Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1427: Real strength

Tianfu Academy, the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and several emperors of the ancient family, looking at Xiao Chen, all showed an incredible look.

Xiao Chen just pointed out that the old man in black is flying, relying on the sudden shot, and the super power of the spirit.

Moreover, looking at the power of Xiao Chen’s just-in-one show, it’s not very clever. If it’s the full version of the rhythm, this black finger is bound to be difficult to get up.

There is only one possibility. Xiao Chen’s spirit has not yet reached home, but it’s only a small success.

When you take a test of a half-hearted scorpion, you want to challenge the Emperor of the Emperor with a great perfection of the emperor. It is no different from a dreamer.

"Oh, Qinglong Wang is the Qinglong King. After three days, we will definitely come to watch."

Several Wudi have left, and the laughter is full of disdain.

When the other Emperor Wudi left, the blue-faced face brush sank: "Little guy, are you crazy?"

Xiao Chen looked up: "How come?"

Lan Chaofeng said seriously: "I don't deny that you really have the power to fight with the Emperor Wu, but it is only the power of the First World War. If you really want to fight the life and death, the golden body of the Emperor Wu, and the strength of Hongmeng. And strength, drag on you will die."

"The rhinoceros is a finger, used for lore, it is really taboo. But the real life and death war, the other party will not give you the chance to kill, when you use the rhinoceros, when is your death."

Xiao Chen listened to this severe reprimand and did not feel any resentment. He was still able to hear the care of the blue dynasty.

Slightly smile, Xiao Chen said: "The younger generation is daring, and they learn from their predecessors."

"Teach me, are you sure?" The blue wave closed.

Xiao Chen nodded: "I am sure."

What Daxuan thought of in his heart, smiled and said: "Well, give you a chance to prove yourself. Even if you do it, I will suppress the strength to the realm of Emperor Wudi. I will really learn from you. If you can win me. After three days, I will let you play."

After that, the blue dynasty stretched out the right finger, and quickly clicked on the chest a few times, directly using his mystery to lower his repair.

And look at that look, in a short time, there is no way to reply. Made Xiao Chen some doubts, in his eyes, the blue dynasty seal is now a fake Emperor Wudi.

If you don't know the true strength of Lan Chaofeng, Xiao Chen will definitely be confused by the other side.

Lan Chaofeng saw Xiao Chen curious and smiled and explained: "Some small means of doing a killer before, sometimes you have to lower the strength, in order to lurk in the perfect. I have to use this mystery once again, I want to restore strength, at least I have to wait for a long time, so you can feel right with me."

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Predecessors seem to have great confidence. With only one realm of heaven, they can completely stop me."

Lan Chaofeng heard a sigh of relief, then laughed loudly: "You worry about me? Worried about yourself, saying that hurt your words, I think the Emperor of Heaven is a bit more."

"Okay, then there are many offenses!"

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, bowed his hand and bowed his head. The moment he looked up, he reached out and cut it.

In an instant, the electric light cut through the void, and the power of a hundred honours in Xiao Chen’s body was all mobilized, gathering in the sound of the blade.

I saw the white moonshadow knife, the streamer flickering, and arbitrarily slashed, and there was a black crack in the space.

The powerful force of Hong Meng rushes in the body, driving the power of the heavens and the earth around, forming a hundred dragons, flying wildly. The world is changing, the space is distorted, and the different scenery of the heavens and the earth is rapidly rotating.

The boss of Lan Chaofeng’s eyes couldn’t believe the scene in front of him, but he smiled helplessly: “You little guy, it’s not sounding, it’s hidden in such a big card, and the old man is worried about it for so long. I’m almost pitted. However, this means can not shake me."

Dagger in his hand, waving at the fingertips, and the power of the road is leaping. Behind the blue dynasty seal, there are also hundreds of invisible dragons, which lead to space distortion, and the scenery of the four sides is unpredictable.


When the dagger arbitrarily waved, it blocked the lightning-like knife of Xiao Chen. The moment the blade touched, the sky turned and the space was completely distorted.

The strangers and other people who came over came across a completely distorted picture, in the picture. The figures of Xiao Chen and Lan Chaofeng were stretched indefinitely and could not be seen clearly.

After a few people condensed all their mental powers into their eyes, they finally found some exact images through the layers of distorted space.

In the air, Xiao Chen actually used his own knifeless technique. In the close combat, he played a similar game with the blue dynasty.

The two apprentices of Lan Chaofeng, Lan Shaobai and the blue sky, were stunned.

"The close combat of the master has no advantage."

"The master always said that even the king of the king did not dare to approach him three inches. This time he really met his opponent."

Although a few people were surprised, the previous fears have been swept away. The current scene is obviously that Lan Chaofeng and Xiao Chen are studying, not a life-and-death battle.

Explain that Xiao Chen has come out and spent his own demons.


Suddenly, everyone felt a strong pressure, uncontrollable forced to retreat a hundred meters, the chest is more like a stone is uncomfortable.

I saw the two people in the air who were quite equal. The blue dynasty was suddenly forced out. Around Xiao Chen, a handle shimmered with a thunderous knives and could not stop humming.

If you are moved by your heart, you can make a knife.

"Knife field!"

In the minds of strangers and other people, at the same time, these two words were revealed, and Xiao Chen realized the knife field. In the realm of Emperor Wu, comprehend the ability to realize the field is the strongest of the rarities, but Xiao Chen, a great perfect emperor, actually realized his own knife field.

A good point!

Xiao Chen, who used the knife field to create opportunities, used his lightning to display his own lore. This time, his spirits and fingers were all out, and there was no reservation at all.

In the chest, nine thunder vortexes gather, and as the mind flashes, it gathers at the fingertips for a moment.


The horror of the horror came out, and the entire space of the sound shock began to shake violently. Everyone in the vicinity felt the eardrum very painful.

The timing of Xiao Chen’s grasp was very embarrassing. It was just a moment when the blue dynasty could not be prevented from being attacked by his own Thunder knife.

This finger has no timing to avoid, only hard to pick up.

Seeing the thunder shot, the clothes on the blue body were blown into pieces, the skin of the whole body was black, and the hair was erected, flashing a trace of residual electric light, and a burst of black smoke emerged.

The falling blue dynasty seal, after standing up, is like a refugee who fled, and there is still a little bit of high-ranking seniors.

"Master, master, you are fine."

Blue Shaobai and the blue dynasty seal, holding his nose and walking over, holding the blue dynasty to seal the road.

Lan Chaofeng broke the two angry, and had already been blown up by the black face. He couldn’t see any expression. He said coldly: "Your boy is full of sorrow. If it’s not my martial arts, it’s already six days. You have to I want my life."

It can be seen that the skin of the blue-faced body is re-growth at an extremely fast speed.

I waved my hand and looked at Xiao Chen coldly and turned and left.

After he left, the blue seal and the blue and white, could not help but laugh again.

Xiao Chen fell down, and some awkward words: "Less white, is it too embarrassing for me to shoot?"

Blue little white laughing: "Nothing, nothing, my teacher would love to brag, formerly taught us, love the weight of the realm, like us, have to beat us and what a miserable, this time you help me be The two have taken revenge."

Xiao Chen was ashamed in his heart and said: "Predecessors seem to be angry."

The blue sky laughed and said: "Can you not be angry? The cowhide is blown, and the blacks are fried. Don't talk, let me laugh for a while, hahaha!"

Suddenly, he found that Xiao Chen was constantly giving him a wink, and Blue Shaobai also recovered a serious look.

There is a bad hunch that spreads in my heart. The blue sky looks back and just sees it. I have already changed the blue dress of the good dress. I said, "Master, I definitely don’t laugh at the meaning of your old man. I just... ..."

Lan Chaofeng interrupted his words: "I understand that you just miss the previous teaching methods. Starting tomorrow, I will train for one month."

"Don't, master!" The blue sky mourned.

Lan Chaofeng looked at Xiao Chen again, letting Xiao Chen pick up without a reason, this time it really played big.

"You little guy, you really understand the knife field, come with me!" said a face with a face, the blue dynasty seal went straight ahead.

This situation makes Xiao Chen's heart more uncontrollable.

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