Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1425: God beast Jinwu life sacrifice

The goat Hu old man glimpsed a little, and he was only stunned by the realm of Dacheng Zhundi. His face suddenly showed a sneer.

“When the arm is in the car, Dacheng’s emperor dares to let me roll and spread!”

He flipped his palm and added a shot of Ziwei Star, facing the little yellow hair that flew, like a fly, and waved. The starlight of the hustle and bustle gathered together and a small starburst was blown up.

Starlight is like a solid condensed wind, whistling away, passing along the way, let the space appear a trace of cracks.

Geng Jiao is not flustered, her eyes are dignified, and the little yellow hair under her feet is burning, and her breath suddenly rises, and she vomits a flame.

The golden flame of this group is extraordinary, and the rudiment of the sun can be seen in the faint, like a new sun star.

Strictly speaking, the sun is also a star. In the Zhoutianxing Palace, the top ranked is the Sun Star Palace.

The flame that the little yellow hair is now squirting is also the secret technique of the ancestral ancestors of the Jinwu family, and the sun is shining. It is said that the golden sap of the adulthood, Zhangkou can spit out a small sun, which can blow up a continent.

Now this group of sun-star fires, although far from the legendary scene, can already have some shadows.

The starlight from the Ziwei Star, slowly melting under the burning of the Sun Star Fire, was eventually assimilated into it.

The goatee old man saw this scene and stunned: "Shen beast Jinwu?"

The **** beast Jinwu was born in the sun, and with the majesty of the sun, it is known as the master of the stars, and any starlight will be completely colorless in front of it.

He is the power of those who cultivate the stars, the beasts that they dream of, and the nemesis of all the power to cultivate the stars.

There is a ecstasy in the eyes of the goatee old man: "A young Jinwu, Heaven helps me, and the use of the Star Goddess is really the time, otherwise this Jinwuke is not my fault."


Star flag turned, this time the goat Hu old man, playing the spirit of twelve points, not as casual as the original. Under one blow, the force of the 80% of the body in the body was mobilized to push the star flag in the hand, and a loud bang of the smash hit the sun star fire.

The flame broke, and in a flash, the meteor fire and rain flashed in the sky above the top of the mountain.

"Small yellow hair, please, please." In the eyes of Jiao Jiao, there was a glimpse of a slight decision. The toes were on the back of the little yellow hair, and the figure was rising.

Xiao Huang Mao screamed twice, as if it was called Jiao Jiao, don't worry, it swayed, and the body suddenly split into countless golden flame feathers.

Thousands of flame feathers, a piece of film condensed on the body, like a gold armor, burning flames of light.

"Life sacrifice, the ban on the Jinwu family! This Xiaojinwu, what is it?"

The eyes of the goat Hu old people become confused. Jin Wu can be passed down to the ancestors in the blood, without the teacher, and comprehend all kinds of secret skills. But the sacrifice technique is the sufficiency of the king of the Jinwu family.

The golden armor made by the sacrifice of the little yellow hair, the breath of the body, became powerful.

She hovered in the sky, looking far away, golden light, flames, sacred and solemn, like the ancient goddess of Valkyrie.

His eyes were condensed, and Jiao Jiao held a pair of knives. The volley crossed a golden flame of light and took the initiative to kill the old man.

A great day of majesty, swept away, the old man of the goats found that the power of his own movement was completely suppressed.

This is undoubtedly a fatal danger for him. All his martial arts exercises from Zhou Tianxing Palace are related to Star Power. The power of the stars is suppressed, which is equivalent to abolishing half of the strength.

Temporarily stabilized, life sacrifices, there are time limits, time is over, this little Dacheng emperor, one can solve it.


The golden light, flashing in the air, the beautiful figure, the light in the air, the attack of the goats and the old man.

This is a dazzling battle, which is dazzling and overwhelming.

Time passes by, and the sound of the devil is not diminished. The goat Hu old man calmly waved the flag of Ziwei in his hand, and the defensive dripping does not leak.

"And let you arrogant, see when you can get proud of it." Goat Hu old man, although wolverine, but not at all panic, because he knows.

When the time limit for the sacrifice of life is reached, the devil will be immediately returned to the original shape. When the time comes to motivate the power of the stars, the woman can be dropped in seconds.

But at this time, a strong murderous, surrounded him.

Unrecognized, I saw a handle with a flash of thunder and a knife that appeared around him.

Heaven and earth, in all directions, endless, all flashing the thunder of the knife, forming a world with only a knife.

"Knife domain, what happened?"

In the eyes of the old man of the goat, the first look of panic, the emperor who can understand the knife field, has the ability to fight over the order, very terrifying.

The blue dynasty seal must have been blocked by the blue dynasty. The sorcerer Shura was able to kill countless Wudi at the beginning, and let the king of the emperor feel jealous of him because he understood the knife field.

"Blue predecessors, knowing the wrong, and giving me a chance, give me a chance."

Looking at the infinite Thunder Island, the goatee’s old man’s heart suddenly became chaotic. He was just a two-day Emperor Wu, and he was lucky enough to use the magical character to deceive the blue eyes. The opponent is really more energetic to kneel down, he is not an opponent at all, not to mention the fact that Starpower is still suppressed.

"Give you a chance? You kill the mountain, have you given me a chance?"

A cold sizzle sounded, and the Thunder knife field slammed, and the entire space was compressed. The goat eagle, who is locked in the knife field, has nowhere to hide, and is smashed through the tens of thousands of knives.

At the same time, in the sky, falling into the five-color starlight, holding the reincarnation of the battle flag, urging the body of Hundreds of Hung Hsiang, the morning of the leap, leap.

Knife light is like knowing him. He automatically separates a path for him. The star-shaped fusion of five different moods of killing, despair, destruction, death and sorrow on the flagpole.

With a bang, the position of the heart of the Emperor of the Goat Hu is stabbed.

Xiao Chen’s five-way resurgence of the reincarnation of the flag of the flag is still a bit reluctant, and now it is not only easy and free, the power of the mobilization of the power of the hundred roads, the power is more than a few times stronger.

The goat Hu old spit out a blood, and looked at Xiao Chen with surprise: "It's your knife!"

"Yes, it’s a pity that you are already a dead person."

Xiao Chen’s faceless expression is huge, and the battle flag is collected. The Thunder’s knife field moves with his mind and turns into the first hundred electric lights, breaking into his eyebrows.

On the body of the goat Hu, the body was bruised and bruised, the electric light flashed, the wound was wounded, and the knives of the wounds made it impossible for Wudi Golden Body to heal these wounds quickly.

But all the knife wounds add up, can't compare with the wound where the goat Hu Laotian is located. It is a black hole, and the heart of the emperor's emperor has completely disappeared.


Two golden flame knives crossed each other, and the head of the goat Hu old man fell instantly, letting him die completely.

The natural shot is the charm of wearing a golden armor, she is like a **** of war, and there is endless pressure on her body.

Xiao Chen had some doubts. When Xiaojiao became so strong, just about to open her mouth, she found the golden feathers on her body, and left a little.

After a while, the feathers gathered and burned into a flame, and the flames dissipated. What appeared in front of Xiao Chen was a brilliance white egg.

Xiao Chen recognized it at a glance. Isn't this the golden egg that hatches the little yellow hair?

In the time when I was fighting with evil thoughts, what happened in the end, how did Xiao Huang Mao become like this.

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