Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Vol 3 Chapter 1471: Under the Emperor Wudi can be called invincible

The white-haired old man is so embarrassed that the two people were originally aggressive, and they must take down the momentum of Xiao Chen.

Qin Hu’s heart was helpless, and he asked for help: “Let me wait, I will not ask you for trouble later.”

Xiao Chen said: "I don't want to find you trouble, you should be lucky, but also want to find me trouble? My hatred with the three holy places, has long been set, let go of you, the three holy places will not let me go. ”

"You said, how can I let me wait?"

The Canglong Grand Array was broken, and now it is once again in the hands of Xiao Chen. Qin Hu and the white-haired old man have no war.

Xiao Chen faintly said: "Let you leave, but this body must be left behind!"

"in your dream!"

"This is the foundation of the Holy Land. There is only one armor in a single holy place. We are all giving you, you don't have three sets of one person, absolutely don't think so."

Both of them were shocked and angry, and they did not expect that Xiao Chen’s appetite would be so great.

Xiao Chen looks the same, calmly said: "You made a mistake, the weak have no chance to choose, or you take the initiative to take off this armor, or I will personally kill you after you have completely killed them."

"How to choose, give you ten opportunities to breathe."

In the face of the strength of Xiao Chen, both of them are helpless and do not know how to deal with it.

Ten breaths of time did not allow people to have too much room for thinking. The two men struggled and finally ended up, painfully agreeing with Xiao Chen’s request.

Received the two armor, Xiao Chen in the ruins, will find out the white, and successfully get the Suzaku armor.

Three sets of the best king-level secret treasures, it is a big gain, but Xiao Chen did not intend to let go of the three.

The three men were obviously premeditated and instructed. Now Kunlun, what should happen. If not, the Three Holy Lords will not be so bold, dare to blatantly find him trouble.

Just when I was about to ask, Xiao Chen sensed three breaths and walked step by step from afar.

Looking up, among the smoke in the distance, three pale-faced men, dressed in blood, quickly came.

Among the three people, especially the middle person, the most dangerous feeling for him. When the walk is near, see the purple lines in the eyebrows, Xiao Chen brows slightly wrinkled: "Devil king, is it for the heart of the sky?"

It stands to reason that when the tears have not yet broken, the surprise attack will fail once, and there will be no second time.

"Qinglong Wang Xiaochen, I want to come to you, I have heard of your name in the devil world." The middle king of the Gorefiend, looked around the ruins, continued: "Yes, I didn't think about this big dragon." How to break it, it was so easily broken by you."

"Devil kings enchanting!" Qin Hu three, shocked, the devil of the 18th Emperor's blood, but notoriously powerful.

Now that Cang Long is not in the big battle, his armor has been taken away, and even self-protection has become a problem.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and asked the person to ask: "Where is it, let me talk about it."

The other party has no squatting hand, and it is not for the heart of the sky, but also for the hidden.

"This is our blood son, not to grab your heart, to release Miss Manlan, we will leave." The right hand of the blood son, proud attitude, cold and cold.

Xiao Chen can be no matter what the blood son is not bloody, the unkind way: "Let people? Kill me thousands of Wusong Palace, want to leave so easily, impossible!"

"You want to die!"

The blood son swings his hand to stop the two servants next to him and smiles: "Everything is good to discuss, what requirements do you have? If you ask for it, as long as you are willing to let it go, you can say anything. Just now the three people are going to kill you. You also said a lot of conditions. After that, isn’t it a good talk?”

Xiao Chen calmly said: "Speaking conditions? Yes, give me a bottle of Hong Meng Dan, I can not see you, let you go."

The blood son heard the words angry, this Xiao Chen did not put them in the eyes, actually treated them directly as prisoners: "You really do not know how to live and die?"

Xiao Chen smiled, Tai Chi force appeared, his body flashed. Originally, he was quiet, and after he moved, it was like a dragon flying in the sky, bringing up the general trend of the sky.

Fast, the dragons are changing, the dragons are flying, and the squares are scattered.

The knife in his hand is not sheathed, so he goes to the blood son and slashes.


The blood of the son was shocked, the speed of the fast, left and right, two steps forward, blocked in front of him, want to stop Xiao Chen this knife.

"Can you stop it?"

Xiao Chen sneered, and the long knife swayed, and the situation was heavy and unpredictable.

The two Gorefiend faces sank, the face that was originally scorned, never again, to make full effort, try to block.


In the blink of an eye, the two felt that their arms were sore and difficult to parry, and they could not keep up with the rhythm.

"I come!"

The blood of the son was condensed and rushed forward. The two servants breathed a sigh of relief and quickly went away.

"Good to come." Xiao Chen laughed, the momentum was like a rainbow, all the way to crush, forcing the three people all the way back.

The figure is flashing, the afterimage is burning, and Xiao Chen takes a pair of three, but it completely occupies the advantage. The three people who play are stepping back step by step.

The rhythm of the battle is too fast, but after a few breaths, it has already been hundreds of moves. The three sons of the blood, all do their best, have no reservations at all, but they are still being pressed.


In the fast rhythm, Xiao Chen suddenly slowed down. In the Taiji force field, the movements of the blood son and others seemed to slow down.

The three were caught off guard. I didn’t have time to understand it. Xiao Chen’s knife slashed forward and was pushed out.

Two weaker servants vomited blood on the spot and rolled to the ground.

The blood son stepped back a hundred steps before he stood firm and looked at Xiao Chen. His eyes were filled with deep taboos.

He used the royal Gorefiend, after the activation, the power of the terrible, not afraid of Xiao Chen's power. Xiao Chen’s martial arts skills have made him unheard of and can’t keep up with the rhythm.

It was easily played by Xiao Chen in the palm of his hand. As he expected, the trouble was not terrible. The terrible thing was this sudden accident.

"What strength are you?" asked the blood son.

Xiao Chen’s faint road: “Under the Emperor Wu, it can be called invincible!”

"Invincible?" The blood son said coldly: "Sit in the sky, don't think that you have obtained some ancient martial arts, you dare to say such a big story, use secret techniques!"


The two servants nodded, and the body of the three **** sons suddenly turned into bats, thousands of bats gathered together, and the blood scorpion appeared again in front of Xiao Chen. This time, it was more than doubled. A trace of emperor spread from him.

Xiao Chen frowned: "In the devil's world, the three people fit together, so that the main strength doubles, and there is such a secret."

"Well, let's not let go, force me to use the ban, this is what you are looking for!"

The blood scorpion snorted coldly and returned to Xiao Chen with a punch, a punch and blood. This punch is like a bombardment from the **** sea.

In front of Xiao Chen’s eyes, there is a vast ocean of blood, endless and endless. The blood son came to the waves, and there were thousands of blood waves behind him. They burst into the sky and burst into flames. The **** sea spread instantly.

The huge pressure, with the **** sea, and the big waves, Xiao Chen is very small.

"These royal enchanting, really a small sigh." Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, the power of Hong Meng was all mobilized, each two and a half, Taiji force field suddenly filled the emperor.

The momentum of the king of Xiao Chen was all exuded, and his body was shaking, and he waved the scabbard to catch the fist.


Above the fist, the force is too big, and the body of Xiao Chen, with the rotation of the Taiji force field, slowly dissolves the strength.

The **** son is compelling, and after a punch, it is an attack that rushes into the sea, like a storm, and the rumbling falls.

Xiao Chen played slowly, like a boat on the ocean, and his body was shaking, leaving behind a shadow.

In the eyes of the outside world, the space in which the two are located is turning around in a whirlwind. The scenery is like a glimpse of light, and it keeps flashing. It is completely chaotic and cannot be seen clearly.

The defensive defensive, letting a **** son with a strong strength, is in a hurry, has to continue to speed up his own speed.

After a thousand tricks, Xiao Chen was acutely aware that the speed of the blood son was slower, which was obviously a lack of success, and he wanted to pull out.


He seized the opportunity, the moonshadow knife was squirted in an instant, within a kilometer, the light dissipated, and the moment of the knife, Xiao Chen together with the knife in his hand, at the same time into the darkness.

It wasn't that he was in the dark, but his light was too strong, and all the light in the kilometer was driven out.

This knife is named, Eternal Light!

Just after the **** son who had retired his mind, he was cut off by a knife when he couldn’t escape. The blood was dissipated, and the bats fluttered in horror.

With a bang, the bats condensed, and the blood spurts the blood to the ground.

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