the magic."

"If you really wait for him to become a demon, I am afraid it will be late, blue predecessors, you don't want to be old-fashioned and become a sinner of the ages." The old man of the five poisons, the yin and yang said, the words are extremely vicious.

"You have to cover people, you have to see when, now we kill him, and Ray King dare not say anything more. We are killing a devil, a peerless demon, will be remembered by history, become a hero!"

The old man in the black house of the East China Sea Dragon Palace said righteously.

"Blue predecessors, you can't do it, but don't stop us. Don't think that you are waiting for Shura, it's really we are afraid of you, we will work together, you may not be an opponent."

The old man of the ancient family began to be in danger and took a step forward.

Lan Chaofeng smiled coldly and said: "I haven’t shot for so many years. Is it really when I ask for the Shura Blue to seal the old?"

A horrible murderous murderousness broke out from the blue dynasty. The four people were in a sly look. Behind the blue dynasty, they saw a sacred sea of ​​blood.

There is even a corpse of Wudi, who has a famous surname, who rises and falls in the **** sea and makes a scream.

In the hearts of the four people, suddenly panic, how many Wudi killed this guy in order to cause such a terrible killing.


The screams, the old man of the ancient family, did not understand what was going on, the two arms flew at the same time, and the blood on his arms splattered.

In the eyes of other people, the blue dynasty did not move, but when the hands did not know when, there was a dagger with a cold flash.

The dagger jumped between the fingers, and the blue dynasty said: "Break your arms, it is a lesson for you, a group of Emperor Wu of Heaven, I kill you and the dog is no different, give me a roll!"

But at this time, a touch of starlight leaps and slams into the mouth of the blue seal, and it flashes over.

The blue dynasty seals a sinking heart, not good, let the people of Zhou Tianxing Palace mix, and see the breath is still a two-day Emperor Wu.

But this time to chase, these four people in front of you, certainly will not honestly retreat.

For a time, he was caught in a dilemma, and he could only let the Emperor Wu of the Imperial Palace fly toward the top of the mountain.

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