Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1446: Mysterious treasure

After a wave of twists and turns, the Longmen ceremony, which stunned the entire Kunlun world, finally ended satisfactorily.

How will this matter affect the future? How do you feel the headaches of the major holy places?

In Tianlong City, Xiao Chen is talking with the master sister Shui Lingling and listening to the other people's stories about the battlefield of the stars and the sky.

During the conversation, Xiao Chen learned that the master sister now has the realm of Dacheng Zhundi, and it is better to be better than the dust and blue and white. She was returned from the starry battlefield because she was injured. I did not expect to happen that Xiao Chen rebuilt the Longmen and rushed over.

Among the starry battlefields, it is the highest level of experience in the entire Kunlun world. There is no place to compare it.

Where you cultivate, not only can your realm be quickly improved, but the actual combat ability will not fall at all.

Similarly, the danger of the place, the Kunlun world does not have any place for trials, can be compared with it.

The young elites of the Abyss of the Abyss, the strength of the strong, gave them these days of pride, a great head. And the starry battlefield, even the elders, can't completely cover you.

That place is the real battlefield. It is the forefront of the battle between the Kunlun and the abyss. Once the starry fortresses of all ethnic groups are set up, all of them will fall, and the abyss will open a star road and directly kill Kunlun.

Instead of going to the past, it takes time to use the space gap created by the collision of the two worlds to enter Kunlun.

Xiao Chen asked some questions that were of concern to the mind: "There is no shortage of the emperor, Wen Ziran, San Shengzi, An Junxi and other supreme descendants. How is the strength now?"

Shui Lingling laughed and said: "They are progressing at a rapid pace. Compared with me, they are even stronger. But now they are trapped in the realm of Dacheng Zhundi. No one can enter the Great Perfection. If they know, in the battlefield of the stars This is so fast, it’s not as good as you, I don’t know what it will be.”

Xiao Chen smiled lightly, but it was calmer, without too much complacency, and said: "I am in the realm of Dacheng Zhundi, there is no accumulation at all, relying on shortcuts to become a perfect emperor. If they can be in Dacheng The land of the emperor, after a period of precipitation, under the accumulation of thin hair, may not be much worse than me."

What's more, he still has five years of looting, and now he has only been left for less than three years.

In the future, who can go further, it is still far from it, when it comes to knowing.

"Right, don't say this, I will send you something." Xiao Chen smiled and took the ancient yoke from the Qiankun ring and took it out and handed it over.

Shui Lingling took over, and looked at the doubts a few times. After a while, she was excited: "This is the yin of the gods on the list of the singer! Xiao Chen, how do you get it, I used to respect the teacher, he I can't find it for me."

Xiao Chen won the master sister, happy look, his face also showed a smile.

From the very first few years when he entered Kunlun, when he looked up at the world, the master sister helped him a lot. Such kindness and use of what to reward can not be overestimated, as long as he likes it.

"But it seems that the spirit is gone."

"Well, the spirit is indeed gone, but it is also convenient for you to directly refine it. This kind of **** soldier, as long as re-refining, will automatically create a spirit, and will be more intimate with you at that time." Xiao Chen explained.

Shui Lingling put the yoke to shoot the Japanese bow and smiled. "I like this bow very much. The sister is not polite with the younger brother. With this bow, I will be more confident in the starry battlefield."

Xiao Chen heard a shock: "Sister, I have to return to the starry battlefield."

Shui Lingling laughed and said: "That is nature, the starry battlefield, and as you said, Dacheng Zhundi needs to accumulate. This starry battlefield is the best destination for us."

Xiao Chen continued to inquire and asked about Xiaobai.

When I mentioned Xiao Bai, Shui Lingling showed a hint of admiration in her eyes. On the starry battlefield, among the most dazzling group of people, there was a white figure.

Even got a title, nine tails!

Xiao Chen heard that the corner of his mouth was slightly upturned, and he couldn’t think of the drunkard white, and one day he would get such a title.

"Walk, the celebration feast should be ready. You will go with me, see Yue Chenxi, and Jin scale and others. They are on this island and their achievements are not low."

The Longmen Grand Ceremony, successfully concluded, naturally has to hold a celebration banquet, and work hard to find a gantry for this. From the treasure house of Longmen, and Xiao Chen’s own collection, take out the baby and reward all those who have merit.

Shui Lingling smiled and said: "Well, I miss them a bit too. Look at you, they are suffering."

After the lively celebration party, Xiao Chen went alone and returned to his own mountain.

From the Qiankun ring, take out a holy healing medicinal herb, and Xiao Chen began to retreat.

On this day, I didn’t have a good rest. Now I have to heal myself. Otherwise, the sequelae of the gods will be difficult to get rid of.

In this battle today, he has repeatedly blocked the fourteen-handedly huge blade, and the cards are all out. It is a clear and thorough understanding of his own strength.

His foundation is still very different from the real Emperor Wu. If it is a Wudi who has a golden body, he will not be as bad as he is.

Half-step golden body, this half-step is his deadly and clear weakness under the seemingly powerful appearance.

At this moment, calm down, the smashing cloud in the Longmen ceremony once again appeared in his mind.

When the robbery cloud came out, the convergence of the air transport immediately stopped. This robbery cloud does not divide, fearing that the fate of the Dragon Gate will also be in the momentum of the rainbow, abruptly stopped.

In any case, the fire and the robbery, this can not be avoided, has become a big worry for Xiao Chen.

Even Yan Yanshi, can't simulate his raging fire, how strong his tyrannical catastrophe will be, it really makes people feel heavy.

Maybe I should go home before the robbery.

The holy healing medicinal herbs were all digested, and the injury was restored. Xiao Chen opened his eyes and murmured.

In the Cangjie world, the Emperor Wu was not allowed to come. After this raging fire, he could not go back. If the degree does not pass, he will definitely end up in a terrible situation, and there is no chance to go back.

Therefore, before the robbery, there are still more than two years, he must go back and see the people who should see.


The Xihai Dragon Palace, which is not too far from Tianlong Island, is now immersed in a repression, up to the upper level of the Dragon Palace, and servant slavery. Everyone's mood is extremely suppressed.

When the Longmen air transport gathers, the four clouds are like thousands of troops, rolling toward the dragon gate, and there are huge visions of the heavens and the earth, they are all in sight.

Everyone knows that this gantry air transport has already been completed, and the nearest Xihai Dragon Palace will be affected.

If it is earlier, move closer to it, maybe the Xihai Dragon Palace can take this as an opportunity to take it to the next level.

But now it is obviously impossible. The Dragon Palace knows that when the West Sea Dragon King is rushing back from the Star Island, the Xihai Dragon Palace and the Dragon Gate have already broken.

As long as you think about the future, no one can laugh out in the Xihai Dragon Palace.

Among the empty palaces, the waves of a person alone drinking wine, sullen face, people are daunting.

Drinking a glass of a cup of drink, you can suddenly see the wine, a stream of scarlet blood. The waves screamed and shattered into a smash.

His mouth was uncontrollably flowing out of a trace of blood, and his face could not help but twitch.

The Supreme Emperor Ying Zongtian’s hand on him has not been good yet. In the body, there is a mighty force that suppresses the power of his own, and does not allow the internal organs to recover.

"Oh brother, this time it hurts."

At this time, in the empty temple, a black figure came on the head. It is obviously not the people of the Xihai Dragon Palace, but it can be seen along the way, it seems that no one is alarmed.

The waves were shocked, but after seeing the appearance of the figure, the wariness slowly disappeared, and a trace of anger appeared.

"Heavenly treasure, what are you doing, I used to find you to destroy the Longmen ceremony together, you do not agree. Now I failed, come see me joke?"

The coming person is not someone else, it is the father of Yiling, the most mysterious treasure in the stars.

The treasure owner handed out a jade bottle: "The holy Dan inside can quickly recover your wounds."

"What are you doing in the end?" Cang Lang took over Sheng Dan and looked suspiciously at each other.

The treasure owner smiled faintly: "Do not do anything, I will give you a chance to revenge in the future."

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